Chronic Spinal Pain Treatment in Mechernich - Germany: Best Hospitals, Reviews, Prices - Booking Health

Treatment of Chronic Spinal Pain in Mechernich - Germany

➤Chronic spinal pain Treatment in Mechernich ✔ Information about hospitals and doctors ★ Rankings ✔ Reviews $ Prices ✉ Send request to the hospital

Best hospitals and doctors for chronic spinal pain treatment in Mechernich

Leading hospitals

Cost for treatment

Diagnostic tests for chronic spinal pain
Treatment of pain after spinal surgery (failed back surgery syndrome) with implantation of an epidural catheter for selective injection of drugs into the epidural space
Neurological rehabilitation Phase C
Academic Hospital of the University of Bonn Mechernich
Germany, Mechernich
Academic Hospital of the University of Bonn Mechernich
Overall rating9.2 / 10
The Academic Hospital of the University of Bonn Mechernich offers comprehensive healthcare services in accordance with the highest university medicine standards. The health of patients is in the safe hands of a large team of highly qualified physicians and nurses, numbering more than 1,000 employees. The Academic Hospital of the
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