About the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Pain Management at Specialized Rehabilitation Clinic Jägerwinkel Bad Wiessee
According to the Focus magazine, the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Pain Management at the Specialized Rehabilitation Clinic Jägerwinkel Bad Wiessee ranks among the best rehabilitation centers in its fields of competence!
The department's patients are provided with the widest range of conservative methods for the treatment of various diseases, injuries and pain in the musculoskeletal system, including the spine. The department widely uses its own uniquely designed multimodal pain therapy by Martin Marianowicz to eliminate joint and back pain, who is the founder of the clinic and a famous German orthopedist. The efforts of the specialists of the medical facility are aimed at ensuring that the patient gets rid of the pain syndrome and regains mobility without surgical treatment. Each treatment regimen is developed individually, based on specific clinical data. The department has excellent diagnostic capabilities that allow for the accurate assessment of the degree of damage to a particular anatomical structure of the musculoskeletal system. The team of the department's doctors makes sure that the patient feels as comfortable as possible, shows understanding and a friendly attitude, in every possible way supporting the patient on the way to recovery. The department is headed by Dr. med. Florian Heimlich.
To select the most effective complex of rehabilitation measures, the patient undergoes comprehensive examination, which, depending on the diagnosis, may include X-ray, computed tomography, 4D spine and posture analysis to assess the statics of the body and gait, examination in the functional diagnostics laboratory and other studies. The attending physician necessarily explains to the patient the scheme of the forthcoming treatment at an individual consultation and answers all questions of interest. The duration of the rehabilitation program depends on the degree of damage to the joints, spine and other anatomical structures of the musculoskeletal system.
The department's medical team regularly admits patients with back pain (for example, with herniated intervertebral discs, after spinal surgery), joint pain, arthrosis, degenerative tendon lesions, osteoporosis, sports injuries.
To eliminate pain in the back and joints, the department's specialists often use multimodal pain management, which includes the use of physiotherapy and a number of other rehabilitation procedures, as well as work with a psychotherapist. The help of a competent psychotherapist plays an important role in the recovery process of patients, since long-term pain syndrome provokes the development of depression and apathy in a person, which negatively affects the treatment outcomes.
With appropriate clinical indications, the department's doctors use the methods of bioregenerative medicine. In this case, the task of the specialists is to cure the disease by stimulating their own regeneration processes. The department's medical team has extensive experience in the field of autologous blood therapy and stem cell therapy, which provide excellent therapeutic results.
In some cases, the department's doctors resort to interventional pain therapy. As a rule, this type of treatment may be required for herniated discs, knee, hip and intervertebral joint arthrosis, spinal canal stenosis, radicular syndrome, spondylolisthesis and sacroiliac joint pain. Interventional pain therapy is CT-guided, which guarantees high safety of the therapeutic manipulation. This type of treatment is an excellent alternative to surgical intervention, and also often allows achieving excellent results. Another advantage of interventional pain therapy is that it can be repeated without health risks.
Quite often, patients who had sports injuries, spinal surgery or joint replacement surgery are admitted to the department. Such patients need a comprehensive rehabilitation program to restore mobility and eliminate pain. The treatment programs are also developed on an individual basis with the participation of orthopedists, therapists, neurologists and radiologists. Whenever required, other specialists are involved in the rehabilitation process. During recovery, physiotherapy, manual therapy, medical training therapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, water aerobics and other techniques are used.
The department specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with the following diseases:
- Back pain (for example, in case of herniated discs, after spinal surgery, etc.)
- Joint pain
- Knee, hip and intervertebral joint arthrosis
- Osteoporosis
- Degenerative tendon lesions (for example, in case of rheumatism)
- Sports injuries (acute and chronic)
- Spinal stenosis
- Radicular syndrome
- Spondylolisthesis
- Sacroiliac joint pain
- Other diseases and pathological conditions
The department's therapeutic options include:
- Multimodal pain management
- Interventional pain therapy
- Bioregenerative medicine methods
- Autologous blood therapy
- Stem cell therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Manual therapy
- Medical training therapy
- Special set of exercises on the Gyrotonic Expansion System
- Stochastic resonance therapy
- Neurobike (stepper bike) training
- Classic massage
- Ayurvedic massage
- Lymphatic drainage
- Water aerobics
- Kinesiotherapy with gait training
- Radiofrequency therapy
- Microlaser therapy
- Shockwave therapy
- Magnetotherapy
- Traditional Chinese medicine methods
- Relaxation techniques
- Other treatments
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Florian Heimlich received his medical education at the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg, and also had training at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Dr. Florian Heimlich's professional medical career began as an Assistant Physician in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Within the framework of preparation for board certification in the field of orthopedics and traumatology, the doctor worked in the Department of Emergency Surgery and Intensive Care. In these positions, he gained invaluable experience. In February 2016, he received his specialization in manual medicine / chiropractic. Prior to becoming the Head Physician in the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Pain Management at the Specialized Rehabilitation Clinic Jägerwinkel Bad Wiessee in 2019, the doctor worked in a joint Private Practice for Orthopedic Surgery in Munich. In this position, his main responsibilities included surgical, interventional and conservative treatment of a wide range of spinal diseases.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Der Jägerwinkel Privatklinik GmbH