Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova

Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova is a specialist in the field of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, with a special interest to the endocrine pathology. Doctor pays special attention to the comprehensive approach to the patient, not limiting work to spheres of her specialization.
Dr. N. Ivanisova began her practice in the department of therapy, where she gained extensive experience in treating the full spectrum of the internal organs diseases. After that, she received an additional professional specialization in order to provide qualified help to patients with the endocrine pathology.
Hormonal pathology is a specialized branch of medicine that requires the most accurate diagnosis, medical judgement and extensive practical experience. Without help of a competent doctor, patients with endocrine disorders may not be aware of their diagnosis for years and unsuccessfully look for other causes of health problems.
Dr. N. Ivanisova regularly participates in thematic conferences devoted to new developments in the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal deviations. Also she is a member of the “Club of Endocrinological Innovations”. This allows her to use all the possibilities for effective and safe therapy of the most peculiar endocrine disorders.
In addition to active practical work, the doctor pays attention to self-education and in-depth study of particular endocrinological aspects. They include, for example, “Endocrine aspects of the gonads pathology“ and “Endocrine aspects of pregnancy planning“.
The doctor takes part in comprehensive patient education within the framework of the School of Diabetes. Writing popular science articles is another way to help people assess their health and promptly seek necessary treatment.
LSMU (Luhansk State Medical University) diploma АН No. 4133070 dated 06/24/2011
Certification in Therapy, certificate No. 323 dated 06/21/2013
Certifications in Endocrinology, certificate No. 2691 dated 11/25/2013, No. 16698 dated 02/13/2024
Profile on linkedin.com
Medical center "MEDPROFCENTER"