Glioblastoma (brain tumor) treatment
Best hospitals and doctors for glioblastoma treatment abroad
Leading hospitals
Cost for treatment

- Best treatment of glioblastoma
- Brief overview of glioblastoma (brain tumor)
- Symptoms of glioblastoma
- Diagnostics of glioblastoma (brain tumor)
- Treatment options for glioblastoma (brain tumor)
- Cost of treatment of glioblastoma in the best hospitals in the world
- Where can I get glioblastoma treatment?
- How can I have the treatment of glioblastoma abroad?
Best treatment of glioblastoma
Diagnosis and treatment of glioblastoma have always been connected with certain difficulties.
Capabilities of modern methods of diagnosis and possible treatments improve the quality and timeliness of diagnosis of glioblastoma, as well as increase the effectiveness of its treatment.
Brief overview of glioblastoma (brain tumor)
Brain cancer is a malignant tumor of the cells of the brain (this implies the primary occurrence of a tumor in the brain and not cancer that has metastasized to the brain from other organs).
In brain cancer, normal brain cells transform into cancerous ones. In a healthy body, cells appear in the right amount and die off at a certain time, giving the space for the new ones. Cancer cells begin to grow uncontrollably, without dying off. Their accumulation forms a brain tumor.
Gliomas are the most common types of brain tumors. There are 4 degrees of malignancy of such formations, based on the type of cells of the nervous tissue.
Glioblastoma is the most malignant type of brain tumors, characterized by the highest rate of growth and the absence of distinguishable borders. Thus, glioblastoma belongs to brain tumors of the highest degree of malignancy, which represent the greatest difficulties for medical science in the matter of treatment.
The exact causes of brain cancer have not been established. It may be associated with a hereditary predisposition, as well as with the impact of dangerous working conditions.
Who is at risk?
- People over 50
- People with genetic mutations and hereditary predisposition
- People exposed to toxins on a regular basis (substances used in oil refineries, in the chemical and rubber industry, etc.)
- People with HIV
- Smokers
Glioblastoma is a malignant brain tumor.
All glioblastomas are considered stage 4 brain cancer.
Brain cancer is diagnosed with CT scan and MRI. Biopsy is performed when possible.
The best stage 4 cancer treatment is stereotactic surgery followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Cost of treatment with surgery starts at €9,345. Price for proton therapy starts at €45,000. Cost of chemotherapy and radiotherapy starts at €24,500.
Best hospitals in Europe are:
- University Hospital Rechts der Isar Munich
- University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
- University Hospital Frankfurt am Main
- Clinic of Advanced Biological Medicine Frankfurt am Main
Symptoms of glioblastoma
Of all brain tumors, glioblastomas are presented by a variety of clinical manifestations.
Symptoms get worse with the disease progression. Every fifth patient has motor disorders, every sixth – coordination disorders, one out of ten patients – mental disorders.
Symptoms depend on the location of the brain tumor, its size, and, accordingly, on how aggressive it is to other parts of the brain.
Along with cerebral symptoms (headaches, nausea, etc.), focal symptoms may develop (muscle weakness, impaired sensitivity, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss, impaired coordination, swallowing disorders, difficulties in understanding words and speaking, impairment in other mental activities, etc.).
The main warning signs for brain tumors are:
- Frequent nausea and vomiting
- Headache in the morning or headache that goes away after vomiting
- Visual impairment, hearing impairment, problems with speech
- Loss of balance and unstable gait
- The weakness of one side of the body
- Unusual sleepiness or changes in daily activity levels
- Radical changes in personality or behavior
Diagnostics of glioblastoma (brain tumor)
On the first day of stay in the clinic, the patient visits the attending physician, a neuro-oncologist. During the appointment the doctor looks through the provided medical documentation (if any), takes medical history, performs examination, and prescribes instrumental diagnostics.
During the next couple of days, the instrumental diagnostics is conducted.
Laboratory and instrumental methods for clinical diagnosis of glioblastoma include:
- Blood tests (general and biochemical, for tumor markers).
- Imaging research methods – CT scan, MRI.
MRI and CT of the brain make it possible to differentiate glioblastomas from other brain diseases, such as ischemic strokes, for example. If patients have minimal neurological symptoms and neuroimaging information indicates a benign brain tumor, then patients are monitored without a need to treat the neoplasm for some time.
The development of new neurological symptoms and tumor progression indicate the need for appropriate treatment. Patients with clinical enlargement of the brain tumor visible on MRI require tumor removal or other treatment options.
When carrying out computed tomography, a layered image of brain tissue is obtained. Thus, CT allows assessing the size of brain tumors and the exact location of the neoplasms. MRI is a more detailed visualization of brain tissue, in which even the smallest changes in the anatomical structure of the brain are visible. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor evaluates blood circulation in the brain tumors and brain tissues.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a research technique in which the metabolism in the tissues of brain tumors is investigated.
- PET-CT (positron emission tomography).
PET-CT (positron emission tomography with CT) is a diagnostic method based on the properties of tumor cells to intensively absorb certain types of isotopes. The structure of the brain tumors is visualized, and the presence of metastases is also detected.
- MRI.
Modern neuroimaging techniques make it possible to identify small asymptomatic brain tumors and obtain information about their histological origin. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative diagnostic method for brain tumors. Functional MRI helps the doctor plan the surgery.
- Magnetic resonance angiography.
Magnetic resonance angiography reflects the relationship between the brain tumor and large arterial and venous vessels.
Despite the undoubted progress in the development of neuroimaging methods, the final histological diagnosis is still made by the morphologist, who studies the features of the neoplasm and can differentiate glioblastoma tumors.
However, glioblastomas often have a mixed structure, and even an experienced morphologist finds it difficult to evaluate the category of a particular brain tumor.
Usually, patients turn to a neuro-oncologist after a CT scan or MRI of the brain has been performed and a volumetric process of brain tissue has been detected.
Treatment options for glioblastoma (brain tumor)
Currently, there are three types of treatment for glioblastoma beyond the stage one-three. These types are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. At the present stage, progress has been made in each of the types of treatments, but their combination gives the best results.
- Surgery.
With the information on the exact localization of the brain tumor based on MRI results, the neurosurgeon can remove a tumor without subsequent side effects.
In some cases, when the brain tumor is located close to the motor or speech centers, the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, which allows patients to be conscious and allows doctors to control the speech function.
After the removal of glioma, most patients have an improvement in neurological symptoms. Postoperative mortality, even for glioblastoma, reaches 1%, and the worsening of the condition is seen in up to 5% of cases. The best results are achieved after the radical resection (compared to partial tumor resection or biopsy).
The development of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatments allows the surgeon to successfully perform the radical removal of glioblastomas in most cases of brain tumors of such types.
If the tumor is located close to the functionally important cortical structures, the surgeon should consider performing functional MRI before surgery. Using stereotactic navigation and intraoperative monitoring, an attempt should be made to remove the entire brain tumor. Time spent on carefully performed resection will be rewarded with increased survival and quality of life for patients.
If the brain tumor cannot be removed, a stereotactic biopsy should be performed. Patients with a metastasized type of brain cancer should receive radiation therapy followed by chemotherapy. If the disease recurs, resection of the tumor should be considered, followed by second-line chemotherapy, experimental therapy, or participation in the clinical trials.
- Radiation therapy.
Brain tumors often recur in their previous area. That is why total radiation therapy is often performed after the surgery in order to prevent the relapse. Another type of irradiation, the localized radiation therapy, is aimed precisely at tumor cells in the brain.
The development of neuroimaging techniques allows the radiologist to reduce the complications of radiation therapy by targeting the brain tumor without affecting the healthy brain structures. Therefore, it is better to use both local radiation therapy and total radiation therapy for the whole brain.
Even with these precautions, delayed damage to healthy brain tissue remains a significant long-term problem. At the present stage, stereotactic surgery is the most effective and safe method to treat brain tumors. This method can be considered an alternative to the traditional surgery. In stereotactic surgery, various systems are used, such as Gamma Knife, Novalis, CyberKnife, X-Knife, etc.
These systems are distinguished by the sources of ionizing radiation used, the methods of focusing beams on the brain tumor, and the distribution of the radiation dose within the pathological area. The essence of stereotactic surgery is that not only one beam of radiation is used to destroy brain tumor tissue, but many beams are directed at one target point (in the case of a Gamma knife). Another option is using one beam, the direction of which is constantly changing during the radiation therapy session, while it targets the tumor tissue.
This allows a large dose of radiation to be delivered to the brain tumor without an additional radiation load on healthy tissues. Modern computer technologies in imaging make it possible to carry out this type of surgery accurately. None of the currently existing surgical systems can excise the brain tumor with the same precision.
The effect of radiation therapy for glioblastoma can be assessed only in several months after the procedure. The tumor is not destroyed, but it stops growing and decreases in size. Stereotactic surgery is applied in the treatment of small brain tumors that do not exceed three centimeters in diameter and have clear boundaries. Stereotactic surgery is not suitable for rapidly growing brain tumors.
- Chemotherapy.
In the stage 4 glioblastoma treatment, chemotherapy should be considered the optimal treatment, since these tumors penetrate deep into the normal brain and tumor cells are often found at a distance of up to four centimeters from the primary focus. Chemotherapy drugs cross the blood-brain barrier and can reach every tumor cell in the central nervous system.
Glioblastomas are heterogeneous. Genetic and biochemical abnormalities that have been identified in glioblastomas generally only occur in certain cells. Not all glioblastoma cells have the same histochemical features and this must be considered when choosing the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme grade 4.
Cost of treatment of glioblastoma in the best hospitals in the world
The cost of treatment in hospitals listed on the Booking Health website is relatively low. As a rule, you can save up with the prices here.
Although the prices vary in different countries, as the cost of treatment depends on the hospitals, the clinical diagnosis, and the complexity of treatment, with Booking Health you can undergo the treatment of glioblastoma at a fair price.
The cost of diagnostics
Coutnry | Prices |
Germany | from 1,688 EUR to 3,335 EUR |
Spain | approximately 1,000 EUR |
Austria | approximately 2,000 EUR |
Turkey | approximately 700 EUR |
Israel | approximately 1,200 EUR |
The cost of treatment with surgery
Coutnry | Prices |
Germany | from 21,298 EUR to 37,282 EUR |
Spain | approximately 12,713 EUR |
Austria | approximately 26,650 EUR |
Turkey | approximately 12,656 EUR |
Israel | approximately 22,200 EUR |
The cost of treatment with radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Coutnry | Prices |
Germany | from 24,500 EUR to 45,886 EUR |
Turkey | approximately 21,000 EUR |
South Korea | approximately 25,500 EUR |
You can visit the Booking Health website to find out the exact price for your treatment type in different countries.
Patient Daria Rogers: "Dendritic Cell Therapy Gave Me Hope After Glioblastoma Diagnosis"
Where can I get glioblastoma treatment?
The best hospitals for the treatment of glioblastoma are as follows:
- University Hospital Muenster, Germany
- Charite University Hospital Berlin, Germany
- University Hospital HM Monteprincipe Madrid, Spain
- Beta Klinik Bonn, Germany
- University Hospital for Neurosurgery Salzburg, Austria
You can check out the full list of hospitals on the Booking Health website.
How can I have the treatment of glioblastoma abroad?
Organizing the treatment of glioblastoma at stage 1-3 and at the advanced stages abroad by oneself can be challenging. It is safer, easier, and less stressful to shift some responsibility onto a medical tourism agency that will support you throughout your journey.
We will help to find the right clinic for your diagnosis. It is in our power to do everything to make the treatment as comfortable as possible.
We represent the best hospitals in the world, and you can choose which clinic is the most suitable for you. Doctors of the most progressive hospitals will do everything to make the treatment as effective as possible.
If you want to get more information on hospitals or the cost of treatment, please leave a request on the Booking Health website. We will contact you as soon as possible, answer all your questions and arrange the medical program.
The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova and Dr. Farrukh Ahmed. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!