Treatment of Corneal Opacity or Corneal Dystrophy
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Corneal opacity is clouding of the cornea, which happens because of the damage to the cornea. The vision can decrease because of the corneal opacity. Corneal opacities can be caused by certain bacterial infections, eye traumas, burns, acute viral infections and conjunctivitis. Corneal opacities can be potential instigators of cataract development. Corneal opacity is always visible in the form of accurately defined spot of white color. Depending on the size the turbidity center might look like a cloud, spot or cataract. The cloud has mostly grayish speck, which is barely perceptible at the examination. More bright spot can have an easily detectable effect on visual acuity, regardless of its location. Sometimes opacity can have yellowish color with a shiny surface. Such color can develop as a result of scarring and inflammatory process. Sometimes there can be an inherent opacity of the cornea, but it's more rare than an acquired one. As the disease progresses, patients notice black or dark spots in the center of their visual field. Depending on the location there are central corneal opacity and sometimes side corneal opacity. If opacity is located in the center of the pupil, patient sees better in the dimly lit room, while opacity located close to the edges of the pupil creates the vision which function best in the brightly lit room.
- Traumas
- Surgeries
- Eye inflammation
- Age
First signs of corneal opacity are manifested in the central part of the eye lesions, because there is a visible spot on the retina. Symptoms also include:
- Redness in the eye
- Photophobia
- Blurred vision
- Inability to clearly see objects
- Intense growth of the blind point
- It becomes difficult to perform certain types of work, requiring attention
In some cases vision loss is rapid. Blind spot could interfere with person`s daily work, because he can not concentrate during reading, sewing, driving a car or recognizing people he knows.
To diagnose the eye defect, an ophthalmologist can use a so-called Amsler device. Patient focuses on a particular vision of the lattice point. If the lines appear wavy near the point, it is possible that he has corneal opacity. Direct examination of the retina can also confirm the diagnosis.
Corneal opacity is curable, but prognosis may be unfavorable in advanced cases. The less is the duration of the disease, the greater are the chances for complete recovery.
- Non-operational methods of treatment include wearing special glasses, as well as taking drugs that activate metabolism of the cornea. Glasses have an opaque plate inside with a small hole in the middle, through which a patient can have open access to light rays through the intact cornea. However, these glasses are only useful when viewing smaller objects. In some cases laser therapy can help treat the corneal opacity, but it can not cure it completely.
- Corneal transplantation is the surgery, during which the new cornea is transplanted and the old one is removed. It is mainly used if cornea was severely damaged.
Authors: Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova, Dr. Sergey Pashchenko