Neurorehabilitation (neurological Rehabilitation) — Phase C in Feldafing - Germany
Treatment prices are regulated by national law of the corresponding countries, but can also include additional hospital coefficients. In order to receive the individual cost calculation, please send us the request and medical records.
Department of Neurology and Neurological Rehabilitation
The Department of Neurology and Neurological Rehabilitation offers high quality emergency care and the full range of rehabilitation measures for patients with diseases of the nervous system. Particular attention is paid to early rehabilitation, which begins during the acute period of the disease, when the patient is in the intensive care unit. It is early rehabilitation that avoids the irreversible loss of vital functions of the nervous system. The department's specialists have excellent qualifications in the rehabilitation of stroke patients. The department's therapeutic options include various methods of physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological and neuropsychological care. The rehabilitation program is developed individually for each patient after comprehensive diagnostics, which allows for assessing his neurological status and determining the goals of rehabilitation.