Department of Urology | Treatment in JSC Medicina Clinic Moscow | Departments. Russia | BookingHealth
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Department of Urology - JSC Medicina Clinic Moscow

JSC Medicina Clinic Moscow

Moscow, Russia
Department id # 318937
Doctor photo
Dr. med. Belkin Andrey
Department of Urology
Specialized in: urology

About the Department of Urology at JSC Medicina Clinic Moscow

With the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods, the Department of Urology at the JSC Medicina Clinic under the direction of 1st category doctor Belkin Andrey Ivanovich offers the entire spectrum of modern urology. The priorities of the department include endoscopic/laparoscopic urology, onco-urology, treatment of kidney stone disease, andrology, treatment of varicocele, urinary incontinence and benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

The department is the leader of endoscopic urology. This diagnostic and treatment method is based on the introduction of endoscope (examining optical device) into the body.  It allows to examine and perform therapeutic manipulations through small natural orifices of the body not exceeding 1 cm in diameter. In particular, endoscopic interventions include: TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate), transurethral resection of the bladder, contact lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy, cystoscopy, cystolithotripsy, optical urethrotomy, prostate TUEB. A valuable experience of qualified medical personnel, headed by Dr. A.I. Belkin, and the availability of a modern arsenal of high-tech equipment guarantees high accuracy and absolute safety for human health.

Also, the department specializes in the surgical treatment of urological cancers (onco-urology) offering treatment for kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers. Simultaneously with the surgical treatment, one can undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

Overall, the service range of the Department of Urology covers the following options:

  • Treatment of kidney stone disease by means of modern minimally invasive techniques
  • The entire spectrum of standard urological interventions
  • Early diagnosis and radical treatment of prostate cancer
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence in women
  • Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis
  • Diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • Correction of age-related androgen deficiency
  • Diagnosis and treatment of men with impaired fertility of sper

Photo of the doctor: (c) Clinic JSC "Medicine"