Uterine cancer
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Uterine cancer (endometrial cancer, endometrial carcinoma) is the most common in the developed countries malignant tumor of female reproductive organs. The frequency of this type of cancer increases from year to year. It depends not only on the increase of the average age in modern people, but also on the changes in the lifestyle. The greatest rates of increase are in patients under the age of 29 years. The incidence of uterine cancer in this group has increased by 50% during the last 10 years.
The Booking Health portal presents 84 German clinics specializing in uterine cancer treatment
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Currently, the average incidence of uterine cancer in the world is 15 cases per 100.000 of female population per year. The risk of this disease increases with the age. Uterine cancer is most often diagnosed among older patients (65-70 years). The most frequent localization of the tumour is the body or the bottom of the uterine. Seldom, cancer develops in the lower uterine segment.
Uterine cancer – Diagnostics
Taking into account that there are no symptoms at the initial stages of the disease, the diagnostic procedures and analyzes are of primary importance here. Earlier the tumour is detected, better the prognosis is.
- Ultrasound examination is the best way of screening (mass) detection of the uterus tumor. Method is non-invasive and that’s the main advantage.
- Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium. With the help of the Brown syringe tissues of the inner layer of the uterus are taken for the subsequent cytological examination. In common forms of the disease, cancer can be detected with a 90% probability. During the initial stages of the disease aspiration biopsy can detect abnormal cells with only a 30% probability. But it can be performed several times in a health centre, which increases chance of a correct diagnosis.
- Fluorescent diagnostics is the latest research technique that identifies the tumour of a small size up to 1 mm in diameter. The sensitivity of fluorescence diagnostics is very high, up to 80%. However, it is not carried out in every clinic.
- Cervical hysteroscopy takes a leading place in uterine cancer diagnostics with the help of instrumental examination. Endoscopic diagnostics presupposes the instrument insertion into the uterine cavity. This procedure allows to not only to assess the endometrium condition, but also to perform the targeted biopsy.
- Fractional curettage (scraping). It may be carried out during the cervical hysteroscopy. It assumes separate obtaining of the biological material for research from different parts of the uterus. From time to time this diagnostic procedure is recommended to all women who are in the risk zone for cancer pathology of genitals.
- Histological examination. It allows to confirm the diagnosis. Efficiency of this diagnostics method at the initial stage is 78%. In the case of a common form of the uterus cancer it is 100%.
- MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect the metastatic affection of pelvic lymph nodes.
Best clinics for the uterine cancer diagnostics in Germany:
Uterine cancer – Treatment
The basis of the treatment is the surgery. Its volume is defined by the doctor on the basis of the examination results. The purposes of the treatment are the removal of the tumour, prevention of the metastases, and removal of the lymph nodes, if necessary.
The following types of surgeries can be performed:
- Extirpation of the uterus with appendages with pelvic lymphadenectomy (performed in case of the favorable prognosis)
- Expanded extirpation of the uterus with appendages (in case of the unfavorable prognosis)
Radiation therapy usually gives good results in case of endometrial cancer treatment. Distant irradiation of the pelvic region is indicated in the following cases:
- Tumour penetrates into the myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus) by a one third
- The tumour is localized in upper-middle uterine segment
- Cancer has a medium or high degree of differentiation
Combined radiotherapy is indicated in case of the inoperable uterine cancer (both remote irradiation and intracavitary administration of radioactive substances are performed). Such treatment is applied in the following cases:
- The tumour has a low degree of differentiation, which worsens the prognosis
- Cancer is localized in the lower segment with a transition to the cervical canal
- There is a deep invasion into the myometrium
The hormonal therapy and correction of the metabolic processes are prescribed for the patients after the surgery. The medications are selected individually. The medicamentous treatment program depends on a number of factors that are considered by the doctor.
Some of the treatment costs in specialized German cancer centers are as follows:
- The cost of the open hysterectomy for uterine cancer (endometrial cancer) is between 11,000 EUR and 18,800 EUR.
- The cost of the da Vinci hysterectomy for uterine cancer (endometrial cancer) is between 13,600 EUR and 22,300 EUR.
- The cost of radiation therapy or brachytherapy and chemotherapy for uterine cancer (endometrial cancer) is between 24,800 EUR and 37,200 EUR.
Best clinics for the uterine cancer treatment in Germany:

University Hospital Tuebingen

Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch

Charite University Hospital Berlin
Uterine cancer – Rehabilitation
Most patients require rehabilitation after the treatment of complex oncological diseases. It includes the following aspects:
- Prevention of complications that may occur as a result of treatment. It can be pneumonia, lymphostasis, thromboembolic or infectious complications.
- Restoration of general health. The elimination of the consequences after surgeries and chemotherapy is carried out. The functions of internal organs are restored with the help of various medical and rehabilitation measures.
- Restoration of occupation. A person must not just stay alive. He must have physical and intellectual capabilities, which are sufficient for employment.
- Psychological support. First of all, it is required for patients, whose occupational performance was harmed because of the disease. Patients with deterioration of appearance also will benefit from psychological help.
- Restoration of appearance. If necessary, you can use surgical and other methods in Germany to restore appearance defects caused by cancer. For example, to carry out the reconstruction of the breast.
- Social and domestic rehabilitation. A person with reduced workability is trained to act in the society and perform everyday tasks in new conditions.
In German clinics, rehabilitation is carried out in a comprehensive manner. The patients are provided with qualitative care here. Doctors' monitoring and conservative treatment allow to avoid complications, which usually happen after treatment of oncological diseases. Psychotherapy, physiotherapy and physical therapy are actively used in Germany.
Specialists in different medical spheres take part in the rehabilitation process. These are massage therapists, speech therapists, specialists in physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapists. Social and occupational therapy is carried out, as well. If necessary, people are taught how to eat properly, take care of postoperative scar, etc.
In Germany, rehabilitation is carried out with the maximum level of comfort for the patient. A person feels the results quite quickly and it improves his motivation and promotes further recovery.
Best clinics for oncological rehabilitation in Germany:
The article was edited by medical expert, board certified Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!
National Center for Biotechnology
European Society for Medical Oncology
The cost of services includes
Here you can find the cost of treatment for this disease at the German University Hospitals. Leave a request and we will provide a free consultation with a doctor and will start organizing the whole treatment process.
The program includes the following:
- Issuing of an invitation for getting a visa for treatment as quick as possible
- Fixing an appointment at a time convenient for you
- Preliminary organization of a comprehensive examination and discussion of the forthcoming treatment plan
- Arranging transfer from the airport to the hospital and back to the airport
- Provision of interpreting services and services of a personal medical coordinator
- If necessary, assistance in the organization of further surgical treatment
- Provision of a medical insurance against treatment complications covering up to 200,000 euro
- Preparation and translation of medical records and recommendations from the hospital
- Assistance in the subsequent communication with your attending physician, including consultations on repeated X-ray images through the unique medical document management system E-doc