About the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation at Rehabilitation Clinic Medical Park Humboldtmuehle Berlin
According to the Focus magazine, the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic Medical Park Humboldtmuehle Berlin ranks among the top medical facilities in Germany in the field of its competence! The department provides comprehensive diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system and the full range of rehabilitation services to restore the mobility of patients after orthopedic diseases and musculoskeletal injuries, including sports injuries, surgical interventions on the bones, joints, tendons and muscles. The specialists of the medical facility are convinced that a full recovery is possible only with the development of a high-quality individual rehabilitation program with particular goals. The department's medical team strives to restore the lost functions of the musculoskeletal system as much as possible. For this purpose, doctors use modern rehabilitation techniques: physiotherapy, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, occupational therapy and others. The department has all the necessary technical resources, including swimming pools and specially equipped rooms with professional fitness equipment. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Karsten Dreinhöfer.
When the patient is admitted to the department, he has an individual consultation with the attending physician, who studies his medical history, carries out a clinical examination and determines the necessary set of diagnostic tests to assess the rehabilitation potential and develop the most effective rehabilitation regimen. The diagnostic examination involves classical X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, C-arm X-ray, bone mineral density measurement (DXA), joint and soft tissue ultrasound scanning, 4D spine and posture analysis, gait analysis, spiroergometry, laboratory tests, etc. The doctor determines specific diagnostic appointments based on the patient's clinical case.
The rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered orthopedic diseases and injuries usually includes Bobath therapy, Vojta therapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, manual therapy, physiotherapy (massage, thermal procedures, cryotherapy, electrotherapy, electrical stimulation, etc.), therapeutic exercises (medical training therapy, special training to restore walking, treadmill training, aqua aerobics, etc.), special training complexes aimed at restoring lost self-care skills, occupational therapy. Many patients who have partially or totally lost motor functions or experience severe pain due to orthopedic pathology often experience depression, so psychological care is an integral part of treatment as well. The patients also receive care from the qualified nutritionists, since a sedentary lifestyle after an injury or surgery can provoke weight gain. In addition, the department's specialists successfully carry out comprehensive treatment of chronic back pain, including physiotherapy procedures and minimally invasive X-ray- or CT-guided infiltration procedures.
The department is located in a picturesque area, surrounded by Lake Tegel and green spaces, so patients are happy to walk around the clinic, enjoying the calmness and beauty of nature. The healing properties of nature have a positive effect on the recovery process and allow the patient to find peace of mind, get rid of experiences and set up for a positive mood.
The department specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation after the following diseases, injuries and surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system:
- Pathological conditions after such operations on the musculoskeletal system
- Total hip replacement surgery
- Total knee replacement surgery
- Partial and total shoulder replacement surgery
- Total ankle replacement surgery
- Spinal disc herniation surgery
- Decompression for spinal stenosis
- Spinal fusion
- Surgery for scoliosis repair
- Surgery for fractures of the upper and lower extremities
- Surgery for spinal and pelvic fractures
- Amputation
- Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
- Degenerative joint diseases (arthritis)
- Degenerative spinal diseases
- Osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases
- Primary inflammatory joint diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, seronegative spondyloarthritis
- Collagenosis, fibromyalgia, tendomyopathy
- Diabetic foot syndrome
- Chronic back pain
- Sports injuries
- Other pathological conditions and diseases
The department's range of diagnostic and therapeutic services includes the following options:
- Diagnostic services
- Classical X-ray
- Computed tomography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- C-arm X-ray
- Bone mineral density measurement (DXA)
- Joint and soft tissue ultrasound scanning
- 4D spine and posture analysis
- Gait analysis
- Isokinetic measurement of muscle strength
- Assessment of physical capabilities and endurance of athletes
- Spiroergometry
- Laboratory tests
- Rehabilitation activities
- Bobath therapy
- Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
- Vojta therapy
- Hydrokinesitherapy
- Manual therapy: Maitland therapy, James Cyriax therapy
- Medical training therapy with therapeutic climbing
- Physiotherapy
- Classic massage
- Heat therapy
- Ultrasound therapy
- Cryotherapy
- Pneumatic compression therapy on the Lymphomat device
- Inhalation therapy
- Electrotherapy
- Electrical stimulation
- Reflexology
- Comprehensive antiedemic therapy
- Connective tissue massage
- Trigger point therapy
- Hydrojet massage
- Therapeutic exercises
- Medical training therapy
- Proprioceptive exercises
- Walking training
- Treadmill workouts
- Water aerobics in the therapeutic swimming pool
- Group sports
- Ergometer cardio training
- Training on the Galileo vibration platform
- Therapeutic climbing
- Tai chi
- Therapeutic procedures for patients with osteoporosis and other skeletal pathologies
- Pharmacological treatment, including treatment with bisphosphonates
- Multimodal pain management
- Special training for patients suffering from osteoporosis, with recommendations on drug management of pathology, nutrition, etc.
- Physiotherapy and physical therapy
- Building muscle mass with the help of special sets of exercises and fitness equipment
- Training in the therapeutic swimming pool
- Occupational therapy
- Training to restore self-care skills (personal hygiene, dressing, etc.)
- Fine motor skills training
- Therapeutic exercises for the spine
- Basal stimulation
- Heat therapy
- Walking training
- Mirror therapy (Perfetti method)
- Diet therapy
- Neuropsychological care: psychotherapy (in groups and individually), training in relaxation techniques, techniques for coping with stress, depression, anxiety
- Other medical services
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. med. Karsten Dreinhöfer heads the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic Medical Park Humboldtmuehle Berlin. The professor has a board certification in Orthopedics and Traumatology, as well as additional qualifications in Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy, Social Medicine, Emergency Medical Care and Osteology.
After studying Medicine in Hannover and Boston, as well as specialized training in Orthopedics at the Hannover Medical School and University Hospital Ulm, Dr. Dreinhöfer was offered a position as a Board Member of Johnson & Johnson Orthopedics.
Before holding the position of Head Physician at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Berlin, Prof. Karsten Dreinhöfer worked as a Senior Physician in the Department of Orthopedics at the University Hospital Ulm.
The specialist is a Vice President of the Professional Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (BVOU), Secretary of the Berlin Orthopedic Society (BOG), Chief Development Officer of the International Steering Committee and Vice President of the German Section for Bone and Joint Diseases of the World Health Organization. Dr. Karsten Dreinhöfer is a Member of many international organizations, as well as an Editor and a Reviewer of international journals.
In December 2009, the specialist was appointed as Professor of Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Prevention and Health Research at the Charite University Hospital Berlin.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Medical Park Humboldtmühle in Berlin