About the Department of Neurosurgery at Sana Hospital Duisburg
The Department of Neurosurgery at the Sana Hospital Duisburg offers surgical treatment of neurological, neuropediatric and orbital diseases. With 68 beds, the department ranks among the largest German Neurosurgy Centers and has a long experience in all fields of microsurgery and neuroendoscopy. The team of the department treats about 3,000 inpatients and 7,000 outpatients every year. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Martin Scholz.
The department specializes in the treatment of the following diseases: cerebral hemorrhages, brain tumors, orbital tumors, tumors and malformations in children, herniated disks, spinal stenosis, spinal cord tumors. There are specialized consultations, in particular, on oncology and pediatric neurosurgery, as well as on spine surgery and vascular diseases. Other priorities include neuromodulation for severe pain syndromes and symptoms. In cooperation with the teams of the Departments of Neurology, Neuroradiology, Neuropediatrics, Radiation Therapy and Oncology, the department forms the interregional Neuro Center. The Neuro Center at the Sana Hospital Duisburg is internationally recognized and provides its medical services to foreign patients as well.
The department is especially focused on pediatric neurosurgery. The treatment of children is provided in collaboration with pediatricians, neuropediatricians, neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons. In addition to the treatment of brain tumors, the department also treats craniosynostosis, pediatric pathologies and hydrocephalus. The neurosurgical interventions are performed with the use of ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, navigation devices, a microscope and endoscopic equipment. The interdisciplinary team of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit treats children with brain injuries. The department has optimal capabilities for imaging diagnosis by means of US, MRI, CT, angiography, X-ray, as well as for electrophysiological diagnosis and EEG. A distinctive feature of the department is its opportunity to treat neurovascular diseases in childhood, including angiomas and cavernomas.
To ensure a stable quality of medical care, the Department of Neurosurgery uses infrastructure of the whole Sana Hospital Duisburg and maintains tight collaboration with other specialized departments. The mission and key objective of all employees of the department is to provide the best patient care.
The service range of the department includes:
- Microsurgical treatment of complex brain and spinal cord tumors in adults and children
- Neoplastic and other diseases of the skull base, including acoustic neuromas
- Treatment of cerebral vascular malformations (aneurysms, angiomas, cavernomas)
- Treatment of spinal cord vascular malformations
- Treatment of brain hemorrhages
- Treatment of all forms of hydrocephalus, including endoscopic therapy
- Surgical treatment of strokes (craniectomy)
- The full range of pediatric neurosurgery, including open and endoscopic treatment of complex skull deformities
- Treatment of pituitary tumors (microsurgery and endoscopy)
- Stereotaxy and brain biopsy
- Neurostimulation / neuromodulation in complex pain syndromes and symptoms
Curriculum vitae
- April 1984 Start of medical studies at Free University Berlin
- 1987-1990 Tutoring at the Anatomical Institute of the Free University Berlin
- Winter 89/90 Derivation of a tri-semester of the practical year inter alia in the department of Surgery of the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona in Barcelona / Spain and the St. Gertrauden Hospital in Berlin (PD Dr. Fey)
- April 1990 State examination (Rating: good)
- From June 1990 first year resident at the Moabit Hospital (Prof. Dr. E. Kraas, Surgical Clinic) and in the neurosurgery departments of the RWTH Aachen University (Prof. Dr. JM Gilsbach) and the Rudolf Virchow Clinic of the FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. WR Lanksch)
- July 1991 Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Science (ECFMG basic part)
- December 91 Acceptance as assistant physician in the neurosurgery clinic of the clinic Rudolf Virchow in Berlin (FU Berlin)
- January 1992 Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Science (ECFMG clinical part)
- August 1992 Change to the neurosurgery clinic of the Ruhr-University Bochum at the Miners Hospital Bochum-Langendreer (Prof. Dr. A. Harders)
- 1992 - 1994 Clinical collaboration at the DFG Project: Evoked potentials in traumatic brain tumors (head: Prof. Dr. R. Firsching)
- (CAD / CAM) Implant production for the reconstruction of contour and continuity defects of the facial and brain skull on the basis of spiral CT data "(Prof. Dr. Dr. Machtens, coordination: PD Dr. Dr. Eufinger)
- August 1994 Doctoral thesis at the RWTH Aachen University "Non-radioactive in situ hybridization of paraffin-embedded meningiomas of different dignity on chromosome 10 and 17"
- August 1996 Specialist for Neurosurgery
- April 1997 Full member of the German Association of Neurosurgery
- Since May 1999 Managing senior physician of the Neurosurgery Clinic
- From 7/99 clinical cooperation in the DFG project "Computer-assisted formation of defects of the brain and facial skull with individual implants" (head: PD Dr. Dr. Eufinger)
- October 2000 Recognition of the facultative further education "Special Neurosurgery Intensive Care "
- 2001 Co-applicant at the BMBF-Project of the Ruhr-University Bochum / Competence Center Medical Technology Ruhr (KMR), Subtitle "Navigation and Ultrasound" (Head: Prof. Dr. Ermert, Department of High Frequency Technology)
- Dec. 2001 Habilitation with the topic: "Development of an endoscopic navigation system on the basis of an automatic optical visual inspection"
- Since 2002 Member of the doctoral commission of the Ruhr University Bochum
- 2002 Co-applicant for the DFG-Focus Program 1124: "Medical Navigation and Robotics" (together with Prof. Eufinger and PD Dr. Schmieder and Prof. K. Radermacher)
- Jan. 2003 Internship in the department of Vascular Neurosurgery, Mass.Gen. Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston, USA
- Since 2003 Head of Microsurgery operations courses for students
- 2003 Individual member of the European Association of Neurological Surgeons (EANS)
- 10/2004 Participation in the department of training courses and continuing education of the German Academy for Neurosurgery on behalf of the DGNC in Heidelberg (Head of Unit Prof. Dr. Unterberg)
- 3/2005 Founding of the neuro-oncological tumor bank of the Ruhr-University Bochum in collaboration with Prof. Schlegel, Director of the Neurological Clinic
- 2005/2006 Reviewing for international journals such as Spinal Cord and the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- 5/2006 Member of the International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN) in Bochum
- 6/2006 Member of the German Association of Plastic and Restorative Surgery e.V.
- 8/2006 work shadowing in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (Prof. Dr. Grotenhuis)
- 6/2006 Graduation of a 4 semesters of technical colleges study for being a Public Healthcare Controller and Manager
- 1/2007 Reviewing for the journal "Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering"
- 4/2007 Reviewing for the journal "Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing"
- 7/2007 Orientation and Course Director "First European Course of microsurgical creation and clipping of aneurysms" in Bochum.
- 7/2007 Application procedure Chair of Neurosurgery / Cape Town University (Cape Town / South Africa): 2nd place
- 4/2008 Obtaining an APL professorship at the Ruhr-University Bochum
- 7/2008 Appointed to the Editorial Board of the International Journal "Head and Neck Oncology"
- 8/2008 Orientation and Course Director "Second course of microsurgical creation and clipping of aneurysms" in Bochum.
- 8/2008 Senior Physician / Deputy Clinic Director Neuroschirurgie Miners Hostpital Bochum- Langendre
Photo of the doctor: (c) Sana Kliniken Duisburg