Department of Hernia Surgery | Treatment in DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden | Departments. Germany | BookingHealth
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Department of Hernia Surgery - DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden

DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden

Wiesbaden, Germany
Department id # 443495
Doctor photo
Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich-Eckart Isemer
Department of Hernia Surgery
Specialized in: hernia surgery

About the Department of Hernia Surgery at DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden

According to the Focus magazine, the Department of Hernia Surgery at the DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden ranks among the top medical facilities in its field of competence! 

The medical team of the department offers the full range of modern surgical interventions for hernia repair. The department successfully treats white line hernias (epigastric hernias), umbilical hernias, inguinal hernias, femoral hernias and incisional hernias. The preference is given to minimally invasive interventions, which involve performance of all manipulations through several small skin incisions. At the same time, the patient can quickly recover from surgery, while the risks of postoperative complications are minimal. The doctors working in the department are guided by the recommendations of the German Hernia Society (DHG) and the European Hernia Society (EHS) in their clinical practice. In addition, the department monitors the success of surgical interventions and is awarded with the DHG-Siegel Quality Certificate of the German Hernia Society for the excellent results of surgical treatment. The medical facility is known far beyond the borders of Germany and regularly admits patients from abroad. The Chief Physician of the department is Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich-Eckart Isemer.

Inguinal hernias are the most common in the department's clinical practice. Pathology is a protrusion of the abdominal organs (most often the intestines) beyond its limits, into the groin area. The disease develops in both men and women, but more often affecting men, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the structure of their body. The diagnosis of inguinal hernias is based on an analysis of the patient's complaints, an assessment of the medical history and a clinical examination. The specialists also use such instrumental diagnostic methods as ultrasound and MRI scanning. As for the treatment, the only effective method is surgery. Drugs can be used only as an adjunctive therapy in order to improve an overall health of the patient and accelerate his recovery. The department's team of surgeons specializes in both classical open surgery and sparing minimally invasive interventions for inguinal hernias. The department successfully performs open Shouldice hernioplasty, open Lichtenstein hernioplasty and laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernioplasty (TAPP). These operations are the gold standard for hernia repair surgery and provide excellent results. The attending physician chooses the most appropriate type of intervention based on the results of the preliminary diagnostic examination. Whenever possible, preference is given to laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernioplasty, since it is performed through small punctures of the anterior abdominal wall using special video surgical equipment. This helps avoid severe trauma to soft tissues, guarantee the patient minimal pain and quick recovery after surgery. The essence of the surgical procedure is the placement of a mesh prosthesis, which prevents the protrusion of tissues and internal organs of the abdominal cavity beyond its limits, into the groin area.

The doctors of the department often admit patients with umbilical hernias and can boast of their extensive experience in this field. Umbilical hernia is a surgical disease, in which the abdominal organs (bowel loops, omentum or preperitoneal fat tissue) protrude through a pathologically enlarged umbilical ring. Umbilical hernias can be both congenital and acquired. The diagnosis begins with a personal conversation with the patient and his clinical examination. The next step involves the required instrumental examinations, including ultrasound, CT and X-ray. These hernias in adults can be removed only using surgical techniques. The department performs open and laparoscopic interventions. In both cases, the purpose of the operation is to implant a special mesh endoprosthesis, which strengthens the anterior abdominal wall and prevents recurrence of the pathology. The department's surgeons prefer laparoscopic procedures (IPOM hernioplasty), for which the doctor makes only a few small skin punctures, which reduces the trauma of the operation. After 1-3 days, the patient can leave the hospital and return to his full life. Laparoscopic IPOM hernioplasty is the best option for treating umbilical hernias in people suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus, multiple hernias and other comorbidities. The patients with small umbilical hernias often undergo outpatient surgery that does not require hospitalization.

The department's range of surgical services includes:

  • Inguinal hernia repair surgery
    • Open Shouldice hernioplasty
    • Open Lichtenstein hernioplasty
    • Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernioplasty (TAPP)
  • Umbilical hernia repair surgery
    • Open hernioplasty for umbilical hernia
    • Open retromuscular hernioplasty with the mesh implantation
    • Laparoscopic IPOM hernioplasty
  • White line hernia (epigastric hernia) repair surgery
    • Open retromuscular hernioplasty with mesh implantation
    • Minimally invasive less open sublay (MILOS) hernia repair
  • Incisional hernia repair surgery
    • Minimally invasive less open sublay (MILOS) hernia repair, including in combination with TAR hernioplasty and open retromuscular hernioplasty with mesh implantation
  • Other medical services

Curriculum vitae

Higher Education

  • Study of Human Medicine at the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel and the Georg August University of Göttingen.

Professional Career

  • Senior Physician in the Department of Surgery and Head of the Section for Transplant Surgery at the University Hospital Göttingen.
  • 1991 - 2014 Chief Physician of the Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Traumatology at the St. Joseph Hospital in Wiesbaden.
  • 2001 - 2008 Organizer of the International Symposia on Hernia Repair Surgery in Wiesbaden.
  • 2014 President of the Congress of the 12th Annual Meeting of the German Hernia Society (DHG) in Wiesbaden.
  • Since 2014 Head Physician of the Department of Hernia Surgery at the DKD HELIOS Clinic Wiesbaden.

Photo of the doctor: (c) DKD Helios Klinik Wiesbaden