Prostate cancer is a widespread oncological disease experienced by older men. Malignant tumors of the prostate can be successfully treated at the early stages. When distant metastases are detected, life prognosis becomes more unfavorable. However, the development of medicine gives patients and healthcare professionals more options.

Female infertility is a condition when conceiving a baby is impossible. Doctor can make appropriate diagnosis based on a number of indicators like: a woman had a regular sexual intercourse during last 12 months but didn’t get pregnant, contraceptives were not used, a male partner is healthy (fertile).

Cervical cancer is one of the most common female oncological diseases. In most countries, it is second to breast cancer. However, in the coming years, the number of this type of cancer cases is expected to decrease. A vaccine was developed that protects women from the main cause of cervical cancer - papillomavirus infection.

Glaucoma is considered to be a disease that generally affects the elderly, because with age the risk of developing this pathology increases. However, this does not necessarily mean that children and young adults can not suffer from glaucoma. Both congenital and acquired glaucoma are sometimes found in children.

Surgical treatment has been considered the "gold standard" for therapy of acute appendicitis for many years. Nevertheless, modern diagnostic methods and effective targeted drugs give many patients a chance to cure the disease with non-surgical measures. If you choose a specialized hospital in Germany, Switzerland...

Dendritic cells for psoriasis play a leading role in the development of the disease. By influencing this link in pathogenesis, physicians can improve treatment outcomes by using dendritic cells in addition to standard therapy. So far, this is an experimental treatment method, but some clinics in Germany are already using it.

Skin lipomatosis is local overgrowth of adipose tissue. Typical lipoma is a benign, painless lump that is "hidden" under the skin during a palpation. In most cases the pathology is connected with no more than aesthetic discomfort, especially as it is located in the face and neck region. Nevertheless, in some patients, lipomas can...

Aortic aneurysm is a life threatening disease that can lead to the patient’s death in any moment as a result of a aneurysm rupture. This diagnosis is established when a diameter of the certain artery fragment expands and exceeds the normal size by at least twice as much. Let’s find out what is an aortic aneurysm, its symptoms and...