Cancer | Proton Therapy - treatment in Czech Republic . Hospital Prices, Ranking, Reviews - Bookinghealth

Cancer — Proton Therapy: treatment in the Best Hospitals of Czech Republic

➤Proton therapy for malignant tumour - treatment in Czech Republic ★ Direct prices from the best hospitals in Czech Republic $ We will help you save money on treatment ✔ Patient support 24/7

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Proton Therapy Center Prague
Czech Republic, Prague

Proton Therapy Center Prague

Overall rating 8.9 / 10

Department of Adult and Pediatric Proton Therapy

The Department of Adult and Pediatric Proton Therapy offers the most advanced and accurate form of radiotherapy currently available to treat various cancers. The department has 5 specialized treatment rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including IBA Proton Technology, Pencil Beam Scanning, Patlog™ from a Swedish firm called ONCOlog etc. The department also has a specially designed room for eye treatment. A feature of the department is that it deals with the treatment of young patients. Each specialist working here sets a goal not only to provide excellent treatment quality, but also to please patients with high standards of patient care.

Jiří Kubeš
Asst. Prof. Dr. med.Jiří Kubeš
Price from: 55805.98

Proton therapy is used in clinics in Germany, the Czech Republic, and other European countries to treat patients with malignant and benign formations, especially in cases when the use of the conventional radiation therapy for cancer is not possible due to the high risk of damage to the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor. The proton therapy centers often admit both citizens of the country and foreign patients.

Cancer treatment options

More and more cancer patients are diagnosed every year. Scientists from all over the world are looking for methods and ways to treat cancer patients, improve their quality of life, and relieve pain.

The choice of therapy for cancer treatment depends on the stage of the disease. It is the defining criterion for general treatment tactics and prognosis. A number of other indicators are also taken into account. These are anatomical, histological, and structural characteristics of a tumor, the presence of metastases, and complications. Stages of the cancer process are based on its spreading, clinical signs, tumor type, etc. At each stage, doctors in cancer therapy centers provide necessary treatment.

Some alternative treatment methods are tested in oncology right now. However, the main methods for cancer treatment include the following.

  • Surgery.

Surgical intervention is the most common method of oncology treatment in cancer therapy centers. During the operation, the primary tumor is removed, along with which the surrounding soft tissues and metastases are excised. From this, it is worth highlighting two more types of surgery: radical and palliative ones. In the first case, all formations are removed, and in the second only the most dangerous ones are removed to prevent the development of complications. Statistical information shows that surgical treatment is used in 85% of cases of cancer of the stomach, lungs, liver, breast, and others. This depends on the stage of the disease.

  • Chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is used as frequently as surgery in cancer therapy centers. Patients may experience weight gain, baldness, nausea, and vomiting, but the final result increases the chances of survival. Chemotherapy is always prescribed either as an independent course or as a part of complex therapy in cancer treatment.

Chemotherapy is used to increase the effectiveness of other methods, shrinking the tumor before another treatment, eliminating the residual cancerous cells at the end of the course, controlling the pain syndrome, and preventing the recurrence.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is universal in terms of application at different cancer stages. Radiation therapy can be used both before surgery, after surgery, or during surgery.

Radiation is used to treat many types of tumors, and in many patients it is the only treatment they need. In addition, radiation therapy can reduce pain, symptoms of compression of healthy organs, and stop bleeding.

Radiation therapy is the targeted irradiation of malignant tumors. Irradiation causes the death of abnormal cells, which stops the development of the disease. If left untreated, malignant cells can grow continuously, destroying healthy cells and spreading throughout the body.

Before starting radiation therapy, the radiologist in the clinic reviews all the medical documents (medical history, diagnostic results, etc.) and selects the radiation therapy method. After that, the patient receives information about the method, side effects, risk, and prognosis of treatment results. During the next visit, the patient undergoes a special procedure called marking. Skin will be marked with paint, which must be preserved during the period of therapy. If necessary, special devices will be made that will allow maintaining the exact position of the body during each irradiation session. The number of treatment sessions is determined by a doctor.

As with most cancer treatments, there is some risk for patients receiving radiation therapy. While killing diseased cells, radiation can also damage the adjacent normal tissue, which leads to the development of side effects. However, the risk of negative effects is much less significant than the consequences of an untreated disease.

Proton therapy

The method of proton therapy and experienced professionals of proton therapy centers in Czech Republic made it possible to treat complex cancer cases.

Protons are positively charged particles. The technique is very adjustable as it allows calculating the movement of the proton beam so that it targets the tumor with no damage to healthy tissues. Such a high accuracy of proton therapy is really unique today and is as safe as possible for patients. Another advantage of this treatment is that the protons are able to reach targets at any depth inside the body.

Due to the physical properties of protons, proton therapy is currently the world's most advanced and safest radiation therapy method. When used in certain doses, protons can act with great precision, thereby increasing anti-tumor activity and limiting damage to healthy tissues.

Thus, due to the physical properties of proton therapy, it is possible to precisely focus the radiation dose calculated by radiotherapy oncologists, which in many cases provides greater local control of the disease and less damage to neighboring healthy tissues.

The proton therapy system includes tumor scanning technology that allows doctors of healthcare proton centers of the Czech Republic to deliver the dose of radiation and target each specific area requiring the treatment.

This is especially useful for tumors that require strict dose control and are located near structures or organs that are very sensitive to radiation, as well as for tumors in children because their organs are still developing and are even more sensitive.

Due to its minimal effect on healthy tissues and few undesirable effects, proton therapy is indicated for the treatment of cancer in children. It is also a good option for patients with inoperable malignant formations.

Proton therapy treatment can be prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Malignant tumors in children, including complex brain tumors
  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord
  • Tumors of the head and neck
  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer of the prostate, bladder, and kidneys
  • Breast cancer
  • Soft tissue sarcomas
  • Melanoma of the eye

Side effects

There are some unwanted side effects that can occur with proton therapy, although, as was already mentioned, they are minimized. In general, during the course of proton therapy for cancer treatment, patients can continue to live their normal life without any special restrictions.

Most often, there are such temporary symptoms as a feeling of fatigue, dizziness, skin reactions at the site of irradiation, hair loss if the head area is irradiated. All symptoms are not dangerous and disappear in a few weeks after the end of the course. It is important to understand that immediately after the session patients do not become the source of radiation and do not pose any danger to other people.

During proton therapy for cancer treatment, you may experience side effects due to radiation. All people tolerate radiation therapy differently. Most often, reactions arise during 2-3 weeks after the end of proton therapy. Your doctor will give recommendations on drug treatment and preventive measures during the entire course of therapy.

How the proton therapy in the Czech Republic is carried out

Before the start of the proton therapy for cancer treatment, patients must undergo an examination according to an international protocol. It includes MRI or PET CT in order to determine the stage, location, and spreading of cancer, and to make all the necessary calculations related to the radiation treatment.

The treatment strategy is elaborated by the medical council. The radiation dose required for the particular disease is prescribed by the radiation oncologist. Then the method of delivery of this dose to the tumor is selected, and then the shape, intensity, and trajectory of the proton beam delivery are calculated.

During the procedure, the patients must be completely immobile and for this, special comfortable fixing devices are used. Small children are sometimes given anesthesia, as immobility is critical for the correct procedure performing. The session itself can last up to 20-30 minutes, and the actual irradiation takes only few minutes. The patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. Depending on the indications, the course of treatment may consist of just one procedure, or a course of procedures, which may take several weeks.

Where can I undergo proton therapy in Czech Republic?

Health tourism is becoming more and more popular these days, as treatment abroad often ensures a much better quality of proton therapy.

Specialized hospitals in the Czech Republic practice the method of proton therapy. The Proton Therapy Center in Prague shows the best success rates in proton therapy in Czech Republic.

The Proton Therapy Center in Prague is the world's leading medical institution equipped with the most modern technologies used for the treatment of cancer patients with a proton beam therapy method. The first proton therapy center in the Czech Republic accepts patients with all types of cancer.

The proton therapy center has 5 radiation therapy rooms. Also, the clinic has the possibility to perform all the necessary diagnostic examinations: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET CT). The Proton Therapy Center in Prague is an outpatient facility for the treatment and examination of patients.

The Proton Center Prague is one of the most modern medical facilities in the world. With high-precision technology and high-quality equipment, patients can receive the best services for treatment. Thanks to the flexibility and accuracy of the proton beam, it became possible to treat any tumor, including those located close to vital organs, without significant harm to the patient's health and restrictions in the usual lifestyle.

The main task of this proton therapy center is to use the method of radiation exposure as a fundamental method of treating oncological pathologies. Today, many leading hospitals around the world have included proton therapy in the protocols for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors.

The work of the proton therapy center in Prague complies with international protocols and world standards. The institution constantly supports the radiation oncology of this country, making significant contribution to its development.

You can find more information about proton therapy centers in the Czech Republic and the services they provide on the Booking Health website.

The cost of treatment in Czech Republic

The prices in hospitals listed on the Booking Health website are relatively low. With Booking Health, you can undergo proton therapy in Czech Republic at an affordable price.

The average cost for proton therapy treatment in the Czech Republic is about 50,000 EUR.

Proton therapy for prostate cancer treatment is about 44,648 EUR; proton therapy for breast cancer treatment is about 44,526 EUR; proton therapy for lung cancer treatment is about 44,462 EUR.

The cost for proton therapy treatment varies, as the prices depend on the proton therapy center, the specifics of the disease, and the complexity of its treatment.

You also need to consider the cost of additional procedures and follow-up care. Therefore, the ultimate cost of treatment in Czech Republic may differ from the initial price.

To make sure that the cost of treatment in Czech Republic is suitable for you, you may contact us by leaving the request on the Booking Health website.

How can I undergo treatment with proton therapy in the Czech Republic?

It is not easy to self-organize any treatment abroad. It requires certain knowledge and expertise. Thus, it is safer, easier, and less stressful to use the services of a medical tourism agency.

As the largest and most transparent medical tourism agency, Booking Health has up-to-date information about proton therapy treatment in the best hospitals in the Czech Republic. With accurate information on the success rates of the hospitals, Booking Health will help you select the right medical facility taking into account your wishes for treatment.

We want to help you and take on all the troubles. You can be free of unnecessary stress, while Booking Health takes care of all organizational issues. Our services are aimed at undergoing proton therapy in the Czech Republic safely and successfully.

Medical tourism can be easy! All you need to do is to leave a request on the Booking Health website, and our manager will contact you shortly.