The frequency of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system increases with a person’s age. Joint illnesses are considered to be among the most widespread in the world. 10-15% of the working class suffers from these illnesses all over the world. Approximately 30% of people are diagnosed with some kind of joint disease after the age of 50.
Due to changes in the lifestyle, dietary habits and physical activity level GERD affects more and more people in contemporary world. For example, more than 20 million people in the USA currently suffer from this disease. During last few decades GERD treatment options have evolved from symptomatic drug treatment to comprehensive...
Breast cancer is a severe oncological condition, which takes thousands of lives each year. This is the most common oncological condition in terms of prevalence and the first one in terms of mortality. Survival rates are significantly different in various countries. This is solely due to the quality of the medical services provided.
Uterine prolapse is the descent of the uterus. According to some authors, the disease is very common and up to 28% of women experience it. Moreover, 47% of them are of working age at the time of the disease detection. The disease is fraught with a number of complications, such as: urinary incontinence, pelvic inflammatory diseases...
Cervical cancer is widespread, but one of the most treatable oncologic conditions, especially in early diagnosis. Right after detection of the disease all efforts are made to establish its stage and elaborate the most beneficial treatment plan. If a woman wants to have child in future, doctors always take this into consideration...
Lung cancer is a fatal disease, which is extremely difficult to treat despite the current development of medicine. This oncology is increasingly common being one of the most prevalent types of cancer in most countries. Evidently the main reason why lung cancer develops - is due to smoking. However, there are many other risk...
Many pediatric diseases are characterized by severe complications and require highly qualified, high-tech medical care. Faced with the problem, parents spare no time, money, or effort for their child. Therefore, to treat pediatric diseases, it comes as no surprise when German hospitals are found to be at the top of the search list for many...
The specialized Orthopedic Centers and specialized departments of large University Hospitals in Germany offer foreign patients all types of classical joint replacement surgery according to international protocols and uniquely designed techniques by German specialists. The combination of surgeons' experience in sparing minimally...