About the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation at Clinic in Alpenpark Bad Wiessee
The Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Alpenpark, headed by Dr. Gotschl, offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical care in the field of orthopedics at the highest medical standards. In particular, the department specializes in subsequent (postoperative) treatment after the following procedures and conditions: endoprosthetics, surgical treatment of degenerative diseases and spinal injuries, as well as surgical treatment of fractures and complications of any kind.
The Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation specializes in the treatment following after:
- Major joint surgery, joint replacement surgery and replacement of endoprostheses:
- Hip, knee and shoulder replacement surgery
- Ankle replacement surgery
- Elbow replacement surgery
- Complex operations on the bones, e.g. osteosynthesis, dislocations
- Spinal and pelvic injuries:
- Complaints of back pain of a degenerative nature due to a herniated disc and chronic back pain
- All types of spine surgery:
- Intervertebral disc surgery
- Intervertebral disc arthroplasty
- Spinal canal surgery
- Spondylodesis / fusion
- Correcting surgical procedures for scoliosis
- For subsequent rehabilitation in the surgical treatment of fractures and complications of any kind
- For subsequent rehabilitation in conservative treatment of bone fractures:
- Fractures in osteoporosis
- In case of soft tissue injuries, e.g.: muscle rupture
- After surgery to remove malignant bone tumors
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Susanne Gotschl studied medicine at the Philipps University of Marburg, the Free University of Berlin and the Technical University of Munich. At the University of Munich, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Then the doctor began internship in the Hospital of the Merciful Brothers, the District Hospital Trostberg and the Schön Clinic Munich. The final stage of the internship was an examination in orthopedics. Then the doctor worked in the Orthopedic Clinic Munich-Ottobrunn. In 2012, the doctor was appointed to the post of the Chief Physician and Deputy Director of the Clinic in Alpenpark. Dr. Götschl specializes in conservative treatment of spine diseases (including semi-invasive infiltration methods). In addition, she has additional medical education in the field of acupuncture, manual therapy and naturopathy.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Klinic im Alpenpark