About the Department of Psychosomatic Rehabilitation at Clinic in Alpenpark Bad Wiessee
The Department of Psychosomatic Rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Alpenpark offers patients with mental illnesses such as depression, burnout, eating or post traumatic stress disorders individually tailored treatment with dailly psychotherapy sessions as well as complementary group therapies. Special advantages of the department: integrative treatment approach, daily individual psychotherapy, tailored treatment and group therapy sessions in form of a seminar. Chief physician is Prof. Dr. Dr. Margot Albus.
Treatment is performed in compliance with an integrative approach including elements of behavior therapy and depth psychology. Therefore, the specialists of the department work together on your current problems and take into account the personal background of the patient. The focus of the treatment is intensive individual psychotherapy with individual sessions held up to five times per week. In individual therapy sessions, the diagnostics and evaluation of patients background are performed. Then, individual therapy goals are determined; besides, patients also train skills for emotion regulation and stabilization.
With only 12 patient beds, the department can ensure the optimal treatment. Specialists develop individual treatment plans consisting of various therapy modules which are tailored to personal needs and clinical picture of patients. Apart from that, the doctors of the department also focus on group therapy sessions held in form of seminars.
Indications for the treatment in the department:
- Depression
- Burnout
- Post-traumatic stress disorders / PTSD
- Acute crises / crisis intervention
- Personality disorders
- Psychocardiology
- Eating disorders
- Somatoform disorders
- Sleep Disorders / Nightmares
- Internet addiction
- Panic attacks / anxiety
- Rumination
Curriculum vitae
- Study of psychology and medicine in Munich and PhD in both subjects; Scholarship holder at the Munich Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry; Assistant Doctor at the Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) and at the Regensburg District Hospital
- 1985 DFG Scholarship holder, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Bethesda, Maryland (USA); Senior physician in the emergency department of the Polyclinic of the Psychiatric Clinic of the LMU
- 1989 Habilitation
- 1989 Head of Acute Psychiatry at the District Hospital Haar (BKH), later chief physician of the General Psychiatry II
- Completion of postgraduate studies in hospital management with a Master of Science degree
- 2007 - 2016 Medical Director of the Isar-Amper-Klinikum München-Ost (formerly BKH) and eventually of the entire kbo-Isar-Amper-Klinikum
- From July 2017 Chief physician of the private ward for psychosomatic acute treatment in the clinic in the Alpenpark
- Long-time member of the ethics committee of the Bavarian State Chamber of Physicians
Photo of the doctor: (c) Klinic im Alpenpark