Diagnostic tests for cleft lip and palate (410432) | ATOS Clinic Heidelberg - BookingHealth
{"translation_price":"50","translation_doc_price":"40","child_coefficient":"1.1","transfer_price":"2.00","transfer_price_vip":"5.00","constant_transfer_price_vip":350,"constant_transfer_price":150,"constant_transfer_distanse":60,"type":"diagnostic","program_full_story":"<ul>\n\t<li>Initial presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>clinical history taking<\/li>\n\t<li>review of medical records<\/li>\n\t<li>physical examination<\/li>\n\t<li>CT&nbsp;scan (on indication 650 &euro;)<\/li>\n\t<li>MRI scan (on indication 1200 &euro;)<\/li>\n\t<li>general otolaryngological examination<\/li>\n\t<li>nursing services<\/li>\n\t<li>consultation of related specialists<\/li>\n\t<li>consultation of the&nbsp;chief&nbsp;physician and all leading experts<\/li>\n\t<li>development of individual treatment plan<\/li>\n\t<li>written statement<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div class=\"program_required_documents mt-4\"><h4>Required documents<\/h4><ul>\n\t<li style=\"text-align: justify;\">Medical records<\/li>\n\t<li style=\"text-align: justify;\">Full face and profile photo<\/li>\n\t<li style=\"text-align: justify;\">X-ray examination of the facial skeleton (if available)<\/li>\n\t<li style=\"text-align: justify;\">Maxillofacial CT scan (if available)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>","program_full_story_crm":"<ul>\n\t<li>Initial presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>clinical history taking<\/li>\n\t<li>review of medical records<\/li>\n\t<li>physical examination<\/li>\n\t<li>CT&nbsp;scan (on indication 650 &euro;)<\/li>\n\t<li>MRI scan (on indication 1200 &euro;)<\/li>\n\t<li>general otolaryngological examination<\/li>\n\t<li>nursing services<\/li>\n\t<li>consultation of related specialists<\/li>\n\t<li>consultation of the&nbsp;chief&nbsp;physician and all leading experts<\/li>\n\t<li>development of individual treatment plan<\/li>\n\t<li>written statement<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","is_ambulant":"1","bh_fee":0,"only_for_children":"0","no_service":"0","with_prepayment":"0","show_calculator":"1","paket_type":"1","btn_type":"0","clinic_icon":"5ffc58c47456a.jpg","city":"Heidelberg","clinic_site":"https:\/\/\/de\/heidelberg\/","department_recommend":"0","country":"Germany","country_id":"1","clinic_name":"ATOS Clinic Heidelberg","cinic_name":"ATOS Clinic Heidelberg","department_id":"2234","duration":"1","direction":"Oral and maxillofacial surgery","min_duration":0,"clinic_id":"1607","paketPrice":850,"paket":"<ul>\n <li>Interpreter up to 3 hours<\/li>\n <li>Translation of 2 pages<\/li>\n<\/ul>","title":"Diagnostic tests for cleft lip and palate","price":{"val":"0.00","type":"val"},"price_surcharge":0,"price_surcharge_clear":0,"extra_service_clinic":[],"extra_service":[],"translation_hours":"0","translation_doc_count":null,"roads":[{"id":"6","distance":"87","airport_title":"Frankfurt a.M."},{"id":"19","distance":"125","airport_title":"Stuttgart"}],"pakets":[],"lang":{"day":"Day","days":"days","ambulatory":"Outpatient","stationaryProgram":"Inpatient"}}

Diagnostic tests for cleft lip and palate

ATOS Clinic Heidelberg

Heidelberg, Germany
Program id # 410432
Doctor photo
Dr. med. dent. Werner Zoder
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
Specialized in: maxillofacial surgery

The program includes:

  • Initial presentation in the clinic
  • clinical history taking
  • review of medical records
  • physical examination
  • CT scan (on indication 650 €)
  • MRI scan (on indication 1200 €)
  • general otolaryngological examination
  • nursing services
  • consultation of related specialists
  • consultation of the chief physician and all leading experts
  • development of individual treatment plan
  • written statement

Required documents

  • Medical records
  • Full face and profile photo
  • X-ray examination of the facial skeleton (if available)
  • Maxillofacial CT scan (if available)


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About the department

The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg offers the full range of services in this medical field. The main focuses of the department include apicectomy (surgical removal of the apex of the tooth root), removal of wisdom teeth, installation of dental implants, bone tissue augmentation, surgical correction of dysgnathia, etc. With all modern achievements of medicine and many years of experience, the specialists of the department provide optimal treatment results. The department is headed by Dr. med. dent. Werner Zoder. 

The department is equipped with the state-of-the-art digital X-ray systems: digital volume tomography, which allows for a three-dimensional examination of the facial skull, orthopantomogram, which reproduces a panoramic image of the entire jaw, and other diagnostic devices. In addition, in close collaboration with the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, there is also carried out computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy, for example, to detect the spread of infection in the bone or to determine the expected growth of the temporomandibular joint.

One of the main focuses of the department is implantology. Implants replace lost teeth and represent the best way to restore natural chewing function and aesthetic appearance. The department uses only high-quality implant systems from leading manufacturers that have proven their high quality and durability in clinical trials.

With the help of computer 3D planning systems, doctors of the department optimally determine the position of dental implants and the patient can see the final result even before the treatment.

A key problem in planning the position of implants is the analysis of the presence of a sufficient number of bones for the stable placement of implants. Sometimes there may be required bone tissue augmentation, sinus lifting or even the reconstruction of the entire jaw.

Also, the department treats abnormal occlusion (dysgnathia). This defect often causes pain during chewing, pain and tension in the muscles of the neck, headache, as well as pain in the face and in the temporomandibular joint. Dysgnathia can provoke an aesthetic problem – asymmetry of the face. Corrective osteotomy is performed to eliminate this pathological condition.

The department's range of services is complemented by surgical dentistry. Within the framework of this focus, there are treated all dental and gum diseases, such as caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, etc. Most often the specialists of the department have to deal with the removal of teeth, apicectomy and treatment of gum disease. There is close cooperation with experienced anesthetists who provide safe anesthesia or the patient is offered sedation.

Curriculum vitae

After studying medicine and dentistry at the University of Heidelberg, Dr. Werner Zoder received a medical license (doctor and dentist), as well as a doctorate in these both focuses. He had a special training in the Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. K. Wangerin). Since 2006, Dr. Zoder has served as a Senior Physician in the world-famous Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Plastic Surgery Center at the Marienhospital, Stuttgart.

Thanks to many years of experience in the field of reconstructive surgery of the jaw, his activity is focused on implantation of teeth and reconstruction of the jaw bones, including the bone tissue augmentation in the anterior part of the jaw, for example, in preparation for the installation of implants. Another focus is dental surgery (resection of the root of the tooth, removal of the wisdom tooth, etc.). In addition, the doctor specializes in functional and aesthetic treatment (abnormal occlusion, facial asymmetry), for example, with corrective osteotomy, as well as on facial plastic surgery: removal of facial skin tumors with plastic surgery to remove defect and aesthetic plastic interventions.

Since 2004, Dr. Zoder regularly works at Peking University (China). There he mainly deals with reconstructive facial surgery and rhinoplasty in patients with cleft lip and palate. He also speaks at national and international congresses and symposia, performs operations in Bogotá, Cali, Milan, Beijing and Sydney.

Membership in Professional Societies and Foundations:

  • German Society of Oral Implantology.
  • European Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • International Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • German Society of Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Cleft Kinderhilfe Foundation e.V.

Photo of the doctor: (c) ATOS Klinik Heidelberg 

About hospital

Founded in 1991, the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg combines top-quality service and cutting-edge medicine. It keeps track of the latest scientific developments and contributes to those developments. 

The clinic has 73 beds. It treats about 3,000 inpatients every year. There are 5 modern operating rooms with the state-of-the-art equipment, where experienced surgeons perform surgical procedures of any severity. 

The clinic employs respected medical experts whose reputations reach beyond regional and national borders. They have the very latest treatment methods and ensure the best treatment results with the help of qualified application of modern medical equipment.

Much attention is paid to interdisciplinary cooperation, which opens the possibilities for developing complex and individual approaches to treatment, allowing to achieve the most favorable results of therapy. At the primary admission to the clinic, it usually offers a special examination with the involvement of specialists from different fields. Thus, the patient has the opportunity to undergo a thorough, comprehensive preventive check-up, which, in addition to orthopedic aspects, includes an examination of the state of the cardiovascular system and other vital organs. In addition, there can be made additional examinations in allergies, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.

The clinic provides highly specialized medical services corresponding to the strictest international standards. Every effort of the medical staff is aimed at ensuring the best treatment result and making the patient feel comfortable during the entire period of the hospital stay.

Photo: (c) depositphotos

Accommodation in hospital

Patients rooms

Patients of the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg live in single, double and triple rooms. In addition, the clinic offers enhanced-comfort rooms and suites. In order to make patients feel at home, the rooms have light colors and modern design. Standard rooms are equipped with air conditioning, radio, minibar, safe and comfortable sofa, where the patient can communicate with their visitors. Also, patients are offered a modern multimedia system and access to the Internet throughout the clinic.

Meals and Menus

The restaurant of the clinic offers delicious food. The choice of dishes is very diverse: the menu features German and exotic cuisine. All dishes are cooked from quality, fresh products, so even real gourmets will appreciate the dishes. All individual dietary preferences of patients are also taken into account.

Breakfast is served at 08:00 a.m. in a buffet-style. Lunch begins at 12:00 p.m. Here patients are offered a menu of three dishes to choose from, incl. soup or salad and a delicious dessert. Dinner, consisting of 2 dishes to choose from, is served at 17:30 p.m. From 14:45 p.m., you can also enjoy a cup of coffee with a tasty cake.

Further details

Standard rooms include:
