Nerve Damage - Surgery Treatment in the Best Hospitals - Prices, Ranking, Reviews | Booking Health™

Surgical Treatment of Nerve Damage in the Best Hospitals in the World

Nerve Damage — Surgery: treatment in the Best Hospitals ⚕️Choose among recommended Clinics and Hospitals with the highest accreditation ✔️Reasonable costs for treatment ✔️ Contact us 24/7!

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University Hospital Ulm
University Hospital Ulm
Overall rating 8.73571 / 10

Department of Adult and Pediatric Trauma Surgery, Hand Surgery, Foot Surgery and Plastic Surgery

The Department of Adult and Pediatric Trauma Surgery, Hand Surgery, Foot Surgery and Plastic Surgery offers the full range of medical services in areas of its specialization. Founded in 1973, the department has earned the status of one of the best medical facilities of this kind in Germany. The department provides both conservative and surgical treatment of injuries of any severity in adults and children, as well as pathologies and deformities of the hand and foot. The department's specialists also effectively treat bone and soft tissue tumors in cooperation with orthopedists. In the field of plastic surgery, the main focus is on reconstructive interventions, skin grafting, and the removal of benign and malignant skin tumors. The department has 100 beds for the hospitalization of patients. The medical facility is certified by the German Trauma Society (DGU) as a supraregional Trauma Center, so patients can count on high-quality treatment using the most advanced therapeutic methods. The department's trauma surgeons also have long experience in the treatment of injuries in elderly patients (DGU certification). Patient care is provided on both an inpatient and an outpatient basis, with many minor surgical procedures being performed on an outpatient basis without a mandatory hospital stay. The team of the department's doctors works in accordance with current clinical protocols, always prioritizing the use of sparing treatment methods.

Florian Gebhard
Prof. Dr. med.Florian Gebhard
Price from: 21637.48

Department of Adult and Pediatric Plastic, Aesthetic, Reconstructive Surgery, Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Burn Surgery

The Department of Adult and Pediatric Plastic, Aesthetic, Reconstructive Surgery, Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Burn Surgery offers the full range of modern plastic surgical interventions, operations for the treatment of hand diseases and injuries, as well as reconstructive operations for patients with burn injuries, including highly severe. The department uses the very latest plastic reconstructive methods for the treatment of posttraumatic and postoperative complications, chronic degenerative diseases and congenital malformations. The medical facility has vast experience in breast reconstruction using the patient's autologous tissue. The department's aesthetic plastic surgeons perform various operations to improve the appearance: facelift, breast augmentation, liposuction, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty and other interventions. Prior to any intervention, the patient undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic examination to exclude contraindications and health risks. The team of the department’s surgeons deservedly enjoys an excellent reputation throughout Germany, providing patients with the best quality of medical care.

Peter Vogt
Prof. Dr. med.Peter Vogt
Price from: 22652.25

Department of Hand Surgery and Peripheral Nerve Microsurgery

The Department of Hand Surgery and Peripheral Nerve Microsurgery offers the full range of services in these medical fields. Both high qualification and unique experience of the department’s specialists allow them to perform various surgical interventions with the use of the very latest surgical instruments and techniques that provide excellent results and rapid recovery of patients. Treatment is provided on both an inpatient and outpatient basis.

Michael Becker
PD Dr. med.Michael Becker
Price from: 22589.61

Peripheral neuropathy refers to an extensive group of diseases in which the injuries of one or several peripheral nerves occur. If only one nerve is injured, this condition is called mononeuropathy. If the function of several structures of the peripheral nervous system is injured simultaneously, it is the polyneuropathy. This group of diseases requires accurate diagnostics in order to identify, and then eliminate the root cause of the nerve damage.

Сauses of the disease

A number of internal and external factors may damage the nerves. The term “peripheral neuropathy” means that the nerve fibers are injured for some reasons, while the brain and the spinal cord are intact. The result is the sensory and motor disorders in certain areas of the body. The following factors may cause a nerve damage:

  • physical damage;
  • autoimmune process;
  • infectious disease;
  • toxins;
  • ischemia (circulatory failure);
  • metabolic disorders (among endocrine diseases, the diabetes mellitus mostly leads to the peripheral neuropathy).

Sometimes a nerve damage occurs acutely. In other situations, a chronic demyelinating disease (Guillain-Barré syndrome, chronic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, paraproteinemic polyneuropathy, alcoholic peripheral neuropathy, etc.) leads to this condition.

Acute nerve injuries are possible in intoxication, trauma (nerve compression or stretching), burns, or electric shock. The peripheral nerves can be injured by a tumor, a foreign body, an inflammatory process.

The diagnostics

Qualitative diagnostics plays a crucial role in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. A doctor needs to find out the causes of the nerve damage. If the effect of the causative factor continues, it must be eliminated.

Initially, the patient is examined by a neurologist. If we are talking about the functional disorder of a single nerve or a group of symmetrically located nerves, it is enough just to look at the clinical symptoms in order to find out the damage localization.

After the assessment of symptoms, the laboratory and instrumental tests are carried out. They are aimed at clarifying the nature of disorders and their causes. The following examinations are administered:

  • general clinical examinations;
  • electrophysiological examination;
  • assessment of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • determination of inflammation markers in the blood;
  • imaging tests (CT, MRI, ultrasound examination).

The list of necessary examinations is determined for each patient individually. It depends on the clinical symptoms, suspected cause of the nerve damage, anamnesis, and other factors.

After the examination, the doctor proceeds to the treatment. It is carried out with the help of drugs as well as by means of drug-free methods. Main purposes of the therapy include elimination of symptoms, restoration of injured structures of the peripheral nervous system, as well as the cessation of the impact of a disturbing factor in order to stop the disease progression.

The best hospitals abroad

The treatment of peripheral neuropathy requires the extensive diagnostic capabilities and high professionalism of the doctors. These pathologies are often treated quite hard and the treatment is not always effective. Therefore, many people from countries with poorly developed medicine prefer to undergo a course of examination and treatment abroad. Often, the admission to foreign hospitals helps to achieve significantly better results.

There are many hospitals in Europe which specialize in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy and other diseases of the nervous system. The modern drugs, surgical interventions, stem cells are used there in order to recover the injured nerves. The cost of treatment in such medical facilities may be higher but the results are better. After the treatment, the person has the following benefits:

  • avoiding pain and other disturbing symptoms;
  • restoring the nerve function after the injury;
  • compensating the remaining disorders and acquiring the new skills.

The treatment abroad is aimed at the elimination of the cause of peripheral neuropathy in order to stop further nerves damage. If it is possible, the doctors fully restore the structure of injured nerves.

After a course of therapy, a person can undergo a neurological rehabilitation abroad. In order to restore the structure and the function of the nerves after their injury, the following therapies are used:

  • therapeutic exercise;
  • orofacial stimulation;
  • functional proprioceptive training;
  • deep tissue massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • fangotherapy;
  • exercises in the pool and on the mechanical simulators;
  • breathing exercises;
  • neuromuscular electrical stimulation and many other procedures.

The treatment program and rehabilitation are elaborated individually for each patient because the list of procedures and interventions depends on the type of nerve damage, the cause and degree of damage to the structures of nervous system.

The list best hospitals abroad for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy includes:

  • Bundeswehr Academic Hospital, Berlin.
  • Beta Klinik Bonn.
  • University Hospital Ulm.
  • Charite University Hospital, Berlin.

The listed medical facilities are located in Germany. The cost of treatment is usually higher there than in most other countries. Those who want to save money can try to undergo therapy in Israel, Turkey, or other countries.

Organization of the treatment abroad

If you decide to receive a treatment abroad in order to restore nerves and get rid of neuropathy symptoms, you may use the services of the company Booking Health. We can arrange a treatment for you in Germany, Israel, Turkey, and some other countries of the world. The specialists of the company Booking Health will select the best hospital for you and will fully arrange a program of the treatment abroad. Thanks to the cooperation with us you will get many advantages, such as:

  • Choosing the right hospital which specializes in the treatment of nerve diseases.
  • Establishing direct communication with your doctor.
  • Preparing medical program without repeating previous diagnostic examinations.
  • Agreement on the best value for you, without overpricing for foreign patients.
  • Making the appointment on the convenient date.
  • Control of the diagnostic and treatment program at all stages.
  • Communication with the hospital after completion of the therapy course.
  • Control of invoices and return of unspent funds.
  • Organization of additional examinations.

The company Booking Health provides the high level services, such as: booking tickets and hotels, transfer from the airport to the hospital and back. We will take care of all questions concerning the organization of the treatment. We will support you throughout the entire period of your stay abroad.