Cardiac rehabilitation (74691) | MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka - BookingHealth
{"translation_price":"50","translation_doc_price":"40","child_coefficient":"1.1","transfer_price":"2.00","transfer_price_vip":"5.00","constant_transfer_price_vip":350,"constant_transfer_price":150,"constant_transfer_distanse":60,"type":"rehabilitation","program_full_story":"<ul>\n\t<li>Primary presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>medical history, including family history<\/li>\n\t<li>complex cardiac examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>x-ray examination of the thorax<\/li>\n\t<li>individual rehabilitation program, which includes:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>physiotherapy with use of methods of training vessels and the heart<\/li>\n\t\t<li>cardiogymnestics in group and individually<\/li>\n\t\t<li>psychosocial rehabilitation (physiotherapy, ergotherapy etc.)&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>ergotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>interventional vessels therapy&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>infusion therapy&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>local therapy with use of modern dressing<\/li>\n\t\t<li>individual compression therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>compression pulstherapy with use of special instruments<\/li>\n\t\t<li>acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>occupational therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>microcurrent treatment<\/li>\n\t\t<li>fangotherapy \/ cryotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>hydrotherapy \/ massage therapy \/ reflexology<\/li>\n\t\t<li>training on special trainers<\/li>\n\t\t<li>and etc.<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>nurses care<\/li>\n\t<li>stay in the hospital with full board<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic and drug therapy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","program_full_story_crm":"<ul>\n\t<li>Primary presentation in the clinic<\/li>\n\t<li>medical history, including family history<\/li>\n\t<li>complex cardiac examinations<\/li>\n\t<li>x-ray examination of the thorax<\/li>\n\t<li>individual rehabilitation program, which includes:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>physiotherapy with use of methods of training vessels and the heart<\/li>\n\t\t<li>cardiogymnestics in group and individually<\/li>\n\t\t<li>psychosocial rehabilitation (physiotherapy, ergotherapy etc.)&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>ergotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>interventional vessels therapy&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>infusion therapy&nbsp;<\/li>\n\t\t<li>local therapy with use of modern dressing<\/li>\n\t\t<li>individual compression therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>compression pulstherapy with use of special instruments<\/li>\n\t\t<li>acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes<\/li>\n\t\t<li>occupational therapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>microcurrent treatment<\/li>\n\t\t<li>fangotherapy \/ cryotherapy<\/li>\n\t\t<li>hydrotherapy \/ massage therapy \/ reflexology<\/li>\n\t\t<li>training on special trainers<\/li>\n\t\t<li>and etc.<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>\n\t<\/li>\n\t<li>nurses care<\/li>\n\t<li>stay in the hospital with full board<\/li>\n\t<li>symptomatic and drug therapy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","is_ambulant":"0","bh_fee":0,"only_for_children":"0","no_service":"0","with_prepayment":"1","show_calculator":"1","paket_type":"1","btn_type":"0","clinic_icon":"600197118f0a7.jpg","city":"Bad Berka","clinic_site":"https:\/\/\/de\/median-reha-zentrum-bad-berka-ilmtal-klinik\/","department_recommend":"0","country":"Germany","country_id":"1","clinic_name":"MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka","cinic_name":"MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka","department_id":"398","duration":"14","direction":"Cardiac rehabilitation","min_duration":"14","clinic_id":"202","paketPrice":3900,"paket":"<ul>\n <li>Interpreter up to 10 hours\n <\/li>\n <li>Translation up to 5 pages<\/li>\n <li>Visa support\n <\/li>\n \n<\/ul>","title":"Cardiac rehabilitation","price":{"val":0,"type":"day","val_per_day":"0.00"},"price_surcharge":0,"price_surcharge_clear":0,"extra_service_clinic":[{"id":"need_to_use_head_doctor","title":"Treatment by leading experts","type":"val","val":0,"req":0},{"id":"1_person_room","title":" Single room (whole period)","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"150.00"},{"id":"2_person_room","title":" double room (whole period)","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"90.00"},{"id":"attendant_place","title":"Accommodation for the accompanying person ","parent":"duration","type":"count_val","val":"100.00"}],"extra_service":[],"translation_hours":"0","translation_doc_count":null,"roads":[{"id":"20","distance":"123","airport_title":"Leipzig"},{"id":"21","distance":"206","airport_title":"Dresden"},{"id":"6","distance":"285","airport_title":"Frankfurt a.M."}],"pakets":[],"lang":{"day":"Day","days":"days","ambulatory":"Outpatient","stationaryProgram":"Inpatient"}}

Cardiac rehabilitation in MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka

MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka

Bad Berka, Germany
Program id # 74691
Doctor photo
Dr. med. Susanne Knoth
Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Specialized in: cardiac rehabilitation

The program includes:

  • Primary presentation in the clinic
  • medical history, including family history
  • complex cardiac examinations
  • x-ray examination of the thorax
  • individual rehabilitation program, which includes:
    • physiotherapy with use of methods of training vessels and the heart
    • cardiogymnestics in group and individually
    • psychosocial rehabilitation (physiotherapy, ergotherapy etc.) 
    • ergotherapy
    • interventional vessels therapy 
    • infusion therapy 
    • local therapy with use of modern dressing
    • individual compression therapy
    • compression pulstherapy with use of special instruments
    • acupuncture of spasticity and pain syndromes
    • occupational therapy
    • microcurrent treatment
    • fangotherapy / cryotherapy
    • hydrotherapy / massage therapy / reflexology
    • training on special trainers
    • and etc.
  • nurses care
  • stay in the hospital with full board
  • symptomatic and drug therapy


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About the department

The Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation at the MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka offers the full range of effective rehabilitation measures to maximally restore physical activity, reintegrate the patient into his usual life and prevent recurrent cardiac pathology. Cardiac rehabilitation is indicated for patients with severe heart diseases, as well as for patients after heart surgery. Prior to the appointment of the required set of rehabilitation measures, the patient undergoes comprehensive diagnostics, on the basis of which the doctors individually select for him the necessary therapeutic measures. Each rehabilitation program is unique and necessarily includes such important components as the treatment of comorbidities, psychotherapeutic treatment, dosed physical activity, physiotherapy, trainings and special courses for patients, during which they receive full information about their disease, recommendations on lifestyle modification after the pathology and other important aspects. The department's psychologists actively work to motivate the patients for a favorable treatment outcome. The department is headed by Dr. med. Susanne Knoth.

The rehabilitation treatment of patients after cardiac pathologies or heart surgery takes place in stages. The patient initially performs minimal physical activity under the supervision of specialized doctors, and over time the intensity of the exercises increases as the person's physical abilities are restored. It is extremely important to have regular training not to lose the achieved rehabilitation results. After a certain period of time, the department's doctors carry out the required laboratory and instrumental diagnostic tests in order to monitor the indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The department has an excellent infrastructure for modern types of rehabilitation treatment, including therapeutic exercises, swimming, water aerobics, ergotherapy, etc. The diagnostic rooms of the medical facility are equipped with state-of-the-art systems for resting and stress ECG, 24-hour Holter monitoring, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, spirometry, duplex echocardiography, obstructive sleep apnea screening, etc. All these medical and technical resources combined with the highest professionalism of the clinic's medical staff guarantee a high-quality rehabilitation result, maximum recovery of the physical abilities and vitality of the body.

The department specializes in the rehabilitation of patients after the following cardiovascular diseases and heart surgery:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Acute myocardial infarction
    • Inflammatory heart diseases
    • Pulmonary embolism
    • Cardiac arrhythmias
    • Angina pectoris
    • Arterial hypertension of all stages
    • Functional cardiovascular disorders
    • Circulatory disorders of the peripheral vessels
  • Heart surgery
    • Coronary artery bypass grafting
    • Surgery for heart valve diseases and defects 
    • Surgery for the correction of congenital heart defects
    • Pacemaker and defibrillator implantation 
    • Vascular surgery
  • Other diseases and types of surgical interventions

The department's diagnostic and therapeutic options include:

  • Diagnostic tests
    • Resting and stress ECG (using a bicycle ergometer or treadmill)
    • 24-hour ECG monitoring
    • 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
    • Spirometry
    • Blood gas test
    • Duplex echocardiography
    • Doppler ultrasonography
    • Duplex sonography
    • Obstructive sleep apnea screening
    • Classical X-ray imaging
    • Right heart catheterization for diagnostic purposes
    • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Therapeutic methods
    • Drug treatment
    • Exercise therapy
    • Physiotherapy
    • Therapeutic relaxation and yoga
    • Psychotherapy
    • Ergotherapy
    • Music therapy
    • Swimming
    • Sports therapy, including ergometer training, Nordic walking, muscle building workouts, etc.
    • Diet therapy, including classes in the training kitchen
    • Group trainings on particular heart diseases, lifestyle modifications for these diseases and coping with emotional distress caused by cardiaс pathology
    • Consultations on professional reintegration after previous heart disease and cardiac surgery
  • Other diagnostic and rehabilitation methods

Photo of the doctor: (c) MEDIAN Reha-Zentrum Bad Berka Ilmtal-Klinik

About hospital

For many years, the MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka has enjoyed a reputation of the leading German medical center specializing in the rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and oncopathology. The medical team of the clinic provides each patient with an individual rehabilitation program aimed at maximum recovery of health after diseases, reintegration into everyday and professional life. The rehabilitation treatment is provided in stages, under constant medical supervision. The doctors increase the level of physical activity at each stage of the rehabilitation, provide a variety of exercises and monitor the success of the rehabilitation procedures. With appropriate clinical indications, the rehabilitation can be provided either within a day hospital or on an outpatient basis.

The clinic offers all modern therapeutic techniques to restore the patient's health. The treatment is based on drug therapy (for example, for cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, metabolic disorders), therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, special therapeutic measures to eliminate the consequences of diabetes mellitus, etc. An integral part of the rehabilitation is psychological care of competent psychologists who motivate the patients for a favorable treatment outcome and help them cope with the emotional distress caused by the disease. The clinic has an excellent infrastructure for high-quality rehabilitation and achievement of a good result.

Special attention should be given to the professionalism of the medical team. The patients receive medical care from the highly qualified doctors (cardiologists, diabetologists, oncologists), exercise therapy specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, nutritionists and other experts. All employees of the clinic work for the benefit of their patients, surround them with care and understand their needs.

The highest quality of medical services of the clinic is awarded with many prestigious certificates, including ISO certificate, TÜV Rheinland certificate, DEGEMED certificate of the German Society for Rehabilitation Medicine and others. Thus, the patients can be sure that their health is in the safe hands of real professionals.

Photo: (с) depositphotos

Accommodation in hospital

Patients rooms

The patients of the MEDIAN Rehabilitation Clinic Bad Berka live in comfortable single rooms made in a modern design. Each patient room has an ensuite bathroom with shower and toilet. Many patient rooms are specially equipped in order to meet the needs of disabled people. The standard patient room furnishings include an automatically adjustable bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a table and chairs for receiving visitors, a telephone and a TV. The patient rooms also have Wi-Fi.

If desired, the patients can live in enhanced-comfort rooms. They are additionally equipped with upholstered furniture, a mini fridge and a safe for storing valuables.

Meals and Menus

The patient and the accompanying person are offered tasty and balanced three meals a day. The patients have a daily choice of three menus for lunch, as well as buffet breakfast and dinner. If for some reason you do not eat all foods, you will be offered an individual menu. Please inform the medical staff about your food preferences prior to treatment.

Further details

Standard rooms include:



The religious services are available upon request.

Accompanying person

During the inpatient program, the accompanying person can live with the patient in a patient room or a hotel of his choice. Our managers will help you choose the most suitable option.


During an outpatient program, the patient can stay at the hotel of his choice. Our managers will help you choose the most suitable option.