About the Department of Obstetrics at University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
According to the Focus magazine, the Department of Obstetrics at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf is one of the best medical facilities of its kind in Germany!
The department specializes in comprehensive pregnancy management, childbirth, and postpartum care. The team of experienced specialists works successfully with high-risk pregnancies and multiple pregnancies, diagnoses and treats maternal and fetal complications at all stages. The department has the status of a Level 1 Perinatal Center, which indicates the high reputation of the medical institution. Patients are offered modern and comfortable delivery rooms for safe childbirth. The team of obstetricians in the medical facility closely cooperates with neonatologists, pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, pediatric surgeons, and other specialists, which allows them to provide the necessary medical care to the newborn in case of detection of congenital pathologies. For many years, the department has held a leading position in the segment of obstetric clinics in Germany, providing excellent quality medical services. More than 3,000 babies are born here every year. The Head Physician of the department is Prof. Dr. med. Kurt Hecher.
The pride of the department is its advanced technical base, thanks to which all modern tests for assessing the health of the mother and the development of the fetus can be performed here. The department offers ultrasound screening in all trimesters of pregnancy (DEGUM certification from the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine), fetal magnetic resonance imaging, amniocentesis (an invasive method of perinatal diagnostics that allows for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities and intrauterine infections with high accuracy), and chorionic villus sampling (an invasive diagnostic procedure that allows for the detection of Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and other genetic pathologies at the stage of intrauterine development). It should be noted that the department has many years of experience in managing pregnancies of women with congenital and acquired heart defects, as well as women with previous organ transplants.
A special offer of the medical facility is the treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a complication of multiple monochorionic pregnancy, in which there are significant differences in the blood supply to the fetuses. This syndrome carries a high risk of developmental defects and prenatal fetal death. There are only a few obstetric clinics in Europe that provide innovative laser treatment for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and the Department of Obstetrics at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf is one of them. Patients from all over the world come here to undergo the procedure of fetoscopic laser coagulation of anastomoses. The department's specialists have successfully performed more than 1,000 such laser procedures.
The department has five state-of-the-art delivery rooms, each equipped with a comfortable delivery bed, a tub for water births, and pain relief aids during contractions (such as a fitball and a birthing chair). A variety of pain relief techniques are used during labor, including epidural anesthesia, homeopathy, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. The goal of the department's obstetric team is to make labor as painless and safe as possible in comfortable conditions, because the birth of a child is an important and happy event in every woman's life.
The department's medical services include the following options:
- Diagnostic services
- Screening in all trimesters of pregnancy
- Fetal magnetic resonance imaging
- Invasive diagnostic procedures
- Amniocentesis
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Fetoscopic laser coagulation of anastomoses for the treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Childbirth: natural childbirth and cesarean section
- Postpartum care for mother and newborn baby
- Other obstetric services
Curriculum vitae
Qualifications and Accreditations
- 1980 Doctorate, University of Graz, Austria.
- 1984 General Practitioner, General Medical Council, Austria.
- 1990 Board Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Medical Council, Austria.
- 1996 Doctorate in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vienna, Austria.
- 1997 Board Certification in Perinatal Medicine, General Medical Council, Germany.
- 2003 Professor for Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Professional Career
- 1981 - 1983 Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital Klagenfurt, Austria.
- 1984 - 1991 Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Hospital Klagenfurt, Austria.
- 1992 - 1993 Research Fellow, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, King's College, University of London.
- 1994 Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Hospital Klagenfurt, Austria.
- 1994 - 2003 Consultant in Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Deputy Head of the Department of Perinatal Diagnostics and Therapy, Barmbek Hospital, Hamburg, Germany.
- Since 2004 Head Physician, Department of Obstetrics, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf.
Prizes, Awards, and Honors
- 1992 Erwin Schroedinger Fellowship, Austrian Science Foundation.
- 1992 Honorary Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology, King’s College School of Medicine, University of London.
- 1999 Werner Otto Foundation Award for Clinical Research.
- 2000 Hans Geisenhofer Foundation Research Award, Bavarian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- 2008 Haackert Foundation, Gold Medal Award for Perinatal Medicine.
Memberships in Professional Societies
- International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG).
Photo of the doctor: (c) Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)