About the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at Sana Hospital Duisburg
The Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the Sana Hospital Duisburg specializes in the treatment of diseases in children and adolescents. The department has 76 inpatient beds and annually treats 3,500 inpatients and 17,000 outpatients up to the age of 18. The department has three specialized units: the Intensive Care Unit for premature babies, the Intensive Care Unit for infants and small children and one more for children and adolescents. It is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Thorsten Rosenbaum.
The highly qualified medical team of the department consists of doctors, nurses, qualified psychologists, psychotherapists, as well as social workers for every case, educators and nutritionists. The department offers special treatment methods, as well as services such as a parent-child room, room for teenagers, psychological support, physiotherapy, interdisciplinary treatment and asthma training for parents and children.
The department offers a wide range of services in all fields of pediatric and adolescent medicine. These include pediatric intensive care medicine, neuropediatrics, diabetology, pediatric pulmonology/allergology, pediatric gastroenterology and cardiac diagnosis. Since 2006, the Section of Neonatology at the Sana Hospital Duisburg has been certified as the Level 1 Perinatal Center.
The range of medical services of the department includes:
- Neonatology:
- Extremely premature infants weighing up to 1,000 g
- Premature and newborn babies with a spectrum of diseases that are typical of the age
- Premature and newborn babies with neurosurgical clinical pictures
- Premature and newborn babies with congenital vascular malformations
- Premature and newborn babies with severe congenital heart defects
- Pediatric intensive care medicine
- Treatment of all severe diseases in childhood
- Treatment of children with severe burns
- Interregional treatment of patients after neurointerventional surgery
- Neuropediatrics
- Diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in childhood and adolescence
- Treatment changes in epilepsy that is difficult to treat
- Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system
- Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic disorders of the CNS
- Diagnosis of peripheral nerve paralysis
- Monitoring of premature babies
- Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy, determination of indications for oral drug treatment or botulinum toxin injections
- Headaches
- Pediatric diabetology
- Primary diagnosis of diabetes
- Multimodal comprehensive treatment during the initial manifestation
- Intensified and conventional insulin therapy
- Insulin pump therapy
- Psychological support
- Psychosocial support
- Counseling on nutrition
- Diagnosis and treatment of different forms of diabetes
- Diagnosis and treatment of concomitant diseases and complications in diabetes
- Pediatric pulmonology/allergology
- Pediatric gastroenterology
- 24-hour pH measurement
- Hydrogen breath test (fructose/lactose intolerance)
- All radiological methods, e.g. gastrointestinal tract
- Gastroesophagoscopy, colonoscopy and placement of the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Special ultrasound techniques
- Psychological counseling
- Cardiac diagnosis
- Echocardiography
- Continuous ECG
- Long-term blood pressure measurement in cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine
Curriculum vitae
Beruflicher Werdegang
- 1983-90 Studium Humanmedizin Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
- 1990-91 Arzt im Praktikum, Universitätskinderklinik Düsseldorf
- 1991 Promotion
- 1992 Approbation
- 1992 Ärztlicher Hilfseinsatz in Calcutta/Indien
- 1992-99 Assistenzarzt, Universitätskinderklinik Düsseldorf
- 1999 Facharzt für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin
- 1999-01 Hochschulassistent Universitätskinderklinik Düsseldorf
- 2001 Habilitation und Ernennung zum Privat-Dozenten
- 2001-05 Oberarzt Universitätskinderklinik Düsseldorf
- 2005 Schwerpunktbezeichnung Neuropädiatrie
- 2005-10 Chefarzt Klinik für Kinderund Jugendmedizin, Klinikum Lüdenscheid
- 2007 Außerplanmäßige Professur für „Kinderheilkunde“, Universität Düsseldorf
- Seit 2010 Chefarzt Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Klinikum Duisburg
Photo of the doctor: (c) Sana Kliniken Duisburg