Modern methods of hair restoration for alopecia
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- Alopecia: what is it?
- Types of alopecia
- Alopecia areata treatment
- Methods of treating alopecia
- Postoperative period
- Innovative methods of treating alopecia
- How much does alopecia treatment cost?
- How to choose clinic for alopecia treatment
- Frequently asked questions of our patients
Millions of people around the world are currently suffering from hair loss and significantly affects the quality of life, physical and psycho-emotional state, and reduces self-esteem.
Alopecia is not just a cosmetic defect, but a disease that can have serious physical and psychological consequences. Many people experience feelings of shame, self-doubt, depression and anxiety due to changes in appearance due to hair loss. However, modern methods of diagnosis and cure for alopecia allow effective coping with such an ailment, taking into account its type and cause of occurrence.
Alopecia: what is it?
This is a pathological hair loss that causes baldness. This common problem affects people all over the world, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from various forms of this pathology. In general, more than 60% of people over 40 have problems with hair loss to one degree or another. This disease can be caused by hereditary predisposition, hormonal changes, stress factors, internal diseases and environmental pollution.
Types of alopecia
There are several most common types of alopecia, each of which has its own causes and characteristics:
- androgenic;
- focal (areata);
- diffuse;
- cicatricial.
In addition, temporary hair loss due to stress, illness, childbirth or other factors causes telogen alopecia, and traction alopecia develops due to constant hair tension from tight hairstyles or the use of certain accessories.
What is androgenic alopecia?
This type of baldness is caused by the sensitivity of the hair follicles to an imbalance of androgens (male sex hormones), which causes them to shrink, followed by thinning and hair loss. In men, this process occurs mainly on the crown of the head, with bald spots appearing on the temples and forehead (male type). In women, the hair gradually thins over the entire head.
What is diffuse (symptomatic) alopecia?
This type of baldness is more common in women, where hair thins evenly and falls out over the entire scalp when washed, combed, or run your fingers through it. They become brittle, dull, and lose their volume.
This type of alopecia is the result of stress, infectious or chronic diseases, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or thyroid disease, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The wellness of hair can be disrupted by toxic substances and heavy metals, some medications (antidepressants, blood pressure medications and chemotherapeutic agents). Unlike other forms, diffuse alopecia is temporary and disappears after its cause is eliminated.
What is focal alopecia?
Patchy hair loss (alopecia areata) is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, resulting in round or oval patches of hairlessness on the scalp and other areas of the body. The exact causes of this type of baldness are not fully understood. It is known that the development of the disease is facilitated by hereditary predisposition (the presence of the disease in close relatives), stress and emotional overload, infections or other diseases (vitiligo, Hashimoto's thyroiditis).
What is cicatricial alopecia
In this least common type of hair loss, hair follicles become inflamed, destroyed and replaced by scars, resulting in permanent hair loss. Scarring alopecia is caused by:
- lichenin dermatoses, such as lichen planus and lupus;
- bacterial, viral and fungal infections that damage the hair follicles;
- burns, radiation or chemical exposure to the scalp;
- autoimmune diseases.
In the affected areas, inflammation, redness and peeling of the skin occur; itching, burning or pain is felt. The size of the bald areas gradually increases.
Alopecia areata treatment
Treatment measures are aimed at suppressing the autoimmune reaction that causes hair loss and stimulating hair growth. Effective alopecia areata treatment is possible with regular consultations with a dermatologist and an individual approach taking into account the patient’s health condition.
How do dermatologists diagnose alopecia areata
To confirm the diagnosis and exclude other causes of hair loss, the dermatologist conducts diagnostics in several stages:
- Physical exam and medical history. Your doctor will review your family history of autoimmune diseases, recent stress, and other potential triggers for your symptoms. He will examine the affected areas of skin to look for the characteristic signs of alopecia areata (round or oval patches of hairless).
- Trichoscopy. This non-invasive method of trichology allows using a dermatoscope to see the characteristic thinning hairs and blackheads on the skin.
- Skin biopsy – taking a small sample of skin from the affected area for microscopic examination.
- Laboratory tests to rule out other causes of hair loss and identify concomitant diseases (blood tests, antibody testing).
A timely visit to a dermatologist and a comprehensive approach to diagnostics allow you to accurately determine the cause of hair loss and select the optimal treatment.
How do dermatologists treat alopecia areata
What is the treatment for alopecia areata? There is currently no universal cure, but methods that promote hair recovery are widely used:
- drug therapy (topical corticosteroids in the form of creams, lotions or ointments, injections into the scalp, minoxidil);
- non-drug treatment methods (physiotherapy, photochemotherapy, laser therapy, psychotherapy, massage, acupuncture);
- hair transplantation (FUE, FUT, ARTAS methods);
- immunotherapy with immunosuppressants;
- stem cell transplantation.
What is the best medicine for alopecia areata? A comprehensive approach to treatment is the best option. Severe alopecia requires the use of oral medications, in other cases combination therapy is prescribed. Research in the purview of treatments for alopecia areata is ongoing, and experts believe that biologics are promising.
How do dermatologists treat nail changes caused by alopecia areata
In 10-20% of patients with this pathology, changes in the nail plates are observed, such as pinpoint depressions, fragility and nail splitting. In this case, the dermatologist prescribes corticosteroid creams and ointments, local vitamin D-based agents, systemic immunomodulators and ultraviolet therapy. A balanced diet with foods rich in biotin, zinc, iron, the absence of bad habits and normal sleep improve the health of nails.
Methods of treating alopecia
Alopecia treatment for women and men is similar and depends on the type and cause of hair loss. Treatment measures are aimed at stimulating hair growth, slowing hair loss and eliminating the causes of the disease. What is the best treatment for alopecia? Currently, drug therapy, physiotherapy, and methods of hair transplantation from areas with normal hair to the problem area have proven their effectiveness.
What are the features of drug treatment for baldness?
Effective alopecia hair treatment occurs as a result of taking medications prescribed by a doctor:
- Minoxidil, which dilates blood vessels in the scalp, improves blood circulation, supply of oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles, and stimulates the hair growth phase.
- Corticosteroids, which suppress the body's immune responses that damage hair follicles. They are prescribed as ointments or alopecia injections.
- Vitamin complexes that restore metabolism and saturate hair follicles with essential nutrients.
- Immunosuppressants, which suppress the autoimmune reaction and prevent damage to hair follicles.
These alopecia medications have proven their effectiveness and are used taking into account the type of disease and its characteristics in the patient. If the pathology is caused by a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes antifungal agents.
What is the best treatment for traction alopecia? It should be comprehensive, including getting rid of the habit of pulling hair, the use of medications and physical therapy, and proper scalp care.
The use of physiotherapy in the treatment of hair loss
Physiotherapeutic procedures serve as a supplement to drug therapy. Currently, there are several effective methods of physiotherapeutic intervention that provide alopecia hair treatment:
- low-frequency laser radiation, improving microcirculation in the scalp and nutrition of hair follicles;
- ultrasound therapy, which has a micro-massage effect on the skin, improving blood circulation and stimulating metabolism;
- plasma lifting – a method in which the patient's blood plasma, enriched with platelet, is injected into the scalp, causing hair regrowth to resume by activating their follicles;
- skin massage, which helps to increase blood circulation and lymph drainage, relax muscles, strengthen hair and accelerate its growth;
- micro current therapy with weak electrical impulses that pass through the skin and trigger metabolic processes in its cells;
- microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves multiple needle pricks on the skin to stimulate the skin's natural healing processes by producing collagen and elastin to stimulate hair growth.
Physiotherapeutic methods are universal (suitable for most types of baldness), minimally invasive, and are often used in combination with drug treatment, which allows achieving the best results.
FUE hair transplantation method
How to regrow hair on bald spots fast? For this purpose, the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique is used – one of the most modern hair transplant technologies, in which hair is transferred from one part of the head (usually from the back of the head, where normal hair growth is observed) to the crown or forehead. During the procedure, hair follicles are extracted from the skin one by one using special micro-perforators into a container, examined under a microscope and transplanted to a new location in pre-prepared microscopic holes in the area of hair loss. The transplant result is noticeable 3-6 months after the procedure, when their active growth is noted. This procedure is painless and is performed under local anesthesia.
FUT hair transplantation method
Unlike the FUE method, where follicles are extracted one by one, when uses the FUT technique, the specialist:
- removes a strip of skin 1-2 cm wide from the back of the patient's head, after which he places a small stitch on this area, which over time becomes almost invisible;
- extracts follicles in groups from a removed strip of skin using a microscope;
- transplants them into the balding area by first creating small holes in the skin with micro needles.
This strip transplantation technique has now lost its relevance after the advent of FUE technology. Today, hair transplantation is the only guaranteed way to get rid of baldness. The best treatment for alopecia is offered to the patient by a doctor, taking into account the type of disease and its clinical features.
Does the patient require hospitalization for a hair transplant procedure?
Hospitalization is not required for this procedure, as it is an outpatient operation that is performed in clinics or specialized medical centers. Hair transplantation can take from 4 to 8 hours depending on the amount of work. The patient is advised to remain under the doctor's supervision for some time after the procedure to monitor the health condition and healing of the transplant area.
Is there any special preparation required for a hair transplant procedure?
Yes, for a successful transplant with complex treatment, certain preparation is necessary:
stopping taking anticoagulants 1-2 weeks before surgery;
- avoiding alcohol and smoking;
- medication treatment for several months before hair transplantation.
Such preparation will help to minimize risks, speed up the recovery process, and improve results.
Wigs, shaving, and other options for hiding hair loss
When hair begins to fall out and baldness occurs, there are several ways to hide this defect:
- wearing a wig if the artificial hair looks like natural hair, which allows you to choose options for its style, length and color;
- wearing caps, hats and other stylish headwear;
- shaving the head to create a clean, well-groomed look that hides baldness;
- skin micro pigmentation – a cosmetic procedure where pigment is applied to the skin to imitate hair in small areas of baldness, creating the effect of thicker hair;
- use of styling products that visually increase volume, make hair thicker, and disguise bald spots.
Choose the options that are available to you, taking into account convenience, style, and the degree of hair loss.
What exactly is a scalp prosthesis?
If hair transplantation or other methods have not produced the desired result, patients with extensive baldness, scars or chemical damage are offered scalp prosthetics. The process consists of the following stages:
- assessment of the condition of the skin and hair (if any), the degree of baldness;
- taking a head cast;
- creating a custom prosthesis taking into account the shape of the head, skin and hair color from materials such as silicone, latex, polyurethane;
- applying and fixing it on the head.
The prosthesis can be either full or partial, depending on the area and nature of baldness. It imitates the natural color of skin and hair, and the patient does not feel discomfort when wearing it.
Postoperative period
In the first few days after the operation, you need to wear a bandage and not wash your hair, so as not to damage the transplanted follicles. It is not recommended to touch the transplanted area to avoid infection. The doctor may prescribe medications to prevent inflammation or other diseases (antibiotics, steroids), special products to stimulate hair growth. Usually, the doctor allows you to carefully wash your hair 3-5 days after the operation with a mild shampoo, avoiding strong friction and direct exposure of the transplanted areas to water. It is necessary to use a hat to protect the skin from ultraviolet light.
Where are hair follicles transplanted?
Hair follicles are transplanted from a donor area of the scalp (on the back and sides) where hair does not fall out and is resistant to hormonal changes that cause baldness. Sometimes they can be taken from the chest and beard (in men) or eyebrows (in women). They are transplanted to the crown or forehead line.
When will the results become visible?
During the first two to three months, all transplanted hair will fall out. This is a temporary phenomenon, after which their active growth will begin thanks to the follicles remaining in the skin. After 3-6 months, they become longer and thicker, denser, resembling natural hair in the receptive zone, while maintaining their texture and direction. After six months or a year, the maximum possible result is visible, which corresponds to the patient's expectations, if everything went well.
Innovative methods of treating alopecia
Modern dermatology has developed several effective methods of treating alopecia, which offer new approaches to hair restoration:
- PRP cellular therapy, which uses high concentrations of platelets in blood plasma, which are injected into the scalp with sparse or absent hair. The method is based on the ability of platelets containing growth factors to stimulate hair growth.
- Stem cell therapy.
- Gene therapy.
It is important to remember that each of them is not suitable for all types of alopecia, so it is recommended to consult a trichologist before choosing a treatment.
Stem cells treatment of alopecia
This promising and effective technique is based on the ability of stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and activate hair follicles, stimulating their growth. These cells are extracted from the patient's subcutaneous fat, cord blood or bone marrow and injected into the scalp using injections for alopecia. This process stimulates dormant follicles and increases blood circulation, promoting new hair growth.
How much does alopecia treatment cost?
The cost of alopecia treatment depends on the type and stage of the disease, the chosen method of therapy, the clinic and its location, and the patient's condition. Hair follicle transplantation using the FUE and FUT methods costs an average of 2 680 euro, and the use of the ARTAS robotic system will cost the client 12 580 euro.
How to choose clinic for alopecia treatment
For many years, Booking Health, an organizer of medical tourism abroad, has been providing services to patients from all over the world who want to restore their hair in the best foreign clinics. To do this, you only need to fill out an application form on the company's website, after which a consultant will immediately help you choose a clinic and an experienced specialist, inform you about the conditions of treatment and the price of the procedure.
Frequently asked questions of our patients
Yes, they do occur, but it depends on the correct choice of treatment method.
Yes, but a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding stress, and giving up bad habits improve the condition of your hair and reduce the risk of hair loss.
Yes, they cause increased hair loss.
Minoxidil stimulates hair growth, and finasteride slows down hair loss. To achieve results, they must be used continuously.
The results of therapy are visible within 3-6 months after the start of treatment.
If treatment is started in a timely manner, complete restoration of hair is possible.
Yes, such an operation will be effective, especially if other methods have not produced tangible results.
There are androgenetic alopecia (hereditary, caused by hormonal imbalance), focal alopecia (an autoimmune disease with the formation of spots on the skin devoid of hair), diffuse alopecia (temporary hair loss due to stress or external factors), and traction alopecia (caused by prolonged tension on the hair).
The best hair loss treatment is complex therapy, which includes the use of medications, physiotherapy procedures, and the use of hair follicle transplantation methods.
Choose treatment abroad and you will be sure to get the best results!
This article was edited by medical experts, board-certified doctors Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova, and Dr. Vadim Zhiliuk. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!
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