Hip Dysplasia | Hip Replacement treatment in Muenster in Children. Hospital Prices, Ranking, Reviews - Bookinghealth

Hip Dysplasia — Hip Replacement in Children: treatment in Muenster - Germany

➤Hip replacement for hip dysplasia in children - treatment in Muenster ★ Direct prices from the best hospitals in Germany $ We will help you save money on treatment ✔ Patient support 24/7

Treatment prices are regulated by national law of the corresponding countries, but can also include additional hospital coefficients. In order to receive the individual cost calculation, please send us the request and medical records.

University Hospital Muenster
Specialized hospital
Germany, Muenster

University Hospital Muenster

Overall rating 9.8 / 10

Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Reconstruction of Malformations and Foot Surgery

The Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Reconstruction of Malformations and Foot Surgery offers the full range of services in these medical fields. The main areas of specialization in pediatric orthopedics are the treatment of hip pathologies, feet and hand deformities, and congenital deformities of the lower limbs. The department treats more than 5,000 patients annually. It performs about 200 foot surgeries and more than 150 hip surgical procedures. With 2,000 ultrasound examinations of the hip joint per year, the department is the leading specialized medical facility in the North Rhine-Westphalia region.

Robert Rödl
Prof. Dr. med.Robert Rödl
Price from: 18106.6