Psoriasis is a widespread skin disease. Sometimes it has a rather severe clinical course. In addition to cosmetic defects on the skin, psoriasis causes lesions of the joints and internal organs. The traditional treatment is not always effective. However, new methods of therapy are constantly being developed. Some of them have already...

Biological therapy of cancer based on dendritic cells obtained from the patient’s blood is one of the most efficient means to beat cancer. Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Jäger at Heidelberg University Hospital summarized about the limited and almost primitive approaches of chemotherapy, which involves an injection of the so-called ...

Alopecia treatment is one of the most topical branches of aesthetic medicine in the 21st century. Actually, hair transplantation is the only technique that completely solves the problem of hair loss. This kind of treatment was first proposed in the 1950s by Dr. Orentreich. At that time surgeons used transplantation of whole skin...

The treatment of liver cancer and liver cancer metastases is one of the most complex and challenging tasks in oncology. The diversity of primary malignant tumors poses significant difficulties for both doctors and patients. Even more critical is liver metastasis due to other cancers, with some tumors, such as colon or lung cancer, showing a particular predisposition to form liver metastases.

Neurological rehabilitation is a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at restoration of person’s working capacity or ability to fulfill activities of daily living without assistance after a disease or surgery. Children with cerebral palsy, patients of mature age with strokes and brain injuries, age patients with Parkinson's disease and movement...

Rheumatism or rheumatic fever is a complication of streptococcal infection of the tonsils. It is the result of an inadequate immune response to bacterial inflammation. Immune complexes attack not only streptococci but also normal tissues, heart, joints, skin, and structures of the central nervous system. Rheumatic fever most often...

Thousands of patients visit Israel every year for receiving high-quality medical services at an affordable price. Dozens of modern medical centers operate in the country, where you can take advantage of the latest developments in oncology, neurosurgery, reproductology or other high-tech medical fields. Israel is considered country with the best price-quality ratio in the field of medicine.

Patients with an established diagnosis of prostate cancer often face a difficult choice: either to undergo invasive treatment that may cause severe side effects or to choose a watchful waiting strategy while maintaining quality of life but risking disease progression. VTP TOOKAD® focal therapy is an innovative solution that allows...