Hair Transplant hospitals in Poland
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Best hospitals and doctors for hair transplant in Poland
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Treatment of alopecia by FUE transplantation of hair follicles with ARTAS robot

The Dr. Turowski Hair Restoration Clinic is a highly specialized center for hair transplantation by means of FUE technique (follicular unit extraction) and one of the few medical facilities offering hair transplant using the ARTAS Robotic System. The clinic has a reputation as one of the leading medical facilities of this kind i
Diagnostic tests for alopecia before hair transplantation
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Go to the program Treatment of alopecia by FUE or FUT transplantation of hair follicles
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Go to the program Treatment of alopecia by transplantation of hair follicles with DHI
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Go to the program | from Booking Health GmbH
Cost of Hair Transplant treatment in Poland varies from 4043.41 to 4043.41
Dr. med. Gregory Turowski