Check-up in Germany - comprehensive medical examinations for an all round sound bill of health
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Check-up – is a preventative diagnostics programme. A person undergoes various tests and instrumental diagnostic procedures despite the fact that he or she doesn’t have any symptoms or any reason to suspect an illness. It is recommended to have a regular check-up for the timely detection of any disease. Illnesses are better and easily treated during their early stages.
What is a check-up?
In most cases, a person is examined only when he is sick. Once having certain symptoms, he is referred to a clinic, where he is sent to undergo tests and have instrumental examination. Nonetheless, conscious people take care of their health by going for regular check-ups, with the goal of preventing an early detection of possible diseases. Usually these are safe studies that provide general information on the structures and functions of individual organs and systems.
There are various kinds of check-ups. This can be a general exam, aimed at the assessment of different organs and its function. Otherwise, this can be a check-up for a specific disease groups.
In Germany, for instance, the following kinds of check-ups are conducted:
You can undergo a general but broad based check-up as well. It includes deep diagnostics of various organs and body systems. Normally, blood tests (clinical, chemistry), urine, faeces, ultrasound and MRI of the whole body are included. Level of various hormones is determined by the blood test, oncological, cardiovascular and other diseases markers are tracked. Sometimes instrumental endoscopic examinations (gastroscopy, colonoscopy) are carried out.
Who needs a check-up?
You have to undergo a check-up if you:
- Want to ensure good health, to live a long, wholesome life, retaining physical and mental capacity for work.
- Feel alert, have mild symptoms, and want to determine the cause of their appearance (headache, malaise, fatigue, "bruises" under the eyes, etc.).
- Have hereditary pathology (your relatives have genetic or other diseases that threaten life or reduce its quality).
- Didn’t lead a healthy lifestyle lately and now you want to find out whether this has negatively affected your health status.
- Have children who often get sick (in this case they should have a check-up).
- Professionally engaged in sports, work in a harmful environment, frequently stressed out, experience great psycho-emotional or physical stress.
All people after the age of 40 must regularly undergo diagnostic tests even in the absence of any symptoms.
Check-up benefits are:
- The ability to assess the state of your body for a short period of time. A basic examination takes only a few hours. You need to do just 1 or 2 visits to the clinic.
- The likelihood of disease in its early stages, when the symptoms are not yet there. This allows you to quickly carry out treatment, even before the active progression of pathology.
- Detection of minor changes in the analyses, which will allow the lifestyle correction in time and prevent the development of diseases in the future.
People in the developed countries have check-ups every year. This is one of the reasons why people in the USA, Japan, Israel, Germany and other prosperous states live so long.
Benefits of the check-up in Germany
You can have a check-up in any country of the world.However, a check-up in Germany has outright benefits:
- Highly precise diagnostics. Thanks to innovative equipment and high-quality supplies, great experience and an overly qualified team of doctors, the risk of diagnostic error is close to zero.
- Availability of modern research methods. Some laboratory tests or diagnostic activities that are conducted in Germany are not available in most international hospitals.
- Patient’s comfort. Many studies causes discomfort or pain. In Germany, doctors monitor not only the effectiveness of diagnostic measures, but also try to achieve a good level of tolerance. Special devices or medications are used (depending on the type of study) to reach this goal.
The examination in Germany takes anything from a few hours to 2-3 days, depending on the programme chosen. Right now you can choose a hospital where you will undergo the check-up. This can be done with the help of the Booking Health abroad reservation booking service.
Here you can:
- Find a hospital (or leave a request so that we can find the most suitable healthcare institution for you)
- View prices and choose the option that best works for you
- View the details of the research programme
If you have any difficulties with choosing a check-up programme, please feel free to contact our team for assistance. They will select the best examination programme that will meet your need. At the same time will ensure a decent level of frugality, so that you do not overpay for unnecessary diagnostic procedures.
Contact Booking Health so that you can:
- Save up to 70% on diagnostics
- Choose the best programme for you
- Resolve all domestic and organisational issues
- Undergo urgent diagnostics
- Obtain all necessary information about treatment and examination abroad
Timely passage of the diagnostic check-up programme ensures a chance to identify possible pathological processes in the body at an early stage and, if necessary, receive timely treatment.
Choose treatment abroad and you will for sure get the best results!
The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova and Alexandra Solovey. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!
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