TOP 10 Rejuvenation Techniques. Booking Health

TOP 10 Rejuvenation Techniques

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To our deepest regret, everyone is aging sooner or later. People hunt for various ways on how to stay young and beautiful for a little longer. Unlike before, now it is possible to eliminate wrinkles and other signs of aging, as there are plenty methods that allow to slow this unpleasant process.

The hottest ways of facial skin rejuvenation are:

Laser face peeling is provided with no doubt in every single beauty parlor. They remove the keratinized skin layer, after which the process of tissue regeneration starts, and young cells are formed. Meanwhile, the surface skin layer is detached. Deep peeling is able to get rid of those small lines (wrinkles) and also to eliminate acne and other minor defects. Still, it has to be mentioned, that this procedure is traumatic and must be performed by only skillful professional.

A single procedure of laser face peeling costs are different:

  • Russia - $40
  • USA - $120
  • Arab countries - $60

Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a way of facial polishing that involves targeting the upper skin layers under high pressure. Procedure is done with the use of a special device supervised by a doctor. Micro resurfacing involves application of solid substances micro crystals-like aluminum hydroxide. They aren’t absorbed by the skin masses and they don’t clog the skin pores. Micro resurfacing is gentle and does not require anesthesia.

Costs  of facial, neck and décolleté microcrystalline dermabrasion are:

  • Russia - $80
  • USA -$200
  • Arab countries -$180

PRP-auto rejuvenation or PRP –therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy) presupposes the use of your own blood to fight skin aging. Platelet mass isolated from the blood helps to get an auto gel by centrifugation containing unbroken fibrin and enriched with growth factors. These stimulate face and body cell renewal and tissue regeneration.

Prices for one procedure in different countries are:

  • Russia - $100
  • USA -$270
  • Arab countries -$170

LPG-massage of face was used initially for removal of cellulite. Same technique is now widely applied to remove small lines and uneven skin masses on the body. A special device does the massage, thus stimulating the production of collagen fibers. You can see the effect already after several procedures.

Prices for a series of procedures are:

  • Russia - $160
  • USA - $450
  • Arab countries - $380


Mesotherapy has recently become highly popular. It is based on the active substances injection into the skin which stimulates tissue regeneration. Mesotherapy helps to smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate unevenness and rash on the face. The method is quite effective, though it requires preliminary medical examination to identify contraindications (bleeding disorders, susceptibility to allergies, pregnancy), if any.

Prices for a series of procedures are:

  • Russia - $250
  • USA -$520
  • Arab countries - $700

Photo rejuvenation (non-ablative wrinkle reduction with the laser system) is basically exposing the skin to light rays of broad spectrum. Positive effect can be already seen after several sessions: the pores become narrow, pigmentation and redness disappear, and wrinkles break down. Besides, photo rejuvenation improves face color and eliminates signs of aging without any harm to the body.

Prices for face, neck and décolleté area in different countries vary:

  • Russia - $170
  • USA - $480
  • Arab countries - $350

RF-lifting is a trendy technique when radio waves impact onto the skin. They deeply penetrate into the soft tissues activating collagen production. As a result, small lines disappear and new wrinkles are prevented. RF-lifting eliminates skin flabbiness, unevenness and scars that have arisen after acne.

Price for a single procedure is:

  • Russia - $150
  • USA - $240
  • Arab states - $280

Botox injections have long been highly popular among women. The essence of rejuvenation lies in the introduction of botulinum toxin into the facial muscles. Muscle fibers relax under its influence and even deep wrinkles break down. You can see the result immediately and it lasts for about 6 to 8 months. Procedure is safe and rarely presents some complications which are completely reversible, if any.

The price for the administration of botulinum toxin is:

  • Russia - $200
  • USA - $350
  • Arab states - $300

Thread face lift means they are going to put special threads under your skin, then tighten them thereby smoothing wrinkles and other defects. Thread face correction helps to get rid of flabby skin not only on the face, but also in the neck area.

Approximate prices for a procedure are:

  • Russia - $700
  • USA - $3000
  • Arab states - $1500

Plastic surgery will allow you to get rid of excess of skin folds, tighten the skin, smooth even deep wrinkles, greatly rejuvenating the face. Surgical face lift is often combined with the various kinds of plastic surgeries like blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, etc. Plastic surgery effects are good for several years and then you can decide onto refresh the results.

Prices depend on a bunch of factors. Approximate price of face lifting with SMAS fixation is:

  • Russia - $2000
  • USA - $1000
  • Arab states - $7000

Alternative ways of face rejuvenating still exist. Each of them has its own pros and cons. It is desired that you talk to the specialist before doing anything to the face as he or she will choose for you the most suitable method of rejuvenation.


Choose treatment abroad and you will for sure get the best results!



The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova and Dr. Sergey Pashchenko. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!



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