Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Treatment in Bonn - Germany: Best Hospitals, Reviews, Prices - Booking Health

Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Bonn - Germany

➤Lumbar spinal stenosis Treatment in Bonn ✔ Information about hospitals and doctors ★ Rankings ✔ Reviews $ Prices ✉ Send request to the hospital

Best hospitals and doctors for lumbar spinal stenosis treatment in Bonn

Leading hospitals

Cost for treatment

Diagnostic tests for lumbar spinal stenosis
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (1 segment) with decompressive laminectomy and discotomy
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (2-3 segments) with decompressive laminectomy and discotomy
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (4 segments) with decompressive laminectomy
Surgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in combination with instability with decompressive laminectomy and the stabilizing operation (4 segment)
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in combination with instability with decompressive laminectomy and the stabilizing operation (1 segment)
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in combination with instability with decompressive laminectomy and the stabilizing operation (2-3 segments)
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (1 segment) with decompressive laminectomy
Treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (4 segments) with decompressive laminectomy and discotomy
Neurological rehabilitation Phase C
Beta Clinic Bonn
Germany, Bonn
Beta Clinic Bonn
Overall rating9.7 / 10
The Beta Clinic Bonn is a modern private healthcare facility with 20 specialized departments. In addition, the clinic cooperates with 30 independent doctors of various specializations, most of whom have their own private practices. The doors of the clinic first opened for patients in 2008. Since that time, the medical facility h
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