About the Department of Adult and Pediatric Otolaryngology, Facial Plastic Surgery at University Hospital Oldenburg
The Department of Adult and Pediatric Otolaryngology, Facial Plastic Surgery at the University Hospital Oldenburg offers modern diagnostic and treatment methods for diseases of the ear, throat, and nose in patients of all age groups, including young children. The department's medical team is also competent in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery on the face and neck. The department is part of the Cancer Center (Nordwestdeutsches Tumorzentrum), so it successfully treats head and neck tumors. Structurally, the department consists of diagnostic and procedure rooms, specialized outpatient clinics, and operating rooms. There are 34 beds for patient hospitalization; many therapeutic manipulations and surgical procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. The operating rooms of the department are equipped with the latest technology: powerful surgical microscopes, endoscopic equipment, lasers, and other equipment are available here, ensuring effective and at the same time safe surgical treatment. The health of patients is in the safe hands of highly qualified doctors with many years of clinical experience and exceptional qualifications in their area of specialization. The Head Physician of the department is Dr. med. Elisabeth Rehberg.
An important clinical focus of the department is the treatment of head and neck tumors: neoplasms of the oral and nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses, the pharynx, the larynx, the salivary glands, and the skin of the neck, face, and head. Treatment is provided in close cooperation with the Cancer Center (Nordwestdeutsches Tumorzentrum) at the University Hospital Oldenburg, where surgeons of various specialties, oncologists, radiation therapists, and radiologists work hand in hand. Together, the physicians study the diagnostic data and begin to develop a personalized treatment regimen. In most cases, the first-line treatment is tumor resection surgery. The department's surgeons give preference to minimally invasive surgical techniques. When resecting a head or neck tumor, the specialists are faced with the challenge of not only performing an effective operation, but also ensuring a good aesthetic result. Innovative laser procedures for resection of head and neck tumors are also successfully performed here. Surgical treatment is often accompanied by chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. The optimal set of conservative measures is prescribed on an individual basis.
The department's medical team also demonstrates excellent results in middle ear hearing improvement surgery. These surgical procedures are indicated for patients with severe inflammatory processes, traumatic injuries, age-related hearing changes, etc. The most popular procedure in this spectrum is tympanoplasty, a microscopic procedure aimed at restoring the auditory ossicles of the middle ear. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia through the external ear canal. In many cases, tympanoplasty is performed simultaneously with myringoplasty, an operation to restore the integrity of the damaged eardrum. Myringoplasty is a minimally traumatic operation that is performed under a microscope with an approach through the external auditory canal. Clinical indications for myringoplasty include injury or extensive perforation of the eardrum after otitis media. A small skin flap is used for plastic reconstruction. The department's otolaryngologists also successfully perform stapedoplasty, which is the replacement of one of the middle ear's auditory ossicles, the stapes, with a prosthesis to treat otosclerosis.
The main focus of the department's otolaryngology team is surgery on the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. These operations are almost always performed using endoscopic techniques. The specialists have excellent qualifications in the field of septoplasty (surgery to reshape the nasal septum), vasotomy (surgery to eliminate chronic nasal congestion), nasal septum submucous resection, operations to remove paranasal sinus cysts, operations to remove nasal polyps, and nasal bone repositioning in case of fractures. The department's otolaryngologists also regularly perform functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty. This is an operation to reshape and/or correct the size of the external nose.
The department offers the following diagnostic services:
- Hearing testing (audiometry)
- Pure-tone audiometry
- Speech audiometry
- Free field audiometry and hearing aid testing
- Suprathreshold auditory measures (SISI, Fowler, Lüscher)
- Tympanometry
- Auditory tube function assessment
- Stapedial reflex testing
- Registration of delayed otoacoustic emissions and emissions at the frequency of the distortion product
- Brain evoked response audiometry (BERA)
- Facial nerve testing
- Stapedial reflex testing
- Schirmer's test
- Gustometry
- Balance testing
- Positional testing and functional testing
- Electronystagmography
- Use of pendulum and testing of eye motility
- Rhinological testing
- Rhinomanometry
- Olfactometry
- Allergy testing
- Prick test
- Scratch test
- Nasal provocation test
- Total and specific immunoglobulin (IgE) tests
- Ultrasound examinations
- Other diagnostic services
The department's range of surgical services includes the following:
- Otolaryngology
- Surgery for diseases of the nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils
- Hearing improvement surgery on the middle ear
- Surgery for diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
- Surgery for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
- Endoscopic surgery for laryngeal diseases
- Minimally invasive and laser surgery for head and neck tumors
- Surgery for vocal cord diseases
- Surgery for Zenker's diverticulum
- Surgery for tracheal diseases
- Surgery for bone fractures and traumatic injuries of the head and neck
- Surgery for ENT diseases in children
- Facial plastic surgery
- Functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty
- Otoplasty
- Other surgical options
Photo of the doctor: (c) Klinikum Oldenburg AöR