About the Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation at MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Lausick
The Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation at the MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Lausick offers the full range of modern rehabilitation measures for patients after cardiovascular diseases or cardiac surgery. With appropriate clinical indications, the patient can undergo rehabilitation on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization. The patients are most often admitted to the department after coronary artery bypass grafting, surgical interventions for heart valve pathologies, acute coronary syndrome. The patients with chronic heart pathologies also receive medical care here. Each clinical case is unique and is considered on an individual basis, which guarantees the selection of the optimal rehabilitation treatment regimen. The highest quality of medical services in the department is awarded with many prestigious certificates, including the DGPR certificate of the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases in cardiac rehabilitation of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. The department is headed by Dr. med. Tatiana Slezakova.
With appropriate clinical indications, the patient can undergo cardiac rehabilitation either in a day hospital or on an outpatient basis, which eliminates the need for a permanent hospital stay. The department's specialists offer comprehensive rehabilitation for patients, since total recovery requires not only getting rid of the symptoms of heart disease, but also taking into account the influence of the pathology on the patient's emotional state and social life, risk factors for the development of relapse or exacerbation of the disease. Thus, an important role in the rehabilitation process is assigned to the modification of the patient's lifestyle – the formation of healthy eating habits, regular dosed physical activity, quitting bad habits, taking maintenance drugs, etc.
Once admitted to the department, the doctors study the patient's medical history and appoint a complex of diagnostic examinations, which help assess the state of the cardiovascular system and the patient's health condition in general. This stage is decisive for the rehabilitation success, since it allows the rehabilitation therapists to choose the most effective types of treatment based on the specific clinical indications. The patients most often undergo such diagnostic examinations as stress and resting electrocardiography, 24-hour Holter monitoring, spiroergometry, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, echocardiography with Doppler color flow mapping, vascular Doppler ultrasonography, pulmonary function tests, etc. With the diagnostic results, the department's rehabilitation therapists begin to develop an optimal rehabilitation program. The patient is also involved in the development of the rehabilitation treatment regimen, since it is important for the specialists to take into account his individual needs, including the peculiarities of everyday and professional life.
Each rehabilitation program is unique and combines a variety of therapeutic techniques, which serve to achieve specific goals determined during the planning phase of rehabilitation. The overall and primary goal of each program is to improve the quality of life of a patient who has undergone cardiac surgery or has a chronic heart disease. This means that after rehabilitation treatment the patient's state of health and performance will be improved, his psycho-emotional state will be normalized and he will have the opportunity to live a full life, including reintegration into the professional environment. In addition, an important task of the rehabilitation therapists is the prevention of recurrence or exacerbation of heart diseases.
Throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, an interdisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals takes care of the patients' health. The patients receive medical care from the therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, nutritionists, psychologists and other specialists. All of them make every effort to provide the patient with high quality rehabilitation treatment and also strive to make him feel as comfortable as possible during the entire therapeutic process.
The department specializes in cardiac rehabilitation in patients after the following cardiovascular diseases and heart surgery:
- Pathological conditions after coronary artery bypass grafting
- Pathological conditions after heart valve surgery
- Pathological conditions after surgical correction of congenital heart defects
- Pathological conditions after other intervention on the heart, including aneurysmectomy, defibrillator implantation
- Myocardial infarction
- Inflammatory heart diseases
- Pulmonary embolism
- Chronic ischemic heart disease
- Cardiomyopathy
- Chronic heart failure
- Arterial hypertension
- Arrhythmias
- Stage I-II peripheral arterial circulation disorders
- Heart pathologies caused by type II diabetes mellitus
- Other heart diseases and pathological conditions
The department's range of diagnostic and therapeutic services includes:
- Diagnostic tests
- Stress and resting electrocardiography
- 24-hour Holter monitoring
- Spiroergometry
- 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
- Echocardiography with Doppler color flow mapping
- Vascular Doppler ultrasonography
- Pulmonary function tests
- X-ray
- Sonography
- Laboratory tests
- Assessment of the patient's psychological state
- Rehabilitation methods
- Kinesio taping
- Physiotherapy
- Medical training therapy
- Nordic walking
- Strength building
- Breathing exercises
- Water aerobics
- Swimming
- Ergotherapy
- Autogenic training
- Sports therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Psychological care, including mastering relaxation techniques
- Diet therapy, including classes in the training kitchen
- Other medical services
Photo of the doctor: (c) MEDIAN Klinik Bad Lausick