About the Department of Bariatric Surgery at Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
The Department of Bariatric Surgery at the Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch offers the comprehensive treatment for morbid obesity. It annually treats about 1,000 patients suffering from overweight and its complications. Each patient is provided with an individual approach. As a rule, the therapeutic program includes a complete lifestyle modification and specialized surgical measures, but in some cases only conservative treatment is enough. The specialists of the department regularly demonstrate high rates of effective treatment, and therefore the department is rightfully considered the largest and leading medical facility of its kind. The department is headed by Dr. med. Oliver Stumpf.
The basis and the first stage of treatment is the correction of the diet, the implementation of a special program of physical exercises, as well as a change in eating behavior (the exclusion of overeating, including due to stress and other bad habits). In case of severe obesity, weight can be reduced by surgery. The operations are performed in interdisciplinary cooperation with experts in the field of general and abdominal surgery, endocrinology and diabetology, plastic and aesthetic surgery. As a rule, all weight loss surgeries are performed with the help of sparing minimally invasive techniques that ensure the patient’s fastest recovery.
The department specializes in the following surgical interventions:
- Gastric banding. The procedure involves the application of a bandage to the upper stomach. The bandage is a ring that narrows the lumen of the stomach, thereby dividing it into two sections – a small stomach, above the bandage, and a large stomach, under the bandage. Thus, the doctors manage to significantly reduce the patient’s hunger, as a result of which he begins to lose excess weight.
- Sleeve gastrectomy. The essence of surgical intervention is to create a narrow gastric "sleeve" that will slow down the passage of solid food in the area from the esophagus to the pyloric stomach. Sleeve gastrectomy involves the removal of the body and the bottom of the stomach. There remains a narrow passage – a sleeve along the lesser curvature of the stomach. As food moves through a narrow and long stomach, it overcomes high resistance and lingers in the stomach for a long time. As a result, even if a person ate a small amount of food, he has a persistent feeling of fullness. This intervention can reduce weight by 75-80%.
- Gastric bypass surgery. The operation aims to create a small reservoir in the upper part of the stomach that can accommodate only a small amount of solid food. The next step is the formation of the bypass, along which the food eaten by the patient bypasses most of the stomach and part of the small intestine. This intervention can reduce weight by 80-85%. This operation is especially effective in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Mini gastric bypass surgery (Omega-loop gastric bypass). This is a relatively new treatment for obesity. Unlike standard gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon forms one less intestinal anastomosis during this procedure, and therefore the risk of complications, for example, hernia formation, can be reduced. Surgery is also an excellent treatment option for patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Other surgical techniques
Curriculum vitae
Since June 15, 2019, Dr. med. Oliver Stumpf has been heading the Department of Bariatric Surgery at the Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch. The specialist received his medical education at the Faculty of Medicine of the Free University of Berlin. Prior to taking up the position of Senior Physician and then Head of the Department of Bariatric Surgery at the Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch in April 2018, Dr. Oliver Stumpf worked as a Senior Physician of the Department of General, Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery at the Hospital Lippe Detmold. At the same hospital, he founded the Obesity Center. From 2013 to 2018, he was a Managing Senior Physician at the Center for Bariatric Surgery at the Vivantes Hospital Spandau Berlin.
Dr. Oliver Stumpf has been treating obesity for many years and therefore has unique experience in this field. Since 2008, the specialist has performed more than 2,000 successful bariatric interventions.
Dr. Stumpf is a Member of the German Society of Surgery (DGC) and the German Society for General and Abdominal Surgery (DGAV).
Photo of the doctor: (c) Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch