Guillain-Barre Syndrome Treatment
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Guillain-Barré syndrome is a disorder in which immune system attacks the nerve endings. It was first described by French doctors G. Guillain and J. Barre in 1916. Causes of this disease still remain unclear. However, it often develops after acute infection. The disease may be caused by filterable virus, but most researchers believe that the nature of Guillain-Barré syndrome is a reaction to allergy. The good news is that people usually recover from Guillain-Barré syndrome 2 months after beginning of the disease. Actual course of Guillain-Barré syndrome lasts about 2-4 weeks and then comes the stage of stabilization followed by patient`s recovery. Some patients experience full recovery right after the stage of progression, but some of them can have have prolonged symptoms of inflammation. They feel weakness and need some time to restore their strength. In such cases bed rest is advised for full recovery. There may be subacute and chronic forms of Guillain-Barré syndrome. According to American medical site WebMD, risk of this disease can be reduced for people who got flu vaccine.
It is assumed that Guillain-Barré syndrome develops because of the problems in autoimmune mechanisms. This means that the immune system of a person "rebels" against its own body by producing antibodies that affect nerves themselves or their roots. Nerve roots are located at the junction of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Pain and spinal cord remain unaffected. The trigger factors for development of the Guillain-Barré syndrome are the viruses, which are foreign agents of immune system. Immune system reacts to foreign agent which enters body even on molecular level.
Guillain-Barré syndrome can also be caused by metabolic disorders. It happens because of the blood ratio changes if a person has metabolic disorder. It can also be caused by stomach flu or respiratory infection.
- General weakness
- Increase in body temperature
- Pain in the limbs
- Weakness of the facial muscles.
- Nerve trunks become painful during palpation
- Tension
- Coldness of extremities
- Brittle nails
- Unsteady gait
- Rapid heart rate
- Problems with bladder control
- It is important to identify the disease in its early stages and to start proper treatment in time. Usually people have symptoms for a few days, before they see doctor to get diagnosis. Sometimes patient think that they have general flu because of the brief period of fever, which may be accompanied by loose stools. The essential criteria for diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome is a tendinous areflexia. It is vital to pay a particular attention to the symmetry of the lesions, sensory disorders and cranial nerve damage. Guillain-Barré syndrome recovery usually begins right after the cessation of the intensifying of the disease, but sometimes it may be delayed for several months.
- Main diagnostic method is electromyography, which assesses responses of electrical impulses to the muscles. Another method is lumbar puncture, when a doctor takes special fluid from the patient's spine to see of there any changes.
Conservative treatment has several therapy options:
- Plasmapheresis will not cure completely the Guillain-Barré syndrome, but it will alleviate the symptoms.
- Monitoring of breathing is important. If lung capacity is less than 25-20 % of estimated volume or in presence of bulbar syndrome, intubation (insertion of tube into trachea) or tracheostomy might be required. It means that a patient is given a tube through which he can freely breathe. Patients with GBC can have hypertension or tachycardia due to insufficient amount of calcium in blood. In that case they may need to have a calcium treatment to normalize their blood circulation. In case of rapid heart beat, beta-blockers are prescribed to slow heart beat. Nevertheless, beta-blockers must be used with caution, because they can decrease the blood pressure too much.
- Acute urinary retention can cause problems with bladder. In such case, a patient will probably need indwelling catheter. For the recovery period doctors prescribe physical therapy to prevent contractures.
The Booking Health website will help you find the best hospital for GBS treatment.
Authors: Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova, Dr. Farrukh Ahmed