About the Department of Pediatric Urology at Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa
The Department of Pediatric Urology at the Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa offers all the modern options of medicine for the diagnostics and treatment of congenital malformations of urogenital organs, such as hypospadias, vesicoureteral reflux, obstruction of the kidney, varicocele, hydrocele, undescended testicle, etc. All department's doctors have excellent qualifications in the area of their specialization and apply their experience and expert skills for the restoration of health of young patients. The Chief Physician of the department is Prof. Dr. med. Pinchas Livne.
The diagnostics of congenital developmental defects is carried out in utero, during the standard ultrasound examination at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. The department cooperates closely with specialists from the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, which allows the doctors to carry out highly accurate diagnostic examinations in children and pregnant women.
The treatment tactics are selected individually for each patient. The clinical practice involves the use of the most advanced therapeutic techniques, including injection therapy for the treatment of vesicoureteral reflux, laser surgery to remove the posterior urethral valve and shockwave lithotripsy, robot-assisted and laparoscopic interventions, reconstructive interventions, etc.
It is noteworthy that the department is involved in a number of clinical researches in the field of pediatric urology, for example, the study of testicular infections in preadolescent children.
The key focuses of the department's specialization include:
- Diagnostics and treatment of hypospadias
- Diagnostics and treatment of vesicoureteral reflux
- Diagnostics and treatment of urinary tract obstruction
- Diagnostics and treatment of hydronephrosis
- Diagnostics and treatment of urethral stricture
- Diagnostics and treatment of cryptorchidism
- Diagnostics and treatment of other genitourinary diseases in boys
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Pinchas Livne graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
He completed his internship in Urology at the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva at the Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University and continued his education in Onco-Urology at the Baylor College of Medicine on the basis of the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, USA. He also completed additional specialization in Pediatric Urology at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, USA.
Clinical Career
In 1984, the doctor returned to Israel and became a Leading Medical Specialist in the Department of Urology at the Beilinson Hospital. Since 1990, Prof. Livne held the position of the Head of the Department of Pediatric Urology at the Beilinson Hospital.
From 1992 to 1997, he headed the Department of Urology at the Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa, and also received the title of Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion.
In 1997, Prof. Livne was appointed as the Head of the Department of Urology at the Rabin Medical Center in the city of Petah Tikva. Prof. Livne held this position for 17 years.
In July 2013, Prof. Livne joined the Department of Pediatric Urology at the Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa. He is primarily engaged in clinical practice, and also takes part in the number of clinical researches devoted to the study of various aspects of pediatric urology. Other focuses of the professor's activities are advanced training of medical specialists, training of interns and medical students.
For many years, Prof. Livne has been involved in surgical operations in the field of pediatric urology as a consultant or practical surgeon. As the invited specialist, he visits various Israeli hospitals, which perform operations on the genitourinary organs in children.
Other Activities
Prof. Livne trained and prepared for practical work more than 30 interns. Today, many of them hold the leading positions in Israeli hospitals. Among the students of the professor are heads of the departments, heads of the clinics and specialized centers, leading specialists in various fields of urology. Six Israeli urologists underwent additional specialization in Pediatric Urology under the guidance of the professor, and currently head the departments of the corresponding profile in several Israeli clinics. As part of the exchange programs, Prof. Livne also trained foreign urologists.
From 1996 to 2000, Prof. Livne headed the Israeli Urological Association and made a huge contribution to the development of Israeli Urology as an independent branch of medicine.
From 2000 to 2012, Prof. Livne led the Examination Committee in Surgical Urology. He coordinated the process of passing exams for the title of a Medical Specialist in 120 young doctors who had an internship.
Prof. Livne is the author and co-author of more than 100 articles and thematic sections in educational medical literature, as well as a reviewer of numerous scientific publications. He is a member of the number of Israeli and international professional associations for the specialists in general and pediatric urology. In 2014, Prof. Pinchas Livne was awarded for significant merits in Israeli Urology with Honorary Membership of the Israel Association of Urology.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa