What types of diseases are treated with Cyber Knife? | Booking Health

What types of diseases are treated with Cyber Knife?

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CyberKnife is a modern treatment method that allows removing volumetric formations in hard-to-reach areas of the human body (brain, lungs) without using any surgical access. This is a kind of radiation therapy that is characterized by the high precision of radiation focusing. Tissues with pathological changes receive a high radiation dose during the single procedure, while healthy tissues are practically not affected. Let's talk about diseases that can be treated with the CyberKnife technology.


  1. Which conditions besides tumors can be treated with CyberKnife?
  2. Benefits of the CyberKnife
  3. Where is it possible to receive such treatment?

Which conditions besides tumors can be treated with CyberKnife?


In the vast majority of cases, CyberKnife is used for the treatment of malignant tumors. CyberKnife Systems are purchased by oncological centers because they serve one of the radiation therapy types performed.

However, with the help of this method, it is possible to treat not only malignant neoplasms in the hard-to-reach areas but also other pathologies, such as:

1. Arteriovenous malformations.

These are pathological connections of veins and arteries. They are often detected in the brain. A vascular "bag" is formed and may gradually expand. Blood accumulates in it. Arteriovenous malformations are very dangerous. If a malformation reaches a large size, it may compress nearby brain structures and cause neurological symptoms. But the main danger consists in the possibility of arteriovenous malformation rupture, which can lead to a life-threatening hemorrhage. Therefore, treatment is required in the case of pathology detection.

A surgical method can be used to remove arteriovenous malformation. But often, the malformation is located in hard-to-reach areas. Open surgeries are very traumatic. Endovascular interventions are not always possible. CyberKnife is used precisely in such cases.

The effectiveness of this method depends on a number of factors:

  • Localization of the malformation
  • Size of the malformation
  • Hemodynamic characteristics
  • Interrelation with neighboring neurovascular structures

Due to the high precision of irradiation, there is no risk of damaging vital structures of the brain or optic nerves. Irradiation is carried out in low doses, in one or two procedures. The effectiveness of the treatment is quite high. Even large malformations of more than 5 cm can be removed. Up to 70% of patients are completely cured after the first procedure – the obliteration of malformation is observed (this means that the blood does not pass through it anymore; therefore, there is no risk of rupture). It occurs within three years after the first treatment session. If necessary, a doctor conducts the second session of irradiation. The total effectiveness of two procedures within 25 months of observation after the second irradiation is 92%.

The mechanism of CyberKnife action includes damage to blood vessel walls by ionizing irradiation. A damaged vascular wall launches the proliferative processes. As a result, pathologic vessels gradually inosculate, and the blood flow through them stops.

2. Pituitary gland diseases - Pituitary Adenoma.

The pituitary gland produces a number of hormones. Sometimes their amount becomes too excessive. As a result, endocrine diseases develop. Often, benign tumors such as adenomas can be detected in the pituitary gland in case of hormone hyperproduction. Sometimes there is no large tumor, but biologically active substances are still produced in excessive amounts. In this case, the doctor may suspect pituitary microadenoma.

The main hormones production which can be increased include:

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The thyroid function is stimulated, and thyrotoxicosis arises in case of the initial increase of thyroid-stimulating hormone level.
  • The adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) causes Cushing's disease if it is produced in a tremendous amount.
  • Growth hormone. Excessive production of the growth hormone in childhood causes gigantism. In adulthood, it leads to acromegaly development.
  • Prolactin. Hyperprolactinemia leads to infertility and many other unpleasant symptoms in both men and women.

Sometimes hyperproduction of gonadotropins, namely, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, can also be detected. At first, drugs are prescribed for the treatment of all these diseases. If medicamentous correction of the endocrine profile is not possible, then surgical treatment is performed. CyberKnife is used as a safer alternative to conventional interventions. Irradiation destroys the pituitary gland's hormone-producing cells and allows for the reduction of levels of hormones to the normal values. Clinical remission lasts from 2 to 7 years. In some cases, the pathology can be cured for good. If a relapse occurs, then irradiation of the pituitary gland can be repeated.

3. Trigeminal neuralgia.

In the case of trigeminal neuralgia, a person constantly suffers from severe pain. Pain can be so severe that it influences night sleep. Even narcotic analgesics do not always help.

CyberKnife helps to solve the problem. Single irradiation of the area where the trigeminal nerve exits the brain stem is performed. Although this nerve has a mixed function, it is both sensitive and motor; only sensitive fibers are subject to the irradiation.

A small area of 4 to 6 mm is irradiated. Healthy tissues are not affected. The procedure is performed once using a dose from 60 to 80 Gy. After that, the pain syndrome is reduced or eliminated.


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Benefits of the CyberKnife


CyberKnife has certain advantages over the other methods of irradiation, including Gamma Knife. This method of treatment has the highest accuracy. The high-dose irradiation is created only in certain parts of the human body. The neighboring healthy tissues receive less than 10% of the entire therapeutic radiation dose.

The exposure accuracy reaches tenths of a millimeter. It is possible to remove tumors or vascular malformations of a larger size with the help of CyberKnife compared to Gamma Knife.

Other benefits:

  • There is no need to fix the patient's head with the stereotactic frame.
  • Anesthesia is not required as the intervention is absolutely painless.
  • Treatment planning after the patient’s body part scanning is carried out without his participation.
  • Hospitalization is not required. A patient leaves the clinic immediately after the procedure.
  • When the irradiation zone is shifted during the procedure, the photon beam is automatically redirected.
  • Monitoring of the patient's position and photon beam targeting are repeated before each ionizing radiation impulse.
  • The maximum error of targeting does not exceed 0.5 millimeters.
  • There is no blood loss or pain.
  • Irradiation of several tumors or other formations can be performed during a single procedure.

With the help of CyberKnife, a doctor can remove formations up to 6 cm in diameter. At the same time, loss of surrounding healthy tissues is no more than 0.1-0.3 mm from the edge of a tumor or arteriovenous malformation.

Where is it possible to receive such treatment?


Treatment with CyberKnife can be performed in several European clinics, including the following medical institutions:

The European Cyberknife Centre Munich-Grosshadern has worked since 2005 in the German city of Munich. Since the opening of the center, more than 6.000 operations with the help of CyberKnife have been carried out here.

The CyberKnife Center Cologne works as part of the University Hospital Cologne, Germany. It specializes in the treatment of oncological diseases. It ranks among the top hospitals in the country, according to Focus magazine.

The Medicana International Ankara Hospital has the Department of Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine and CyberKnife System. It offers comprehensive treatment programs for patients with oncological diseases at affordable prices.

On the official website of the company Booking Health, you will find detailed information about all specialized clinics which successfully perform the CyberKnife therapy. When planning treatment abroad, the company Booking Health offers help in such important aspects:

  • Choosing the right clinic based on the annual qualification profile
  • Establishing communication directly with your doctor
  • Preparing medical program in advance, without repeating previous examinations
  • Providing favorable costs without overpricing and additional coefficients for foreign patients (saving up to 50%)
  • Booking the appointment on the necessary date
  • Monitoring medical programs at all stages
  • Help in buying and forwarding medicines
  • Communication with the clinic after treatment completion
  • Control of invoices and return of unspent funds
  • Organization of additional examinations
  • Offering service of the highest level: booking hotels and plane tickets, transfer organization


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The article was edited by medical experts, board certified doctors Dr. Vadim ZhiliukDr. Sergey Pashchenko. For the treatment of the conditions referred to in the article, you must consult a doctor; the information in the article is not intended for self-medication!





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