About the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Assuta Hospital Tel Aviv
The Department of Reproductive Medicine at the Assuta Hospital Tel Aviv offers the full range of diagnostics and treatment of infertility in women and men. For these purposes, the department has in its arsenal a variety of modern, effective methods. The doctors of the department have a particular specialization in the field of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The department is a leader in IVF efficiency at the international level. The Chief Physician of the department is Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Seidman. He is one of the best specialists in obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination in Israel.
Before doctors start treatment of infertility, they establish its cause. To this end, both partners are examined. The first stage is to find out if any of the spouses suffers from an infection, which occurs in a latent form. For this purpose, the laboratory tests are carried out. An important part of the diagnostics is also ultrasound examinations in women, which allow to reveal various pathologies, the elimination of which can significantly improve the reproductive function. In order to diagnose the reproductive function of men, the laboratory analysis of sperm (spermogram) is carried out. It helps to determine whether there is enough active sperm cells in his semen. In addition, a hormonal blood test is performed. In some cases, an ovarian biopsy, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, as well as other clinical examinations are performed. Depending on the examination results and taking into account all clinical indications, an optimal treatment option is prescribed for the couple.
The department’s range of therapeutic services includes:
- Treatment of male infertility
- Treatment of varicocele (spermatic cord dilatation) by microsurgery, based on the use of a high-resolution surgical microscope
- Sperm aspiration with the help of testicular puncture and the extraction of seminal fluid from it
- Treatment of female infertility
- In vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Oocyte cryoconservation
- Fertility preservation in cancer patients
- Selection of the type of chemotherapy and radiation, the dose and protocol of which have minimal influence on fertility
- The use of special medications (for example, GnRH Analogues), which can reduce the degree of chemotherapy influence on the ovarian function
- In vitro fertilization and freezing of embryos (only for mature women)
- Extraction of mature oocytes and their freezing before anticancer procedures (use of rapid freezing (vitrification))
- Moving the ovaries out of the radiation range (oophoropexy) – attempt to minimize or prevent damage to the ovaries
- Egg donation from other women
- Extraction of ovarian tissue (usually laparoscopically) and its freezing (in young patients)
- Re-transplant of thawed ovarian tissue
- Obtention of ovules from thawed tissue and their artificial maturation in the laboratory conditions (at the moment the research is at the initial stage) followed by in vitro fertilization and standard embryo transplantation
- Comprehensive management of pregnancy after fertility treatment
- Other medical services
Curriculum vitae
- Hadassah Medical School at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
- Clinical training at the Stanford Endoscopy Center for Advanced Endoscopic Surgery (under the direction of Prof. Kamran Nejat).
Academic Experience
- Assistant Professor, Founder and Lecturer of the course at the Sackler School of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University.
Research Activities
- Author of numerous publications and researches in Artificial Insemination and Gynecology.
- He has published over 250 researches in Endoscopic Surgery and Fertility.
- Editor of the Israel Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Journal, as well as Editorial Board Member of the following journals: Pregnancy, Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, the international publication Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
Membership in Professional Associations
- Chairman of the Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine.
- Member of the Expert Supervising Committee on Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Research Council Member of the Israel Medical Association.
- Board Member of the International Organization of Contraception and Reproductive Health.
- Board Member of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Assuta Medical Centers