About the Department of Mammology at University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
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The Department of Mammology at the University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich offers all modern options for the prevention, diagnostics, and treatment of breast diseases. The medical facility provides high-precision examinations and effective treatment of the full range of benign and malignant breast diseases in women and men. The priority focus of the department's work is breast cancer treatment at its early and advanced stages. The department's doctors have many innovative drug therapies and surgical techniques that provide optimal treatment results. To restore a woman's aesthetic appeal, breast plastic surgery is also performed in cooperation with plastic surgeons. The department is certified in accordance with the standards of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and the German Cancer Society (DKG), which indicates the high competence of the healthcare facility and the regularly high treatment success rates.
The department's Head Physician is Prof. Dr. med. Nadia Harbeck, who regularly ranks among the best doctors in the area of her specialization in Germany. The doctor can boast of her tremendous clinical experience, high treatment success rates, and thousands of saved lives.
The key to successful treatment is accurate diagnostics, so the department has state-of-the-art equipment. The diagnostic rooms of the medical facility include modern systems for various types of ultrasound scans, digital mammography, tomosynthesis, contrast-enhanced mammography, MR mammography, image-guided biopsy procedures, and other diagnostic procedures. It is a comprehensive examination that allows doctors to accurately assess pathological changes in the breast and develop an optimal treatment regimen, considering the patient's individual clinical indications and needs.
As of today, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. The insidiousness of this type of cancer is that in the early stages, when the chances of a complete cure are very high, the disease does not cause any symptoms. When the first symptoms manifest themselves, cancer usually reaches an advanced stage and, in many cases, spreads metastases, which greatly complicates the therapeutic process.
The department's team of breast specialists has a wide arsenal of modern treatment methods that can cure even the most complex clinical cases or provide a long-term remission of breast cancer. As a rule, the first-line treatment is a surgical resection of cancer. The department's surgeons always strive to perform breast-conserving operations without a total mastectomy. However, in the advanced stages of the oncological process, a radical mastectomy is often performed, which involves the total removal of mammary glands. In such cases, after a cure or stable remission, a woman undergoes reconstructive plastic surgery to restore the breast's attractiveness. Surgery is complemented by conservative methods of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The department's doctors cooperate closely with oncologists, radiation therapists, radiologists, and other specialists from the Comprehensive Cancer Center Munich, one of the largest and most respected centers of this kind in Germany. Each woman receives an individual treatment regimen based on her diagnostic results, the patient's age, and general health condition. An important part of breast cancer therapy is psychological support. Highly qualified psychologists work with women to help them overcome their emotional shock and cheer them up to fight the disease.
The department is often visited by women with benign breast diseases such as cysts, fibroadenomas, mastopathy, lipomas, mastitis, etc. In some cases, the specialists use only drug therapy. For example, mastopathy can usually be treated with herbal remedies and hormonal drugs. As for benign breast tumors, drug therapy is also possible for small neoplasms. For example, women with fibroadenomas up to 1 cm in size are recommended for regular examinations by breast specialists and hormonal balance correction. However, the only effective treatment is usually surgical resection of a benign neoplasm. The department's specialists perform both classical surgical interventions (usually minimally invasive) and laser procedures.
The department's therapeutic and diagnostic options include:
Diagnostics |
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Other medical services |
Curriculum vitae
Higher Education and Professional Career
- 1983 - 1989 Medical studies, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
- 1990 - 2009 Department of Gynecology, University Hospital Rechts der Isar Munich, last position – Managing Senior Physician, Conservative Mammology.
- 1993 Doctoral degree, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
- 1998 Habilitation and Venia Legendi (PD) in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Technical University of Munich.
- 2003 Early appointment as an Extraordinary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Technical University of Munich.
- 2009 - 2011 Head of the Breast Center, Department of Gynecology, University Hospital Cologne.
- Since 2011 Invitation to the position of the University Professor (Conservative Oncology), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, as well as the Head of the Department of Mammology at the University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Prizes, Awards and Distinctions
- 1983 - 1989 Bavarian Merit Scholarship for exceptionally gifted students.
- 1993 Fellowship from the European School of Oncology.
- 1994 Scientific Prize from the Bavarian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- 1995 Young Investigator Award from the Society for Clinical Cytometry, USA.
- 1997 Best Paper Award, German Society of Senology.
- 2001 Scholar-In-Training Award for Advanced Clinical or Translational Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
- 2001 Fellowship Merit Award for the Best Paper, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
- 2001 AstraZeneca Scholar Award, 24th Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio.
- 2002 Schmidt Matthiesen Prize in Gynecologic Oncology.
- 2002 - 2004 Innovators in Breast Cancer Award, Houston, USA.
- 2012 Claudia von Schilling Prize, Hannover Medical School, Germany.
- 2015 Medicine Management Award.
- 2015 Patient Award, Bavarian Cancer Society.
- 2020 ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award.
- 2021 Best Report Award from the German Society of Senology.
- 2021 UPO Alumni Award.
Memberships in the Professional Societies
- Working Group on the Development of Recommendations for Breast Cancer (AGO), "Diagnostics and Treatment at the Early and Progressive Stages of Breast Cancer".
- Commission Member on the Development of S3 Recommendations for Breast Cancer Treatment.
- St. Gallen Consensus Member (International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy for Early Breast Cancer).
- ABC Consensus Member (International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy for Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer).
- Team Member of the Breast Cancer Treatment Project, Cancer Center Munich.
- Scientific Director of the West German Research Group (Westdeutsche Studiengruppe).
- Board Member of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).
- Advisory Board Member of the Organization for Breast Cancer Treatment (Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V.).
Photo of the doctor: (c) LMU Klinikum