According to official statistics from the WHO in 2022, oncological diseases are now the cause of one in every six deaths worldwide. This has encouraged the international medical community to develop new cancer treatment methods and increase the effectiveness of the already existing ones. This is particularly important for patients...
Cryosurgery is a method of tissue destruction using cold. It is used in many areas of medicine, such as urology, gynecology, oncology, cardiology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, and dermatology. Treatment with cryosurgery is becoming increasingly safe and effective as equipment for this procedure improves.
A timely diagnosis of prostate cancer allows for successful treatment in most patients. Modern oncology, however, has reached a point where simply curing cancer is not enough. Ideally, it should be done quickly, without significant physical suffering, without a long recovery, and without complications such as impotence or urinary incontinence.
ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) is a pathology that causes the death of motor neurons. Although ALS is often considered to be a muscular disease, it is actually not. In fact, this is a neurological disease. Only recently scientists began to understand how ALS develops. Since the causes of ALS had been unknown for a long time, ALS treatment was reduced to symptomatic therapy.
No operations or chemotherapy needed? Is that possible? The new drug Opdivo will soon make treatment of the advanced stage melanoma available for the patients all over the world! Unfortunately, European countries face this kind of disease more frequently. Statistics leave much to be desired: lung cancer brings great fear...
The Rafaelo® procedure offers a minimally invasive high success-rate hemorrhoid treatment in Germany, using radiofrequency energy to shrink hemorrhoidal tissue. Ideal for patients with grade II-III internal hemorrhoids, it provides quick relief with minimal pain and rapid recovery. The procedure takes only 15-20 minutes, requires no general anesthesia, and allows for a quick return to normal activities.
Leukemia is a deadly dangerous oncological disease that often attacks children unlike other cancer types. This pathology is impossible to treat with surgery as there is no a single localized tumor that can be removed. Malignant cells quickly spread throughout the body affecting the nearby and distant tissues and organs.
Esophageal surgery is a very complex area of medicine because this organ is located simultaneously in the neck, chest, and abdomen. Most esophageal surgeries are traumatic and unsafe. However, with the help of the surgical system Da Vinci, surgeons can perform surgical interventions of any complexity with a minimally invasive surgical approach instead of large incisions.