The FiLaC laser therapy | Booking Health

The FiLaC laser therapy in patients with pilonidal sinus

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The pilonidal sinus can be a reason of abscesses and other complications. The only way to get rid of this pathology radically is the surgical intervention. However, the operation poses certain risks and is associated with need for a postoperative recovery. Therefore, minimally invasive pilonidal sinus treatment methods are used in Germany. FiLaC laser therapy is one of them.


  1. What is the pilonidal sinus?
  2. Treatment methods
  3. Treatment with the help of FiLaC laser
  4. How to go to Germany?

What is the pilonidal sinus?


The pilonidal sinus is a congenital defect in which the epithelial coccygeal ducts are formed. It occurs in skin of the intergluteal fold and ends blindly in the subcutaneous fat tissue. The pilonidal sinus does not reach the coccyx or sacrum.

The reason of the pathology is incomplete reduction of tail muscles during the prenatal period. Sinus looks like a thin epithelial tube. This disease does not occur very often. In average, 1 in 1500 children is born with the pilonidal sinus.

Treatment methods


The pilonidal sinus does not cause a significant discomfort. But it accumulates metabolic products of the epithelial tissue. The inflammatory processes may develop here in the future. They may start after injury, and sometimes without any prerequisites.

In the most unfavorable cases, an abscess forms inside the sinus. It requires emergent surgical treatment. This complication is potentially life threatening as purulent foci can spread. To avoid this, the sinus is treated with antiseptic solutions.

But conservative treatment only protects against an infection without eliminating the basic cause of the pathology. Therefore, patients require radical treatment. It is a plastic surgery. The epithelial coccygeal duct is cut out. Further, the open treatment of the wound is possible or its partial suturing. Skin plastic surgery is performed for the best cosmetic effect.


Treatment with the help of FiLaC laser


In Germany, the FiLaC laser therapy is often used in patients with pilonidal sinus. This procedure has a number of benefits in contrast to standard surgical treatment methods during which the following complications can occur:

  • There is a risk of infectious complications.
  • Scars can form. Frequency of their occurrence reaches 20% in case of the infectious complications.
  • The operation is traumatic. Working capacity is lost for 1-2 weeks.
  • Surgical treatment is worse tolerated by the patient. There is often a need for the constant intake of painkillers during the postoperative period. Regular treatment of wound, which often remains open, is required.
  • Also, it may be necessary to perform the skin plastic surgery.

A flexible fiber is inserted into the epithelial duct during the non-invasive treatment with the FiLaC laser. The laser radiates energy to the walls of pilonidal sinus, destroying the pathological tissue, and the pilonidal sinus is healed.

This procedure has many advantages, such as:

  • There is no risk of infection. The intervention is carried out in a virtually non-contact manner. The tissues are destroyed by laser, and not by scalpel. Due to the thermal effect, the FiLaC laser destroys all bacteria in the wound, which makes the risk of inflammatory process minimal.
  • There is no hemorrhage. The operation with the FiLaC laser is low-impact. The damaged blood vessels are immediately coagulated by the laser itself due to the high temperature.
  • Short postoperative period. The tissues are not damaged severely, so the person does not require much time for recovery. There is no need in hospitalization. The FiLaC laser therapy can be performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Scars do not appear. The pilonidal sinus is "sealed" from the inside. There are no cuts, no damage of the skin deeper layers. Therefore, a good esthetic result is achieved.

The FiLaC laser is effective regardless of the length and shape of the pilonidal sinus. This is a modern method of treatment, which will help to get rid of this congenital defect for good. Moreover, this procedure will help to do it quickly, painlessly, without long recovery and risk of complications.

How to go to Germany?


You can use services of the company Booking Health in order to organize a trip to Germany and receive the pilonidal sinus treatment with the FiLaC laser. The specialists of Booking Health will help you in the following important aspects:

  • Choosing the right clinic based on the annual qualification profile
  • Establishing communication directly with your doctor
  • Preparing medical program in advance, without repeating previous examinations
  • Providing favorable costs, without overpricing and additional coefficients for foreign patients (saving up to 50%)
  • Booking the appointment on the necessary date
  • Monitoring medical program at all stages
  • Help in buying and forwarding of medicines
  • Communication with the clinic after treatment completion
  • Control of invoices and return of unspent funds
  • Organization of additional examinations
  • Offering service of the highest level: booking hotels and plane tickets, transfer organization

Booking Health makes new treatment methods available for patients from all over the world. Leave your request for the FiLaC laser treatment on the website of the company Booking Health, and our specialist will contact you the same day in order to discuss details of the trip.


Choose treatment abroad and you will for sure get the best results!


The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Nadezhda IvanisovaDr. Farrukh Ahmed. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!



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