Department of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery and Pediatric Urology | Treatment in Vivantes Neukölln Hospital Berlin | Departments. Germany | BookingHealth
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Department of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery and Pediatric Urology - Vivantes Neukölln Hospital Berlin

Vivantes Neukölln Hospital Berlin

Berlin, Germany
Department id # 357449
Doctor photo
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Tillig
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery and Pediatric Urology
Specialized in: pediatric surgery, neonatal surgery, pediatric urology

About the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery and Pediatric Urology at Vivantes Neukölln Hospital Berlin

The Department of Pediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery and Pediatric Urology at the Vivantes Neukölln Hospital offers the full range of services in pediatric surgery and specialized care for preterm and sick newborns, infants, children and adolescents under the age of 16 years. The main areas of specialization include surgery for malformations, surgery for premature and full-term newborns, pediatric urology, traumatology and minimally invasive pediatric surgery. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Tillig.

The department belongs to one of the two largest centers of pediatric surgery in Berlin and enjoys an excellent reputation. The goal of the department is the best quality of medical care with the use of the latest technologies, modern medical achievements and an interdisciplinary approach to treatment.

The quality of medical services provided in the department is confirmed by numerous certificates, for example, the quality certificate in the field of laser therapy, the quality certificate for resuscitation procedures for the treatment of children, the certificate for specialized consultations in the field of genetics, etc. In addition, the department takes an active part in research activities, participates in the research of the working group on minimally invasive surgery and the working group on pediatric urology of the German Society of Pediatric Surgery.

The main treatment focuses of the department are:

  • Neonatal surgery (surgery to correct and treat both congenital and acquired diseases in premature infants and newborns)
  • Pediatric urology (surgical treatment of congenital disorders of urination, e.g., reflux, urinary tract obstruction, ureteral stenosis, ureterocele, etc.)
  • Correction of malformations of the genitals (e.g., hypospadias, epispadias, sinus urogenitalis)
  • Surgical treatment of phimosis, testicular abnormalities (e.g., undescended testicle) and varicose veins in the testicles (varicocele))
  • Thoracic and abdominal surgery in children (acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, glands, malformations of the thoracic and abdominal wall, thoracic and abdominal organs)
  • Pediatric traumatology (conservative and surgical treatment of fractures, dislocations, injuries of soft tissues, tendons, thoracic and abdominal organs)
  • Conservative and surgical treatment of burns and scalds in children (including plastic surgery)
  • Correction of congenital and acquired deformities and malformations of the limbs
  • Surgical oncology (except brain tumors)
  • Removal of congenital fistulas and cysts in the head and neck
  • Operations on the surface of the body and skin (removal of warts, hemangiomas, birthmarks and some edema)
  • Minimally invasive diagnostics and treatment
  • Pediatric radiology (under the supervision of a specially trained pediatric radiologist)
  • Physiotherapy and ergotherapy

Photo of the doctor: (c) Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH