Booking Health 🏥 Hospital and the best health care booking service in the world

Smart search

A unique AI-powered ranking system analyzes multiple factors every day to find the best doctors and medical programs around the world. We not only collect information, but also maintain a multi-factor rating of clinics, which significantly simplifies the search for the best treatment option for our patients. You will always find the best price-quality ratio. In addition to the benefits offered by our unique AI-powered rating system, our clients receive personalized advice from our highly qualified team of doctors. Our team of doctors ensures that each client receives optimal treatment in the world's best hospitals.

Control & Cost reduction

Our network includes not only clinics, but also highly qualified agencies that assist our clients on a daily basis in planning and undergoing treatment programs. Thanks to certified and repeatedly optimized processes, we control the work of clinics at all stages, monitor the quality of medical services and reduce the cost of treatment. Our highly qualified team of doctors is responsible for control. Even after completing a medical care program, our clients will continue to receive support from our medical team and physicians at the hospital they were treated at for 12 months at no additional cost. Thanks to our cooperation with the world's leading hospitals, our clients can save up to 60%.

Insurance against price increase

When organizing treatment through Booking Health, our patients have a huge advantage because Booking Health provides 100% insurance protection against unforeseen complications. We protect our patients from unexpected cost increases and ensure that their financial planning is as secure as possible. Booking Health's internal insurance is valid for 48 months and protects our patients against increased costs up to €200,000.

Top Destinations

History of our patients

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Why patients choose Booking Health™?

Prompt Service Delivery
Booking Health GmbH

Within 30 seconds you can search an appropriate medical care program and select your choice of clinic. You will find a full description of all medical care programs, along with duration of stay in the clinic and total cost involved.

Healthcare agents

Generally agents require anywhere from 24 hours and up to 7 days for feedback to clients due to a complex and slow medical tourism organizational system. These agents do not have direct contracts with clinics and have to wait for the processing of their request in the order of arrival.

Hospital directly

May require anywhere between 2 - 8 weeks, while waiting for the response due to not having priority privileges. Many clinics do not offer any medical care program without a consultation.

Cost of treatment
Booking Health GmbH

When concluding an agreement with medical institutions, we agree on the optimal prices for medical programs for Booking Health.

Healthcare agents

Insufficient transparency - this may lead to a significant price increase. Agents may take advantage of the difficult situation that the patients are in, and increase the final price on medical care programs.

Hospital directly

Foreign patients do not have insurance, so many hospitals include an extra charge for risk in the cost (an average of 25-75%).

Set program cost
Booking Health GmbH

In case of severe complications, all additional costs will be covered by medical insurance.

Healthcare agents

In 80% of cases prices on medical care programs increase during the treatment. Final treatment cost can increase several times than originally planned.

Hospital directly

In case of complications or unforeseen situations, the money will be charged additionally on top of the original basic price. If there is not enough funds, then the patient is liable for additional expenses.

Transparent pricing
Booking Health GmbH

It is easy to know what you are paying for. All medical care programs on the Booking Health website are described in detail. Patients receive a detailed description of medical services provided by the hospital as well as relevant services from Booking Health.

Healthcare agents

Often patients are not provided with a detailed list of planned diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within their medical care program - only a generalized list. This makes things difficult for tracking prices of separate procedures.

Hospital directly

Many hospitals do not provide patients with a list of planned diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, but only the final amount that the patient has to pay. It is not possible to track prices of separate procedures.

Insurance in case of possible complications
Booking Health GmbH

All medical tours from Booking Health are insured by a well-trusted German insurance company. International patients booking medical tours through the Booking Health website do not have to pay additional insurance costs, which comprise up to 50% of the program price.

Healthcare agents

No insurance. No money return due to unspent cash after the completion of medical care program.

Hospital directly

No insurance available. Patients end up having to pay around 55% above the initial treatment quote. If a refund is given after the medical program is completion, it can take from 6 to 9 months to actually receive it.

Booking Health makes the world of medical tourism accessible to everyone at an affordable price
Patients from 75 countries have chosen Booking Health™

Booking Health™ is the largest and the most transparent medical travel service in the world. Over 250 hospitals in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, India, Costa Rica, Turkey, Thailand, Poland, Hungary, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, and Japan are presented on our website. Before becoming the part of website, each hospital is thoroughly checked for the number of successful and safe operations, level of technical equipment, comfort of stay, and other indicators.

Over 700,000 medical programs are available on the website. These are programs of basic and full preventive examination (check-up), individual diagnostics in difficult clinical cases, outpatient and inpatient treatment, rehabilitation, and SPA resort.

Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for patients from all countries to choose online a hospital which offers the best for them medical program, check the cost of this program and order it at the best price. To make the most advantageous decision, a patient and his relatives can study detailed information about the hospitals’ certificates, achievements of the physician, treatment methods and costs for services.

When choosing between several leading medical institutions, a patient can seek for the professional advice of our doctors. Thanks to the help of Booking Health™ medical specialists, more than 73,000 patients have already received the necessary treatment, including the innovative techniques which are not available in their native country.

We take care about the comfort and confidence of our clients. After choosing the medical program, we help a patient and his accompanying person to receive a visa. Also we assist in the translation of medical documents, flight and accommodation booking, interpreting services, control of the medical services costs and domestic issues. Our patients have insurance against complications during a treatment in the amount of 200,000 €.

If the patient cannot travel to another country for treatment due to the severity of the condition or for other reasons, Booking Health™ arranges a telemedicine consultation with the necessary healthcare professional. Thus, the patient can receive a conservative treatment regimen or recommendations for preparing for surgery without leaving his native country. By sending medical records and images through the E-doc electronic document management system, foreign doctors can study the results of preliminary examinations and make individual recommendations.

In addition to helping patients, Booking Health™ pays attention to the development of the global medical sphere and improving the quality of medical services worldwide. The company has founded the MHS Academy which is a training and certification organization that encourages hospitals to implement and maintain global standards for the safety and effectiveness of treatment. Experts from the MHS Academy evaluate the current resources of medical institutions and develop individual strategies for improving their work.

Our mission is to ensure price transparency and quality into the medical tourism market, and to provide patients from any country with the opportunity to receive the necessary treatment abroad with maximum comfort.

Your advantages when you choose Booking Health

Prompt arrangement of hospital appointment in the event of an emergency. (appointments with leading medical professionals anywhere in the world, possibly made within 24 hours)
The customers of Booking Health™ can undergo treatment abroad in many clinics at a lower price.
Fixed final price (no additional cost will be added in case of complications)