Department of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | Treatment in St. Elisabethen Hospital Lörrach | Departments. Germany | BookingHealth
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Department of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy - St. Elisabethen Hospital Lörrach

St. Elisabethen Hospital Lörrach

Lörrach, Germany
Department id # 371108
Doctor photo
Dr. med. Clemens Keutler
Department of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Specialized in: pediatric psychiatry, psychotherapy

About the Department of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at St. Elisabethen Hospital Lörrach

The Department of Pediatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the St. Elisabethen Hospital Lörrach offers the full range of services in these medical fields. It provides the treatment of children between the ages of 5-18. The department has 20 beds for inpatients and 12 beds in the day clinic. The highly qualified specialists with rich experience and in-depth expert knowledge take care of the health of young patients. The department is headed by Dr. med. Clemens Keutler. 

The department's multidisciplinary medical team consists of doctors, psychologists, occupational therapists, specialists in music, movement and occupational therapy, educators, social workers and specially trained nursing staff.

The therapy is prescribed individually, taking into account the specific clinical condition of the child. The clinical practice involves the use of extremely effective treatments, which have been tested by multiple clinical trials and received international recognition. In addition, the important treatment elements are planned daily life, a healthy diet and well-planned leisure activities for which nursing staff are responsible.

The department offers unique methods of music therapy, occupational therapy (for example, a workshop for woodcarving, a workshop for repairing bicycles) and various medical and pedagogical methods.

Social counseling of all family members on any issues of interest plays an important role as well.

Some mental disorders require long-term treatment, therefore, a special school operates in the department, where children study in small groups. This helps young patients not to waste time, but follow the school curriculum.

The department’s service range covers the diagnostics and treatment of the following mental disorders in children and adolescents:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive syndrome (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Psychosis (schizophrenia)
  • Somatic symptom disorder
  • Impulse control disorder
  • Attention disorders
  • Social behavior disorders
  • Self-destructive behavior (autoaggression)
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Drug addiction
  • Other mental disorders

Photo of the doctor: (c) St. Elisabethen Krankenhaus gGmbH