Treatment of Breast fat Tissue Necrosis
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Breast fat tissue necrosis is a condition, characterized by formation of dead fat tissue in the breast. It usually has form of a lump. Breast fat tissue necrosis can develop as a result of a previous trauma or surgery on the breast. In some cases seat belt burn, which is common among professional drivers, who drive for many hours, is another precipitating cause of this condition. It usually has similar manifestations as breast cancer, that`s why it poses challenge for proper diagnosis. Nonetheless, breast fat tissue necrosis is mostly a benign condition, which is dangerous only at the prospect of a possible infection. It develops when fatty tissues become extremely bruised or damaged by certain environmental factors. Breast fat tissue necrosis can also develop as a result of previous biopsy. These fatty tissues, which cause appearance of breast fat tissue necrosis, with time turn into the scar tissue. More commonly, they can become part of fatty cyst, which collects liquid inside of it.
Breast fat tissue necrosis has most commonly a very dense shape, that`s why it may look malignant. In some cases, certain injections of silicone and other substances can also provoke development of a breast fat tissue necrosis. Over the time of its development, a breast fat tissue necrosis can change its appearance several times from a hard lump to a squishy cyst, which is moving under the skin. The only manifestation that remains the same is the uncomfortable feeling in the breast.
- Hard lump in the breast
- Thickened skin
- Breast pain
- Tender swollen breasts
- Moving cyst in case of fat tissue turning into fatty cyst
- Bruising in the area of a fat tissue
- During general examination doctor will feel the tissue and try to determine the type of a lump or a cyst patient is having. Usually it is not enough.
- Mammogram, which is an imaging test of a breast, is ordered to examine the lump and determine its nature.
- Ultrasound of the breast can determine if a woman has fatty cyst.
- Biopsy can confirm the diagnosis and rule out the possibility of a cancer.
- Partial resection is a surgery used to completely remove the dead fat tissue and to prevent development of any infection in the future.
- Lumpectomy is also used to remove the dead fat tissue, so that it does not cause any further discomfort or pain.
- Drainage can be used if a woman is diagnosed with fatty cyst and it can be completely drained.
Authors: Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova, Dr. Sergey Pashchenko