About the Department of Neuroradiology at University Hospital Mainz
The Department of Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Mainz offers the full range of services in the field of neuroradiological diagnostics and interventional therapy of neurological diseases. The department has more than 50 years of clinical experience, therefore it guarantees patients advanced knowledge and unique achievements in this focus. The department’s significant achievement is the certification of the German Society for Interventional Radiology and Minimally Invasive Therapy (DeGIR). The Chief Physician of the department is Prof. Dr. med. M.Sc. Marc Brockmann.
It should be noted that the department has state-of-the-art imaging systems that allow for highly accurate diagnostics of the smallest pathological changes in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord, skull, spine), as well as sparing minimally invasive interventions to treat these changes.
The service range of the department includes:
- Diagnostics
- Conventional X-ray studies
- Computed tomography (CT)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Myelography (contrast-enhanced X-ray study of the liquor-conducting pathways of the spinal cord)
- Angiography (contrast-enhanced study of blood vessels)
- Biopsy followed by histological examination
- Lumbar puncture
- Endovascular procedures for vascular closure
- Embolization (for example, in arteriovenous angiomas, fistulas)
- Coiling for the treatment of aneurysms
- Preoperative embolization of glomus tumors of the skull base
- Embolization in acute facial and nasopharyngeal bleeding after severe injuries, operations, or in the case of unstable nose bleeding without any apparent causes
- Procedures for vascular dilation
- Recanalization to improve blood circulation or restore cerebral vascular patency during stroke
- Intra-arterial thrombolysis
- Balloon dilatation in carotid stenosis
- Stenting in carotid stenosis
- Minimally invasive pain therapy to eliminate intervertebral disc and spinal pain
- Facet joint block
- Sacroiliac joint block
- Thermal coagulation
- Periradicular therapy
- Vertebroplasty to treat pathological and osteoporotic vertebral fractures
- Other diagnostic and therapeutic measures
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Marc Brockmann studied Human Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (1993 - 2003). He is a Medical Specialist in Radiology with a focus on Neuroradiology. From 2003 to 2004 he served as an Assistant Physician at the Institute of Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein. From 2004 to 2013, he worked in various medical institutions, including a post of a Senior Physician in the Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Mannheim (2009). In 2013, he was appointed as a Managing Senior Physician in the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Aachen, and also accepted the offer to become a W2 Professor in Experimental Interventional Neuroradiology. Since March 1, 2016, Prof. Marc Brockmann has been heading the Department of Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Mainz.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz