Treatment of Silicosis
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Silicosis is an infection, which develops as a result of exposure to the silica dust. Silica dust contains in various cutting and shipping materials, that's why construction workers are most susceptible to it. Silicosis can manifest itself either several weeks after contact with silica dust or several years after. The most common manifestation of silicosis is cough. It can develop over time if contact with silica dust is constant.
There are two types of silicosis: acute and chronic. In acute type a person develops fever and also pain in the chest, which is usually acute. A person may also develop shortness of breath. In chronic type of silicosis, a cough and shortness of breath develop gradually. Also, according to American Lung Association 30% of people with silicosis develop phlegm production. Overall, silicosis is similar in its manifestations to the bronchitis. A person can also have wheezing in the lungs which is common for bronchitis. Such sounds as crackles can also develop. If not treated on time, a person may develop scarring, which is the most serious complication of silicosis. If person`s lips become constantly blue and bluish color is not connected with exposure to the cold temperatures, this is an indicator of the scarring process. This is a medical emergency and a person needs to seek medical help immediately. Swelling of the feet is another sign of scarring. Overall, there are many types of construction which can cause progression of silicosis. In general, any work which disturbs earth's crust, such as mining, construction work or tunnel work, can cause silicosis.
- Cough
- Wheezing
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Cracking
- Discoloration of the lips in progressed stages
- During a general examination, a doctor will listen to the lungs with a stethoscope to determine if there are any strange noise or cracking. Doctor will also inquire a person about his/her professional occupation and whether or not a person wears protective equipment at all times if the work is hazardous.
- A chest X-ray can determine if there is scarring of the tissue and what the damage of silicosis to the lungs was.
- A breathing function test is used to determine if a person can breathe fully.
- Imaging tests are sometimes used to examine the lungs more closely.
- Conservative treatment uses oxygen treatment to support the breathing. A person may also be prescribed inhaled steroids to decrease the amount of sputum production. A person may need bronchodilators to dilate the air tubes. It is impossible to completely treat silicosis, that's why it is so important to always wear protective masks in work, where excavating of the earth is involved.
Authors: Dr. Vadim Zhiliuk, Dr. Sergey Pashchenko