How to elininate noise in the ears | Answers by doctors of Booking Health

What to do with noise in your ears? Answers by doctors of Booking Health

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Patients suffering from the noise in their ears refer to doctors quite often. Tinnitus considerably influences the quality of life, as constant noise causes anxiety. It distracts a person from everyday affairs and often disturbs sleeping at night. Doctors from Booking Health answer patients` most frequently asked questions concerning tinnitus.


  1. Is it dangerous?
  2. Why can I hear noise in the ears?
  3. Is it possible to find out the cause of tinnitus?
  4. What does the throbbing noise in the ears mean?
  5. What if I have noise in my ears?
  6. Where can I undergo an examination?
  7. Is it possible to get rid of tinnitus forever?
  8. What treatment methods are used?

Is it dangerous?


Not always, but in some cases the symptom can be a sign of a serious organic pathology. These can be malignant tumors of the ear or auditory nerve. Brain damage is also possible. Typically, the central origin of noise means that the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemispheres was affected. Vascular causes can trigger tinnitus as well. These can be, for example, vascular malformations and aneurysms. They can rupture, which may result in massive bleeding with an unpredictable outcome.

Why can I hear noise in the ears?


There are a lot of reasons that can cause noise in the ears. Vascular pathologies, ENT diseases, oncologic diseases and lesions of the central nervous system are among those ones. Sometimes the symptom is caused by the pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

Is it possible to find out the cause of tinnitus?


In certain cases it is possible to find out the cause of tinnitus, but not always. The reason remains unknown very often. Then, doctors prescribe only symptomatic treatment.

To find out the reason of tinnitus, doctor, first of all, checks, if this noise can be heard by someone else besides the patient. That is, if the noise is caused by real sounds that are produced by muscle or vascular structures. For this doctor conducts an auscultation. He listens to the skull with a phonendoscope. If the doctor can hear the noise, it is considered to be an objective one, and if not – a subjective one.

What to do with noise in your ears?

What does the throbbing noise in the ears mean?


If the noise coincides with heart beats, this clearly indicates its vascular origin. It is not always a disease. Sometimes the peculiarities of jugular veins location cause such sounds. But in some cases, the cause may consist in the presence of vascular malformation or aneurysm. As we have already discussed, these pathologies are very dangerous, especially if the vascular formations reach large sizes.

In addition, the compression of the vessels by external formations can lead to the appearance of noise, which is connected to the pulse. Most often these are benign ear tumors or polyps. Tumors are very dangerous. They often spread into the cranial cavity epidurally or intradurally (into the dura mater).

What if I have noise in my ears?


You will need to have an examination which pursues several goals. First of all, the most dangerous causes of the tinnitus must be confirmed or rejected. Next goal is to find out why you have noise in the ears and how this sound is formed. After that it will become clear, if it’s possible to cure the primary disease.

Where can I undergo an examination?


Only in a good modern hospital the precise cause of tinnitus can be revealed. Specialists of different profiles take part in this process: otolaryngologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, orthopedists, dentists, etc. Various examinations are performed: audiography, tympanometry, CT of the temporal bone and MRI of the brain. Many patients, who do not have financial difficulties, prefer going to Germany for the examination. There you can go through the check up and establish the cause of tinnitus in few days. Unfortunately, in most clinics of developing countries patients remain under-examined, and the cause of the symptom is unclear.

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Is it possible to get rid of tinnitus forever?


As it was mentioned above, there is a bunch of factors that can cause tinnitus. Therefore, we cannot give the unambiguous prognosis. Sometimes you can really get rid of noise forever, for example, if vascular malformation is detected and removed by surgical means. In other situations treatment is prolonged and leads only to a reduction of the symptom, not to its complete elimination. But in any case, most patients manage to achieve significant improvement of the condition with the help of certain therapeutic approaches.

What treatment methods are used?


A great variety of methods can be applied for treatment. These can be surgical interventions, gamma-knife, hearing aid apparatuses, and prescription of medicines. It all depends on the cause of tinnitus. In Germany doctors find out this cause, establish the mechanism of noise development, and then select the most suitable treatment option.

To get medical help in the best German hospitals, you can use help of Booking Health. We have been leaders in the field of medical tourism for many years. Thanks to Booking Health you can choose the best hospital that specializes on the treatment of tinnitus and save up to 70% on medical services. In addition, we will take care of all the organizational issues. 

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The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Vadim ZhiliukDr. Nadezhda Ivanisova. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!





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