Hip Dysplasia | Hip Replacement treatment in Bonn in Children. Hospital Prices, Ranking, Reviews - Bookinghealth

Hip Dysplasia — Hip Replacement in Children: treatment in Bonn - Germany

➤Hip replacement for hip dysplasia in children - treatment in Bonn ★ Direct prices from the best hospitals in Germany $ We will help you save money on treatment ✔ Patient support 24/7

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University Hospital Bonn
Specialized hospital
Germany, Bonn

University Hospital Bonn

Overall rating 9.2 / 10

Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Neuro-Orthopedics

The Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Neuro-Orthopedics offers the full range of services in these fields and specializes in the diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those with impaired neurological functions. Such pediatric pathologies represent a difficult task for orthopedists, therefore the department’s clinical practice is based on an individual approach to each young patient and selection of the most optimal treatment strategy for him. The department offers both classical and innovative therapeutic techniques in order to ensure the most effective functional restoration of the musculoskeletal system in children.

Richard Placzek
Prof. Dr. med.Richard Placzek
Price from: 20489.53
Beta Clinic Bonn
Germany, Bonn

Beta Clinic Bonn

Overall rating 9.7 / 10

Department of Adult and Pediatric Orthopedics, Foot Surgery

According to the Focus magazine, the Department of Adult and Pediatric Orthopedics, Foot Surgery ranks among the best German medical facilities specializing in hip surgery! The department treats the full range of musculoskeletal diseases in adults and children. Special attention is paid in the medical facility to the treatment of pathologies of large joints, foot diseases and deformities, and congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in children. The department has comprehensive treatment programs for chronic back pain. In addition, stem cell injections are successfully performed here for treating knee and hip arthrosis. The department has an innovative AutoCart technique for cartilage cell transplantation and restoration of cartilage tissue in patients with joint degeneration. Interventional and surgical treatment is complemented by well-chosen conservative therapy, including therapeutic exercises, manual medicine, acupuncture, magnetotherapy, shock wave therapy, and other techniques. The department has advanced equipment adapted for the treatment of orthopedic diseases of any complexity in adults and children. The experience and professional skills of the doctors deserve special attention because, according to ratings based on patient reviews on the Jameda website, the department's three leading doctors enjoy the status of the best orthopedists in Bonn.

Peter Braun
Dr. med.Peter Braun
Price from: 20476.9