About the Department for Adult and Pediatric Diseases of the Posterior Segment of the Eye at University Hospital Essen
The Department for Adult and Pediatric Diseases of the Posterior Segment of the Eye at the University Hospital Essen offers the widest range of services for the diagnostics and treatment of such pathologies in adults and children. The department is one of the largest and most reputable medical facilities of the world level in the treatment of eye cancer in children and adults. The main purpose of the department's ophthalmologists is the timely diagnostics of ocular pathologies and individual treatment selection. For these purposes, it uses the very latest diagnostic options and treatment methods, for example, laser vision correction, various microsurgical and non-invasive interventions, which provide sparing and safe treatment. The department is headed by Dr. med. Mete Gök.
The department specializes in the surgical treatment of diseases of the retina and vitreous body, for example, retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal breaks, macular diseases, such as macular rupture, age-related macular degeneration, and complex eye injuries. Also, the service range is complemented by the comprehensive conservative treatment of retinal diseases, for example, laser therapy for diabetic retinopathy, retinal inflammatory diseases and the initial stages of retinal detachment.
An important department’s focus is the treatment of cataracts (partial or total clouding of the eye lens). Today, the only effective treatment option in this pathology is the surgical replacement of the eye lens. The clinical experience demonstrates high treatment success due to this operation, and the great advantage is its painlessness and safety. It should be noted that the level of development of complications after surgery is also very low (98% of interventions are performed without complications).
The service range of the department includes:
- Diagnostics and treatment of benign, malignant diseases of the posterior segment of the eye in adults and children
- Choroidal melanoma
- Enucleation
- Surgical tumor removal
- CyberKnife and Gamma Knife radiosurgery
- Laser treatments
- Treatment of metastatic types of tumors using radiation therapy (including proton therapy)
- Retinoblastoma (unilateral and bilateral)
- Enucleation
- Local therapeutic techniques (laser coagulation, cryocoagulation, brachytherapy, chemotherapy, percutaneous radiation therapy)
- Choroidal melanoma
- Diagnostics and treatment of cataracts
- Surgical removal of the eye lens and its replacement with an artificial one
- Diagnostics and treatment of retinal diseases
- Retinal detachment (including extremely complex types)
- Hereditary retinal diseases
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Diagnostics and treatment of the vitreous body diseases
- Diagnostics and treatment of the optic nerve diseases
- Diagnostics and treatment of other pathologies of the posterior eye segment
Photo of the doctor: (c) Universitätsklinikum Essen