Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treatment
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Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition that causes bumps to develop under their skin, near the sweat glands. There is no cure for this condition; rather, the bumps come and go as flare-ups and remission. However, there are medications which alleviate the symptoms during the flare-up periods.
Sweat glands are located under the arms and also in the groin area. These glands are also known as apocrine glands. They are mostly located in places where hair grows. Usually, the bumps that develop are swollen and painful to touch. In some cases they can also become infected, becoming pus-filled boils or abscesses that may later burst. These bumps can also smell badly and can leave scars.
Hidradenitis suppurativa tends to develop in teenagers and young adults who have recently gone through puberty. The cause of hidradenitis suppurativa has not yet been identified. However, it does seem to be hereditary. Obesity and alcoholism can also contribute to the development of this condition in people who have a genetic predisposition to it. Hidradenitis suppurativa is more common among women than men.
- Bumps under the skin
- Itching
- The bumps may accumulate pus
- The condition is characterized by flare-ups and remission periods
- Bumps tend to reappear at the same spot
- Bad smell coming from the bump
- During a general examination, the doctor will ask the patient how often they have had bumps appear under their skin and how long these flare-ups usually last.
- The patient will be asked whether the bumps form pus and whether they burst open. The doctor will then examine the skin for signs of bumps and possible scarring.
- Conservative treatment, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can be used to alleviate the symptoms.
- The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics or hormones to alleviate the pain.
- Radical top skin layer removal with plastic reconstruction is a surgical procedure that can be performed in severe cases. The affected skin is removed, and replaced with a skin graft from another part of the patient’s body.
Authors: Dr. Nadezhda Ivanisova, Dr. Farrukh Ahmed