Plastic surgery in Korea is considered one of the most developed branches of medicine. According to the number of aesthetic operations performed per capita, this country ranks first in the world. The clinics in this country perform an average of 16 plastic surgical procedures per 1000 population every year.

Prostate cancer is one of the most widespread tumors. About 3% of men die from this disease in developed countries. The level of medicine in the European Union and the United States makes it possible to successfully cure this pathology, but the approaches to the treatment of patients with prostate cancer in different countries differ significantly.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic recurrent disease associated with inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. The inflammatory process primarily affects hair follicles and then spreads to the apocrine glands. The disease poorly responds to treatment. Hidradenitis suppurativa has a high prevalence affecting 1-4% of the...

When it comes to the treatment of any disease, we primarily think about whether or not there is a total cure. Each doctor makes all the effort to return a patient to his normal everyday life without any complications or limitations. Unfortunately, certain disorders can`t be healed completely due to irreversible changes in the body.

Medical tourism is one of the most popular kinds of world tourism. Foreign medicine doesn’t stay in one place; it develops in leaps and bounds. The international market offers a wide range of services: from the simplest therapeutic procedures to the most complex surgeries. An opinion exists that only very wealthy people are able to afford treatment overseas.

Liposuction is one of the most popular surgeries for improvement of appearance. It allows patients to reduce the severity of obesity immediately, by the removal of excessive subcutaneous fat. The operation is minimally traumatic. Patients recover quickly after it and get good aesthetic results. Liposuction is more often carried out abroad.

Fight against cancer is a world-encompassing task. Scientists and practical doctors are in constant search of new surgical techniques, equipment for irradiation and pharmacotherapeutic remedies. Leading world’s oncological centers gladly provide help to the international patients, contributing to more favorable survival rates in people with different types of cancer all over the globe.

Breast cancer (mammary gland cancer) is one of the most widespread diseases among women, hence, increasing the number of fatalities in the oncological world. Nonetheless, this pathology is successfully treated today if patients receive proper medical care in hospitals with advanced technology and resources. Germany is one of the best countries as far as healthcare is concerned.