{"translation_price":"50","translation_doc_price":"40","child_coefficient":"1.1","transfer_price":"2.00","transfer_price_vip":"5.00","constant_transfer_price_vip":350,"constant_transfer_price":150,"constant_transfer_distanse":60,"type":"treatment","program_full_story":"<ul>\n\t<li>Initial presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>clinical history taking<\/li>\n\t<li>physical examination<\/li>\n\t<li>review of medical records<\/li>\n\t<li>laboratory tests:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>complete blood count<\/li>\n\t\t<li>general urine analysis<\/li>\n\t\t<li>biochemical analysis of blood<\/li>\n\t\t<li>indicators of inflammation (CRP, ESR)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>indicators blood coagulation<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>x-ray examination of the hip<\/li>\n\t<li>MRI scan of the hip<\/li>\n\t<li>preoperative care<\/li>\n\t<li>hip replacement (hip endoprosthesis)<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic treatment<\/li>\n\t<li>control examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>physiotherapeutic procedures<\/li>\n\t<li>orthopedic appliances<\/li>\n\t<li>the cost of essential medicines and materials<\/li>\n\t<li>nursing services<\/li>\n\t<li>full hospital accommodation<\/li>\n\t<li>explanation of future recommendations<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n<p><br \/>\n<strong>The program includes orthopedic rehabilitation:<\/strong><\/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Primary presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>medical history, including family history<\/li>\n\t<li>complex neurological and orthopedic examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>X-ray examination<\/li>\n\t<li>complex neurophysiological examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>individual rehabilitation program, which includes:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Wii Fit training in the use of the balance<\/li>\n\t\t<li>neuropsychological therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>functional therapy of the upper extremities (ArmeoSpring)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>kinesitherapy (physiotherapy)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>biocontrol with feedback<\/li>\n\t\t<li>healing deep muscle massage<\/li>\n\t\t<li>acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>occupational therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>psycho-educational classes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>Individual physiotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>microcurrent treatment<\/li>\n\t\t<li>fangotherapy \/ cryotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>antispasmodic drug therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>mobilization of limb joints<\/li>\n\t\t<li>hydrotherapy \/ massage therapy \/ reflexology<\/li>\n\t\t<li>training on special trainers<\/li>\n\t\t<li>and etc.<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>nurses care<\/li>\n\t<li>stay in the hospital with full board<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic and drug therapy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div class=\"program_how_program_going mt-4\"><h4>How program is carried out<\/h4><p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Preliminary preparation for hip replacemen<\/strong>t includes quitting smoking and drinking alcohol; cancelling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen); cancelling anticoagulants (warfarin); normalization of body mass, if possible.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Preoperative examination<\/strong>, including consultation with an anesthesiologist and necessary related specialists, takes 1-2 days. According to its results, the most suitable endoprosthesis is selected.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Hip replacement<\/strong>. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The patient lies on his side, the affected leg is bent and fixed in this position. The surgeon makes an incision 15-20 cm long, minimally traumatizing the muscles and nerve endings. Through this incision, miniature instruments are inserted to remove the damaged joint structures. Healthy bone is adjusted for further reliable implant fixation.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">The surgeon installs a femoral stem in the center of the upper part of the femur. Ball-shaped head of the joint is fixed on it. The surgeon also implants a special liner that facilitates movement of the leg and protects the structures of the prosthesis. After the primary fixation of the prosthesis components, the doctor assesses the joint range of motion, as well as the length and symmetry of the lower limb.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">The implant is fixed with cement or cementless method. The doctor treats the operating field with antiseptics, conducts its final revision and sutures the wound layer by layer. A temporary drainage is installed in the joint, and a bandage is applied on top.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Postoperative care<\/strong>. During the first day after the intervention the patient stays in the intensive care unit, under round-the-clock medical supervision. After that, with a smooth course of the postoperative period, the patient is transferred to a regular ward and the drains are removed. The range of motion expands gradually, from light toes movements to walking. Walking with the use of walking aids is allowed in 3-5 days after the operation.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Rehabilitation<\/strong>. The rehabilitation program begins after the transfer of the patient from the intensive care unit to a regular ward. It includes physical activity (from exercises in bed in the early days to exercises in the gym), physiotherapy, massage (including lymphatic drainage), exercises in the water. The rehabilitation program is constantly being adjusted according to the needs of the patient.<\/p>\n<\/div><div class=\"program_required_documents mt-4\"><h4>Required documents<\/h4><ul>\n\t<li>X-ray examination of the hip joints<\/li>\n\t<li>MRI scan of the hip joints, if available<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>","program_full_story_crm":"<ul>\n\t<li>Initial presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>clinical history taking<\/li>\n\t<li>physical examination<\/li>\n\t<li>review of medical records<\/li>\n\t<li>laboratory tests:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>complete blood count<\/li>\n\t\t<li>general urine analysis<\/li>\n\t\t<li>biochemical analysis of blood<\/li>\n\t\t<li>indicators of inflammation (CRP, ESR)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>indicators blood coagulation<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>x-ray examination of the hip<\/li>\n\t<li>MRI scan of the hip<\/li>\n\t<li>preoperative care<\/li>\n\t<li>hip replacement (hip endoprosthesis)<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic treatment<\/li>\n\t<li>control examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>physiotherapeutic procedures<\/li>\n\t<li>orthopedic appliances<\/li>\n\t<li>the cost of essential medicines and materials<\/li>\n\t<li>nursing services<\/li>\n\t<li>full hospital accommodation<\/li>\n\t<li>explanation of future recommendations<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n<p><br \/>\n<strong>The program includes orthopedic rehabilitation:<\/strong><\/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Primary presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>medical history, including family history<\/li>\n\t<li>complex neurological and orthopedic examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>X-ray examination<\/li>\n\t<li>complex neurophysiological examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>individual rehabilitation program, which includes:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Wii Fit training in the use of the balance<\/li>\n\t\t<li>neuropsychological therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>functional therapy of the upper extremities (ArmeoSpring)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>kinesitherapy (physiotherapy)<\/li>\n\t\t<li>biocontrol with feedback<\/li>\n\t\t<li>healing deep muscle massage<\/li>\n\t\t<li>acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>occupational therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>psycho-educational classes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>Individual physiotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>microcurrent treatment<\/li>\n\t\t<li>fangotherapy \/ cryotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>antispasmodic drug therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>mobilization of limb joints<\/li>\n\t\t<li>hydrotherapy \/ massage therapy \/ reflexology<\/li>\n\t\t<li>training on special trainers<\/li>\n\t\t<li>and etc.<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>nurses care<\/li>\n\t<li>stay in the hospital with full board<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic and drug therapy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div class=\"program_how_program_going mt-4\"><h4>How program is carried out<\/h4><p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Preliminary preparation for hip replacemen<\/strong>t includes quitting smoking and drinking alcohol; cancelling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen); cancelling anticoagulants (warfarin); normalization of body mass, if possible.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Preoperative examination<\/strong>, including consultation with an anesthesiologist and necessary related specialists, takes 1-2 days. According to its results, the most suitable endoprosthesis is selected.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Hip replacement<\/strong>. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The patient lies on his side, the affected leg is bent and fixed in this position. The surgeon makes an incision 15-20 cm long, minimally traumatizing the muscles and nerve endings. Through this incision, miniature instruments are inserted to remove the damaged joint structures. Healthy bone is adjusted for further reliable implant fixation.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">The surgeon installs a femoral stem in the center of the upper part of the femur. Ball-shaped head of the joint is fixed on it. The surgeon also implants a special liner that facilitates movement of the leg and protects the structures of the prosthesis. After the primary fixation of the prosthesis components, the doctor assesses the joint range of motion, as well as the length and symmetry of the lower limb.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">The implant is fixed with cement or cementless method. The doctor treats the operating field with antiseptics, conducts its final revision and sutures the wound layer by layer. A temporary drainage is installed in the joint, and a bandage is applied on top.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Postoperative care<\/strong>. During the first day after the intervention the patient stays in the intensive care unit, under round-the-clock medical supervision. After that, with a smooth course of the postoperative period, the patient is transferred to a regular ward and the drains are removed. The range of motion expands gradually, from light toes movements to walking. Walking with the use of walking aids is allowed in 3-5 days after the operation.<\/p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Rehabilitation<\/strong>. The rehabilitation program begins after the transfer of the patient from the intensive care unit to a regular ward. It includes physical activity (from exercises in bed in the early days to exercises in the gym), physiotherapy, massage (including lymphatic drainage), exercises in the water. The rehabilitation program is constantly being adjusted according to the needs of the patient.<\/p>\n<\/div>","is_ambulant":"0","bh_fee":"0","only_for_children":"2","no_service":"0","with_prepayment":"1","show_calculator":"1","paket_type":"1","btn_type":"2","clinic_icon":"5ffc5f632d6ff.jpg","city":"Berlin","clinic_site":"https:\/\/www.vivantes.de\/fuer-sie-vor-ort\/klinikum-am-urban\/","department_recommend":"0","country":"Germany","country_id":"1","clinic_name":"Vivantes Am Urban Hospital Berlin","cinic_name":"Vivantes Am Urban Hospital Berlin","department_id":"2091","duration":"20","direction":"Hip Surgery","min_duration":0,"clinic_id":"1578","paketPrice":7800,"paket":"<ul>\n <li>Interpreter up to 17 hours<\/li>\n <li>Translation up to 10 pages<\/li>\n <li>Visa support<\/li>\n\n \n<\/ul>","title":"Hip replacement and rehabilitation","price":{"val":28787.53,"type":"val"},"price_surcharge":0,"price_surcharge_clear":0,"extra_service_clinic":[{"id":"need_to_use_head_doctor","title":"Treatment by leading experts","type":"val","val":"5790.53","req":0},{"id":"1_person_room","title":" Single room (whole period)","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"153.00"},{"id":"2_person_room","title":" double room (whole period)","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"82.00"},{"id":"attendant_place","title":"Accommodation for the accompanying person ","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"120.00"}],"extra_service":[],"translation_hours":"0","translation_doc_count":null,"roads":[{"id":"8","distance":"30","airport_title":"Berlin"},{"id":"22","distance":"35","airport_title":"Berlin-Tegel"},{"id":"9","distance":"234","airport_title":"Hamburg"}],"pakets":[],"lang":{"day":"Day","days":"days","ambulatory":"Outpatient","stationaryProgram":"Inpatient"}}
Hip replacement and rehabilitation in Vivantes Am Urban Hospital Berlin
individual rehabilitation program, which includes:
Wii Fit training in the use of the balance
neuropsychological therapy
functional therapy of the upper extremities (ArmeoSpring)
kinesitherapy (physiotherapy)
biocontrol with feedback
healing deep muscle massage
acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes
occupational therapy
psycho-educational classes
Individual physiotherapy
microcurrent treatment
fangotherapy / cryotherapy
antispasmodic drug therapy
mobilization of limb joints
hydrotherapy / massage therapy / reflexology
training on special trainers
and etc.
nurses care
stay in the hospital with full board
symptomatic and drug therapy
How program is carried out
Preliminary preparation for hip replacement includes quitting smoking and drinking alcohol; cancelling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen); cancelling anticoagulants (warfarin); normalization of body mass, if possible.
Preoperative examination, including consultation with an anesthesiologist and necessary related specialists, takes 1-2 days. According to its results, the most suitable endoprosthesis is selected.
Hip replacement. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The patient lies on his side, the affected leg is bent and fixed in this position. The surgeon makes an incision 15-20 cm long, minimally traumatizing the muscles and nerve endings. Through this incision, miniature instruments are inserted to remove the damaged joint structures. Healthy bone is adjusted for further reliable implant fixation.
The surgeon installs a femoral stem in the center of the upper part of the femur. Ball-shaped head of the joint is fixed on it. The surgeon also implants a special liner that facilitates movement of the leg and protects the structures of the prosthesis. After the primary fixation of the prosthesis components, the doctor assesses the joint range of motion, as well as the length and symmetry of the lower limb.
The implant is fixed with cement or cementless method. The doctor treats the operating field with antiseptics, conducts its final revision and sutures the wound layer by layer. A temporary drainage is installed in the joint, and a bandage is applied on top.
Postoperative care. During the first day after the intervention the patient stays in the intensive care unit, under round-the-clock medical supervision. After that, with a smooth course of the postoperative period, the patient is transferred to a regular ward and the drains are removed. The range of motion expands gradually, from light toes movements to walking. Walking with the use of walking aids is allowed in 3-5 days after the operation.
Rehabilitation. The rehabilitation program begins after the transfer of the patient from the intensive care unit to a regular ward. It includes physical activity (from exercises in bed in the early days to exercises in the gym), physiotherapy, massage (including lymphatic drainage), exercises in the water. The rehabilitation program is constantly being adjusted according to the needs of the patient.
Required documents
X-ray examination of the hip joints
MRI scan of the hip joints, if available
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About the department
The Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Hand Surgery at the Vivantes Am Urban Hospital is an expert in the field of urgent and interdisciplinary medical care. The department specializes in the treatment of patients with fractures and injuries of the extremities, joints, pelvis and spine that were caused by sports, work injuries and road accidents. In the field of traumatology, special attention is paid to the hand, foot surgery and reconstructive surgery. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Mohssen Hakimi.
In the field of traumatology, special attention is paid to the hand, foot and reconstructive surgery. Medical services are provided in the department around the clock.
Doctors of sports medicine not only care about the mobility of athletes, but thanks to special experience in this field of medicine they provide services to young football players of the football club Hertha (U6 to U23) and to the national youth hockey team.
Another important area of the department is endoprosthetics. The range of services covers primary endoprosthetics of the hip, knee and shoulder joints, as well as complex operations to replace prostheses and to conduct planned arthroscopic surgery (minimally invasive surgery). Specialists of the department work with the most modern technologies and proven implants, thereby providing patients with a high quality of medical care.
Another key area of the department is hand surgery. The human hand consists of 27 separate bones, so hand surgeries are one of the most complicated. The department offers treatment for all injuries, fractures and diseases of the hand, wrist and associated ligaments, tendons, nerves and vessels. The main task of doctors specializing in hand surgery is to ensure a filigree maneuverability of the patient's hand. With this purpose the department also treats finger movement disorders and pain syndromes that have arisen as a result of pinching the nerve. Treatment of many non-severe illnesses is carried out on an outpatient basis.
The specialists of the department work on the principle “everything for patients”. In addition to patients` safety, a particularly important role is given to respectful and trustful cooperation between doctors and patients. Medical, nursing and therapeutic staff of the department are always ready to help patients in any matters.
The spectrum of medical services of the department in the field of traumatology are:
Shoulder Surgery
Arthroscopic and open surgery
Treatment of fractures with minimally invasive osteosynthesis of nails and methods
Inverse arthroplasty of the shoulder joint
Restoring stability of the shoulder after dislocation
Impingement syndrome (constriction in the shoulder region due to irritation and degeneration)
Forearm calcification
Frozen shoulder syndrome
Damage to the rotator cuff of the shoulder as a result of a rupture of tendons near the scapula)
Shoulder joint rupture
Fractures of clavicle
Fracture of the prosthesis
Surgery of the hip joint
Treatment of joint fractures with the system of osteosynthesis of the newest generation
Spine Surgery
Dorsal, ventral and minimally invasive interventions
Stabilization methods, including prosthesis of vertebrae
Treatment of osteoporotic or traumatic fractures with strengthening and cementation from the inside (kyphoplasty / vertebroplasty)
Surgery of the extremities
Treatment of bone, joint or soft tissue injuries
Intramedullary and extramedullary osteosynthesis procedures, such as fixed-angle osteosynthesis systems, minimally invasive surgical methods
External fixations
Sports Traumatology
Conservative and operative treatment of sports injuries of bone and soft tissues
Treatment of knee injuries such as rupture of the cruciate ligament and damage to the meniscus
Dislocation of the patella (medial dislocation of the knee cap)
Shoulder injuries and shoulder instability
Reconstruction of ligaments and reconstruction of tendons
Modern cartilaginous surgery for chondral and osteochondral defects
Reconstructive and plastic surgery
Plastic reconstruction and restoration of soft tissue defects
Patchwork plastic (local and loose flaps)
Correction of post-traumatic lesions (pseudarthritis) or deformities
Industrial injuries and their consequences
Treatment of injuries resulting from accidents at work
Expert evaluation and expert opinion on the consequences of an accident
The department was approved by the VAV of accident insurance in Germany
The spectrum of medical services in the field of orthopedics:
Endoprosthetics of the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle joint
Operations to replace endoprosthesis
Treatment of periprosthetic fractures (with the help of special prostheses)
Treatment of periprosthetic infections
Conservative treatment of herniated intervertebral disc and facet syndrome with using infiltration under the control of CT (PRT, infiltration of facet joints)
Microscopic surgery for hernias of intervertebral discs
Minimally invasive treatment of rigidity
Prosthesis of vertebrae for tumors and fractures
Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty
Denervation of facet joints
Arthroscopy and Sports Orthopedics
Endoprosthetics of the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle and wrist joint
Cartilage surgery, eg microfracturing, treatment of osteochondral defects, transplantation of cartilaginous cells
Arthroscopic and open surgery on the cruciate ligament and fixation of the meniscus
Corrective Surgery
Correction of deformities of the extremities (eg, varus or valgus deformity of the legs)
Foot Surgery
Complex operations on the foot, eg, with hallux valgus and hallux rigidus
Orthopedic surgery of soft tissues
Plasticity of all joints
Decompression operations on peripheral nerves
Septic soft tissue surgery
Treatment of tumors
Interdisciplinary diagnosis of a tumor
Producing biomaterial
Removal of tumor and metastases
Stabilizing operations of the spine and extremities
Range of medical services in the field of hand surgery includes:
Traumatic surgery of the hand
Treatment of fractures of the wrist and wrist joint
Reconstruction of tendons, nerves and vessels
Operations for the replacement of tendons
Arthroscopy of the wrist and finger joints
Treatment of infections
Degenerative hand surgery
Separation of the annular ligament (treatment of tendovaginitis)
Extirpation with ganglion (arthroscopic)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Treatment of ulnar nerve injury
Cubital channel syndrome
Dupuytren's Contraction
Necrosis of the semilunar bone
Treatment of pseudarthritis, partial and total arthrodesis
Tumors of the hand
Tumor removal, biomaterial sampling
Interdisciplinary diagnostics
Curriculum vitae
Since 2012 Director of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Vivantes Urban Hospital, Berlin, Germany.
2010 Associate Professor at the University Hospital in Duesseldorf PhD: “Investigation of the Osteoinductive Effect of Platelet-rich Plasma”.
2005 Senior Consultant, Department of Traumatology and Hand Surgery of the University of Dusseldorf, Germany.
1995 Education in Orthopedic Surgery, Traumatology and Hand Surgery at the University Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany.
1993 Neurology Department at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, USA.
1988 Medical Studies in Homburg-Saar, Germany.
Photo of the doctor: (с) Vivantes - Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH
About hospital
The Vivantes Am Urban Hospital, in Berlin-Kreuzberg, is an academic clinic at Charité University Hospital. About 220 physicians and 360 medical personnel in 12 specialized departments conduct their high-quality work here. The hospital is equipped with 620 beds. Annually it treats about 65,000 patients. Each year 1500 children are born here.
The hospital also includes the Breast Center, the Tumor Center with the specialization "Gastrointestinal oncology" and the Berlin Center for Cardiac Rhythm Disorders.
The Vivantes Am Urban Hospital was opened in 1890. It immediately established itself as a scientific and educational medical institution with great potential.
Many departments of the hospital are honored for their outstanding medical and patient care services.
Photo: (c) depositphotos
Accommodation in hospital
Patients rooms
Patients of the hospital are offered a comfortable stay in the hospital for the entire period of treatment.
1 or 2-bed modern cozy rooms are equipped with everything patients need. The rooms have a bed with electric drive for convenient changing of the bed position, bedside table, wardrobe, safe, shower and bathroom.
In addition, the patient can use wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) for free.
Meals and Menus
All types of food are offered at the restaurant of the hospital. If desired, the patients can order food to their room.
Further details
Standard rooms include:
Accompanying person
Upon request, the accompanying person can be placed in the patient's room.
Select your currency:
Your guarantee
One year of support after the treatment
Insurance to cover unforeseen expenses arising from complications during and 48 months after treatment (coverage up to 200,000 €)
Reduced costs by 40-70% (contracts with Hospitals)
In addition, we are the only TÜV-certified company with an ISO 9001:2015 certificate